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(pause), oppression (pause), violence (pause), intolerance (pause), racism (pause). Purge our sins with the atoning hyssop of Christ the Lord. Amen.

       Words of Assurance (Joel 2)

      The promise of God is clear. When we return to the Lord, God is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. When we return to the Lord with weeping and fasting, God forgives our sin and blesses us with a renewed and deepened relationship with the Almighty.

       Pastoral Prayer

      O Lord our God, we praise you above all creatures and all things. We lift prayers of thanks for the amazing fact that you loved us enough to give yourself fully for us. Now we have the challenge of trying to live fully for you. Help us in the task of discipleship. Be our spiritual teacher; remove our thick clouds of ignorance. Help us, O God, to live by the pattern and example given to us by Jesus Christ. Give us an eagerness and joyful desire to obey your command to make disciples of all nations. Send us out with renewed courage to proclaim the faith and hope within us to a world that needs both so that we may become your body in the world. Amen.

       Pastoral Prayer

      O God in whom we live and move and have our being, as you collect us for worship remind us that we are mortal and you are divine. Too often in our world today, the creature has forgotten the creator. We are at our best, O Lord, when we remember, and we are at our worst when we forget. Give us sacred memory of the order of creation and our place in the order of salvation. May we once again claim our rightful place as stewards of your manifold gifts. In Jesus' name and on this Ash Wednesday, we pray. Amen.

       Pastoral Prayer

      In the darkness and drear of too much of the high life, Gracious Presence, be for us the light that illumes the truth for our time and place. Frequently we punish ourselves by reaching for things beyond the grasp of what is indeed good for us. As we worship this night bring to mind that we are indeed our sisters' and brothers' keepers. Inspire us to feed others as you have first fed us. As the celebrants apply ashes to our foreheads, make us mindful that you, O God, unite us with all people around the world and through the centuries by our common sin and need of salvation. God, make your deliverance manifest this holy night as you offer us Jesus. Amen.

       Offering Prayer (Matthew 6)

      Gracious God, we have sought recognition for our piety and taken pride in our giving, congratulating ourselves for caring about our neighbors. Receive these offerings in the spirit of your Son, who taught us that where our heart is, there our treasure will be also. Amen.

       Offering Prayer (Psalm 51)

      What would make you happy, O God? We know it is not sacrifice. Our cash is cold and hard and heartless as it drops into the offering plate. You have told us what is pleasing: a broken and contrite heart. Receive this day our sacrifice of praise as we give to you from the very depths of our souls. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

       Offering Prayer

      To you, Author of Benevolence, we owe our gratitude. You have made us all that we are and all we hope to become. Your bounty is too great for us to authentically understand—we can only wonder. Yet, like huffy children, thanksgiving fails to trip easily from our lips. Mostly we function as those who believe that we are the beneficiaries of our own talents and labor. Disabuse us of this notion and make us grateful people once again, in Christ's name. Amen.


      God guide you this week into the places and unto the people where God needs your voice. In that moment, may you speak the good news, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


      And now go into the world, into the uttermost regions, and serve your brothers and sisters. You go with the successes in faith and with the Peters and the Judases as well, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


      Expect something new to happen in this Lenten season. Walk through the wilderness with the hope of Christ. Share the gift of friendship and hospitality with others, for this is what our Lord has done for us. Amen.

       Benediction (Psalm 51)

      Wash us thoroughly from our iniquities and we will be whiter than snow. Bathe us in your steadfast love. Create in us a clean heart, O God, and help us hear the joy of your calling. Restore to us the joy of your salvation. Go with God's blessing. Amen.

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