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is interesting, but it is very responsible – Gruman said. The authorities must be strictly watching you.

      – I do not know how to say it – Mark continued. Previously, our boss Bolen was more precise, but recently somehow, everything has changed. He walks some sullen, little communicates with the staff. If before I delved into every little thing, now he has completely moved away from it.

      – Have such changes taken place for a long time? – Gruman asked.

      – It has been three months- Mark said. At first, I thought maybe the family was in a problem. However, someone told me he was not married and never was. I think maybe he met some woman, and she turned him down. I do not think so either. I do not know. What also surprised me, about once a week makes his employees leave the premises under the pretext of airing it. However, he closes the door and stays inside. I know it is a good thing, but it has not happened before.

      – But in life, things happen. Maybe he has a mental trauma, maybe his parents are sick – Gruman continued.

      – Everything may be, but I do not know. I am not going to delve into anyone’s problems. Work is work. I am not interested in anything else. The team is very good and that is the main thing.

      – Here is your Sosnovka – Gruman said pointing to the pointer. Where can I drop you off?

      – There will be a fire station on the right, and that is where I will go out.

      CHAPTER 3

      Gruman put his Peugeot in the garage and went into the house. Yes, living alone is certainly not much fun. However, it has been very difficult to get along with my wife lately. We are going to have to make a family life somehow. Gruman remembered Nina from Bolen’s department. Well, a nice and very nice woman. Her husband died about five years ago, as Mark told me. We are going to have to try to get close to her.

      With these thoughts, Gruman made himself dinner and turned on the TV. Rarely in recent times has he been interested in world events. The world has not changed. Somewhere revolutions, floods, earthquakes. After scrolling through the program and not finding anything interesting, he turned it off.

      – I will have to call Remezov, consult – Gruman thought.

      – Come in – Remezov said. What is your problem?

      – Yes, I wanted to consult. Maybe you can do something. As a psychologist, you know people better.

      Gruman told Remezov everything he had learned about Bolen.

      – What can I say? – Remezov replied after thinking. There are two or three options to consider. Of course, there is little information. All you saw was the outside. I can only assume. Well, you check them out. You will end up with one thing.

      First. There may have been some kind of fracture in his life. Like you said, he is not married and he was not married. Years go by. He is not blind. He sees everyone’s family. Parents raise their children, worry about their future. In the department, there is naturally frequent talk about the family. Someone boasted that his child had graduated well from the first class; someone will say that his daughter fell out of the first tooth. Well, someone will discuss his trip to the sea with his family. Imagine. He is a middle-aged man. Begins to analyze its past years, there is a reassessment of values. Why he lives, for whom. Someone builds a house with the hope that then there will live his children, grandchildren. Whom is he going to build it for? For yourself? Maybe he is trying to meet some woman, and she turned him down. He realized that no one needed him in this life. Although I can say that, there are convinced bachelors. They consider the family a burden. There are always problems in the family. He is alone. He has no problems, and he is happy with it. Well, and his attitude to family life, you will try to find out from his employees.

      You can consider a worse option. Let us say, until recently, he did not attach importance that many people around believers. He was far from it. Then someone introduced him to the church, performing the rites. He may have started reading the relevant books. In this regard, he may have changed his outlook on life. Why does he live? What does he live for? However, you have to find out from his employees.

      Well, the third option is more complicated. I am not talking about a sect where people are zombified. However, it is possible he has come under someone’s influence. I have had quite a few such cases in practice. I can read you, for example, such information. Remezov took out some book, leafed through it, found the right place and began to read:

      «Formation of a special mode of functioning of consciousness by creating in the cerebral cortex a stable dominant center of arousal (rapport zone) which automatically inhibits and subjugates all the neighboring areas of the cerebral cortex, causing braking processes. At the same time, the dominant center of arousal is automatically responsible for the control of the body and causes specific physiological reactions – shifts in strict purposeful accordance with the enclosed information program – the code, which formulated this dominant center of arousal („rapport zone“). In addition, it becomes possible to perform post suggestive programming, split personality, erase or write something in memory.»

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