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difficult times; afterwards fulfill the promises you made.

      Today, it’s your day to shine for him once again.


      Lord, you are the oxygen, the air we breathe. Please help me shine your light wherever I am today and not wait for rough air to do so, but instead ensure the path is smooth for anyone I meet. Amen.

       Because God Knows Your Name

      But now, says the LORD—the one who created you, Jacob, the one who formed you, Israel: Don’t fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; when through the rivers, they won’t sweep over you.

      —Isaiah 43:1-2

      God always remembers your name. Sure, he has millions and millions of people on his roster, but somehow when it comes to you, he knows you right away. He doesn’t have to slip quietly to the side and ask someone else to remind him who you are. Why? Because you are his!

      When someone knows you well and has a relationship with you that is that familiar, they do their best to help you in the hard times and be with you when you might feel alone. God does that too, only he is always with you, always at your side and won’t leave you alone. He wants you to hear him call your name as he puts out the welcome mat.

      Scary things will come up. Hard times will hit you. You won’t know what to do every time. The good news is this: God put your name in before you got there, so he made a reservation for you to walk right up to him and let him know what is going on.

      Know that he has called you by name, and you may call on him for help.

      Just call on him any time you need his help.


      Lord, wherever I am today, I pray that you will be near me, guiding and guarding me. Thank you for knowing my name. Amen.

       God’s Good Purpose for You

      God is the one who enables you both to want and to actually live out his good purposes.

      —Philippians 2:13

      You live and breathe and work and dance for only one reason: You have a purpose in this life. You were born to carry out a particular job for God, and he invites you every day to keep seeking that purpose. You may identify it in some way through the things you feel passionate about since God inspires your passions. You may see it through the eyes of compassion, the tears you shed on behalf of others who are in pain.

      Whatever calls you, whatever rings truth in your ears so loudly it won’t go away, is more than likely a piece of the puzzle, a piece of the mission and the thing you can define as your purpose. You are the only one who can actually fulfill it, the only one given that particular assignment. Oh sure, God will reassign your task if he has to, if for some reason you don’t choose to complete it, but when you return home, he won’t ask how many church services you attended, he’ll ask how often you attended to the needs of those around you and how many ways you found to serve others. He cheers you on even now as you seek to fulfill his incredible purpose in your life. He knows you can do it.

      Carry out the job God has invited you to complete and help those who are in need.


      Lord, I don’t always know for sure if I’m on the right track, but I look forward to fulfilling my mission for you. Thank you for believing in me and trusting me to get it done. Amen.

       Make Up Your Mind Already!

      Elijah approached all the people and said, “How long will you hobble back and forth between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow God. If Baal is God, follow Baal.” The people gave no answer.

      —1 Kings 18:21

      You may not have a split personality, but it can be pretty perplexing to be uncertain about something that really affects your life. You can waffle back and forth to such a degree that days go by, months even, and still you’re on the fence, not moving forward, not going back, simply stuck in the middle somewhere.

      Before we marvel at the Israelites’ indecision, though, we might want to face the question squarely for ourselves. After all, how often do we get sidetracked by the current versions of Baal that exist in our world? How often do we vacillate between getting more involved with the world or following the path God intends?

      Recall that Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal to prepare a sacrifice of a bull; Elijah also prepared a sacrifice. Whichever god answered with fire would be the real God. Baal did not answer. But fire fell consuming Elijah’s sacrifice, and the people worshipped God.

      Act and take a stand to embrace your Savior in all that you do.

      Realize that time slips on, and some of your choices won’t present themselves to you again. on’t wait for a consuming fire to make right choices.


      Lord, time really does get away from me and sometimes, I’m sure, I make a mess of things when I don’t handle them with your help. Let me always choose you as the most important decision I make. Amen.

       The Banquet Table Awaits

       All of you who are thirsty, come to the water! Whoever has no money, come, buy food and eat!

      —Isaiah 55:1

      If you were invited to a fancy five-star restaurant, free of charge, no strings attached, would you go? You’re not going to be pressured to buy a time-share or form a co-op, you’re simply going to mingle with others and have some fabulous food, and your host will take care of it all. Well, the invitation is an open one, and you’re invited every day to come to the feast. It’s a standing invitation and allows you to bring friends along too if you’d like. All you have to be is a little bit thirsty.

      One writer said, “I was dying of thirst. When my spiritual eyes were opened I saw the rivers of living water flowing from his pierced side. I drank of it and was satisfied. Thirst was no more. Ever since I have always drunk of that water of life, and have never been athirst in the sandy desert of this world.”

      God never wants you to thirst. He alone knows the way to the living waters, the place that will make your soul come alive and open the eyes of your heart. He invites you with each sunrise to come to his table, to start your day with him so that you will not thirst in the desert of this world. It’s a good

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