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how valuable you are today. Remember what love went into making you the perfectly beautiful person you have become. You’re his pearl all the time.

      Remember you too are a valuable pearl, a pearl made with great love.


      Lord, you have done so much for me and I can hardly take it in. Help me remember that you see me as beautiful so that I can live up to that image as much as possible. Amen.

      We’re All in the Same Boat

       When Jesus got into a boat, his disciples followed him. A huge storm arose on the lake so that waves were sloshing over the boat. But Jesus was asleep. They came and woke him, saying, “LORD, rescue us! We’re going to drown!” He said to them, “Why are you afraid, you people of weak faith?” Then he got up and gave orders to the winds and the lake, and there was a great calm. The people were amazed and said, “What kind of person is this? Even the winds and the lake obey him!”

      —Matthew 8:23-27

      If you’ve ever been in a frightening storm, gone to a shelter during a hurricane, or had to find a safe place during a tornado, you can probably identify with the disciples as they rolled around on the waves waiting to capsize. Here they are with Jesus, watching the storms all around them, getting scared out of their minds, and they find Jesus asleep.

      He had a faith that was bigger than the boat they were in. He had faith that nothing would happen to him because he was on a mission. He rested in knowing his relationship with the Father.

      We’re always in a rocking boat when we don’t give up our fear and get more closely connected with God. Let’s plan today to rest in God’s hands no matter what the day brings.

      Rest even through the tosses and turns of the day.


      Lord, you are my rock, my strength, and the One in whom I put all my faith. Help me rest in you today, trusting you for every aspect of my life. Amen.

      Getting to One More Birthday

      So you must carefully do exactly what the LORD your God commands you. Don’t deviate even a bit! You must walk the precise path that the LORD your God indicates for you so that you will live, and so that things will go well for you, and so you will extend your time on the land that you will possess.

      —Deuteronomy 5:32-33

      We enjoy celebrating birthdays, especially if they are someone else’s. We love the sweetness of traditions filled with ice cream and cake and little birthday songs. We can celebrate and bring the wishes, but only God can actually affect the length of days we get to participate in this dance of life.

      How do we know the precise path, the one that will give us the opportunity to live fully and well? Perhaps your Bible doesn’t feel exactly like a road map or even a guide sometimes, but it is. It is because it was written specifically with you in mind, all with the aim of keeping you on the path. Even more, God provided a ready interpreter in the form of the Holy Spirit. He is available all the time to take requests, to help you recall Scriptures that will guide your choices, to lead you to others that will bring you closer to where you’re meant to be.

      If you’re feeling somewhat thrown off the track today, get back to the One who will lead you any time you ask for direction.

      Discover your path through the Spirit and the Word.


      Lord, I do get off the track and I’m pretty sure I don’t follow your plan precisely. Please help me ask for direction for any step I take so I can live according to your plans for my life. Amen.

      When You’re Smiling

      A joyful heart brightens one’s face, but a troubled heart breaks the spirit.

      —Proverbs 15:13

      Remember the old song that suggested “when you’re smiling, the whole world smiles with you”? Proverbs 15 agrees.

      Today, notice the difference in your attitude when you encounter someone with a smile. A smile invites you in and suggests that friendship is possible. A smile says all is well and the world is a beautiful place today. A smile puts you on holy ground.

      A frown, on the other hand, breaks you down and leaves you feeling uncertain, unavailable, unloved even. Your troubles weigh in and prevent you from seeing all that is good.

      Of course, you’ll have days when a smile is simply not going to carry you along, but do what you can to make those days as few as possible.

      Imagine the smile God has on his face when he thinks of you. It just may help you to have a lighter and brighter countenance. After all, your smile is what others embrace.

      A smile is like a welcome glass of cool water on a warm day. It refreshes you and strengthens you. It warms you as you follow in the footsteps of the One who loves you more than anything. Yes, you really can smile because God loves you.

      Brighten the day with a basketful of smiles.


      Lord, I may not always feel like smiling, but I realize that with you in my heart, I always have a reason to smile. No matter what I’m going through, help me to hold on to the hope and joy I have in you. Amen.

      Talk about Weight Lifting!

      But me? I will sing of your strength! In the morning I will shout out loud about your faithful love because you have been my stronghold, my shelter when I was distraught. I will sing praises to you, my strength, because God is my stronghold, my loving God.

      —Psalm 59:16-17

      Strength training has increased in popularity over the years. We’ve discovered the benefits of stretching and working out and getting better tone in our muscles. With the right training, a person can lift weights that are hundreds of pounds.

      Of course, lifting weights means we’re taking our weak bodies and practicing and flexing and becoming stronger on our own. Lifting God up and raising our spiritual muscles actually means we become weaker, that is, our ego becomes weaker. It’s good news that God’s work in us is perfected in our weakness.

      He becomes stronger if we give him room to work in our hearts and minds and take over that stronghold known as the ego.

      Surrender all that you are and all that you hope for so that he can lift you up in his way and give you

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