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in her hood for being a coldhearted gangster, and loves to be in control. He also has a thing for Jayd, but Jayd can’t stand to be anywhere near him.


      The new quarterback on the block, Nigel is a friend of Jayd’s from junior high and also Rah’s best friend, making Jayd’s world even smaller at South Bay High. Nigel is the star football player and dumped his ex-girlfriend at Westingle (Tasha) to be with his new baby-mama-to-be, Mickey. Jayd is caught up in the mix as a friend to them both, but her loyalty lies with Nigel because she’s known him longer and he’s always had her back.


      The rich, white hip-hop kid of the crew, Chance is Jayd’s drama homie and Nellie’s boyfriend, if you let him tell it. He used to have a crush on Jayd and now has turned his attention to Nellie.


      The youngest of Mama’s children and Jayd’s favorite uncle, Bryan is a dj by night and works at the local grocery store during the day. He’s also an acquaintance of both Rah and KJ from playing ball around the hood. Bryan often gives Jayd helpful advice about her problems with boys and hating girls alike. Out of all of Jayd’s uncles, Bryan gives her grandparents the least amount of trouble.


      Jay is more like an older brother to Jayd than her cousin. Like Jayd, he lives with Mama but his mother (Mama’s youngest daughter) left him when he was a baby and never returned. He doesn’t know his father and attends Compton High. He and Jayd often cook together and help Mama around the house.



      1: The Ultimate Betrayal

      2: Cold As Ice

      3: All-Nighter

      4: Verbal Diarrhea

      5: Change Happens

      6: Greener Pastures

      7: Birthday Bequest

      8: Backyard Boogie

      9: Seventeen Candles

      10: The Prodigal Daughter

      11: Sweet Revenge




      The tickle down the right side of my neck distracts me from keeping up with the steady pace of Jeremy’s lips. He started out kissing my left ear and then moved on to my right. Now Jeremy’s focus has returned to my mouth, and I’m glad for it. I love the way his soft lips feel against mine even though him kissing my neck is definitely my next favorite thing. I could lie on this couch with him forever as long as he keeps making me feel this good.

      Jeremy and I have been making out for what seems like hours, but I’m not worried about the time. My phone’s gone off twice since he got here, and I couldn’t care less. I know it’s Rah ready to grill me about seeing Jeremy kiss me on Friday night at the race, but I have nothing to say to him about what we do. I just hope we don’t stop anytime soon. The second time around for Jeremy and me just might be what we both need.

      “I’ll give you a thousand dollars for that thought,” Jeremy says, pulling away from my lips and promptly kissing me on my nose. We both need to come up for air, but not for too long, I hope. It’s been a while since I had a make-out session without having to look over my shoulder for a crazy ex-girlfriend or baby-mama on attack mode.

      “And you probably would, too,” I say, kissing Jeremy on his neck. By the way he’s shaking, I can tell he likes it. I keep kissing, softly biting his flesh as I smile at every involuntary jump he makes.

      “Come on, Jayd. I’m serious,” Jeremy says, kissing me on my right cheek and then again on my ear. If he doesn’t stop, we’re going to get into some serious trouble I know I’m not ready for. I’ll be seventeen in a couple weeks, and all my friends are waiting on me to lose my virginity because I’m the last one in our crew and probably the whole damn school. But I’m not going out like that—not yet. Jeremy continues, “From now on we need to have full disclosure—no secrets. That’s the only way this can work.”

      “Full disclosure? I’m not sure I can do that,” I say, easing my way out from under him and sitting up straight on the small couch that doubles as my weekend bed at my mother’s apartment. The couch was already a mess before Jeremy got here, and now it looks like a tornado hit it. The pillows are strewn across the living room floor, with my sheets and blanket across the coffee table. If my mom walked in right now she’d be more upset by the mess in her apartment than the boy making out with her daughter.

      “Why not?” Jeremy asks in that innocent way of his that makes my heart melt. He’s so adorable when he’s on a mission for information. “Look, Jayd, I’m serious about having a committed relationship with you, and that means we have to be completely honest with each other, even if it means having to hear something we might not want to. So what’s on your mind?”

      I look into Jeremy’s blue eyes and see his sincerity. But I still don’t feel comfortable telling him everything about how I, Mama, and my mom get down.

      “Because, Jeremy, there are some things I can never tell you or anyone else about my life,” I say as Jeremy sits up next to me. “It’s not that I don’t want to tell you or that I’m keeping anything from you on purpose. It’s just the way it is. I hope you can understand.” I really, really do. Me being a voodoo priestess is a big adjustment for Jeremy, I know. But it’s a nonnegotiable part of my life that all my friends have learned to deal with in one way or another.

      “I can respect that, Lady J. I can’t help but hope that one day you can tell me everything, no holds barred.” Jeremy pulls me into his arms, and I accept his warm embrace. He always smells fresh, like Irish Spring and seawater. It must be from all the surfing he does on a daily basis. “Anyway, I have to get going. I’m meeting the gang at the pier and still need to get my boards from my bro,” he says, kissing me on the back of my neck before letting me go.

      “Not yet,” I say, rising with him. “We’ve got all day.” I know I have a ton of things to do before I head back to my grandmother’s house in Compton this evening, but all that can wait if he’ll stay.

      “Ah, baby, I wish I could stay and hang, but we have a surf competition coming up, and we’re in need of some serious practice.” I never knew surfing was more than a hobby to Jeremy. I had no idea he competed outside of his crew, just like I didn’t know that he and Chance drag raced for money. It seems like I have a lot to learn about my elusive friend.

      “Full disclosure, huh? You have a few secrets of your own I’m not privy to, don’t you, Mr. Weiner?” I ask, pushing him on his lower back as we walk to the front door. He’s got a cute butt for a white boy, and I love his strong, tan legs, even if they are covered in hair.

      “We all do. But for you, Miss Jackson, I’ll be an open book.” Jeremy turns around and strokes my face with the back of his right hand before bending down for one last kiss. I gently grab the back of his head, entangling my fingers in his thick curls. Jeremy’s hands move from my face down to my waist, and he pulls me in closer. Here we go again.

      “Damn. Do you have to go now?” I whine as he releases me from his embrace. Jeremy opens the door and steps over the threshold, officially ending our make-up make-out afternoon. Every time Jeremy kisses me like this, I feel swept away in the moment. This fool’s got some power over me, and we both know it.

      “I love you, too, Jayd,” Jeremy says, kissing me on the forehead before jogging down the stairs without allowing me to respond. That fool just said he loved me and ran off. What the hell?

      I step back inside and close the door as my phone rings once again. I push the silence button and notice the time, realizing I need to get a move on, too. I just remembered I was supposed to meet my crew at Nigel’s house about an hour ago. No wonder Rah’s been texting and calling me like

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