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was a sly old mole of a man, he’s one.

      “Did you ever take after a mole, chicken? They used to get in our garden at home. They burrow underneath the surface, you know, and one never sees them. You can tell by the ridge of loose earth that they’re there, and if you think you’ve located Mr. Mole, and jab a stick down, why—he’s somewhere else, nine times in ten. I used to call them Baumbergers, even then. Dad,” she finished reminiscently, “was always jabbing his law stick down where the earth seemed to move—but he never located old Baumberger, to my knowledge.”

      She stopped, because Evadna, without a shadow of doubt, was looking bored. Miss Georgie regarded her with the frown she used when she was applying her mental measuring-stick. She began to suspect that Evadna was, after all, an extremely self-centered little person; she was sorry for the suspicion, and she was also conscious of a certain disappointment which was not altogether for herself.

      “Ah, well”—she dismissed analysis and the whole subject with a laugh that was partly yawn—“away with dull care. Away with dull everything. It’s too hot to think or feel. A real emotion is as superfluous and oppressive as a—a ‘camel petticoat!” This time her laugh was real and infectiously carefree. “Take off your hat, chicken. I’ll go beg a hunk of ice from my dear friend Peter, and make some lemonade as is lemonade; or claret punch, if you aren’t a blue ribboner, or white-ribboner, or some other kind of a good-ribboner.” Miss Georgie hated herself for sliding into sheer flippancy, but she preferred that extreme to the other, and she could not hold her ground just then at the “happy medium.”

      Evadna, however, seemed to disapprove of the flippancy. She did not take off her hat, and she stated evenly that she must go, and that she really did not care for lemonade, or claret punch, either.

      “What, in Heaven’s name, do you care for—besides yourself?” flared Miss Georgie, quite humanly exasperated. “There, chicken—the heat always turns me snappy,” she repented instantly. “Please pinch me.” She held out a beautiful, tapering forearm, and smiled.

      “I’m the snappy one,” said Evadna, but she did not smile as she began drawing on her gauntlets slowly and deliberately.

      If she were waiting for Miss Georgie to come back to the subject of Grant, she was disappointed, for Miss Georgie did not come to any subject whatever. A handcar breezed past the station, the four section-men pumping like demons because of the slight down grade and their haste for their dinner.

      Huckleberry gave one snort and one tug backward upon the tie rope and then a coltish kick into the air when he discovered that he was free. After that, he took off through the sagebrush at a lope, too worldly-wise to follow the trail past the store, where someone might rush out and grab him before he could dodge away. He was a wise little pinto—Huckleberry.

      “And now, I suppose I’ll have the pleasure of walking home,” grumbled Evadna, standing upon the platform and gazing, with much self-pity, after her runaway.

      “It’s noon—stay and eat dinner with me, chicken. Some of the boys will bring him back after you the minute he gets to the ranch. It’s too hot to walk.” Miss Georgie laid a hand coaxingly upon her arm.

      But Evadna was in her mood of perversity. She wouldn’t stay to dinner, because Aunt Phoebe would be expecting her. She wouldn’t wait for Huckleberry to be brought back to her, because she would never hear the last of it. She didn’t mind the heat the least bit, and she would walk. And no, she wouldn’t borrow Miss Georgie’s parasol; she hated parasols, and she always had and always would. She gathered up her riding-skirt, and went slowly down the steps.

      Miss Georgie could be rather perverse herself upon occasion. She waited until Evadna was crunching cinders under her feet before she spoke another word, and then she only called out a flippant, “Adios, senorita!”

      Evadna knew no Spanish at all. She lifted her shoulders in what might be disdain, and made no reply whatever.

      “Little idiot!” gritted Miss Georgie—and this time she was not speaking of herself.



      Saunders, limp and apathetic and colorless, shuffled over to the station with a wheelbarrow which had a decrepit wheel, that left an undulating imprint of its drunken progress in the dust as it went. He loaded the boxes of freight with the abused air of one who feels that Fate has used him hardly, and then sidled up to the station door with the furtive air which Miss Georgie always inwardly resented.

      She took the shipping bill from him with her fingertips, reckoned the charges, and received the money without a word, pushing a few pieces of silver toward him upon the table. As he bent to pick them up clawing unpleasantly with vile finger-nails—she glanced at him contemptuously, looked again more attentively, pursed her lips with one corner between her teeth, and when he had clawed the last dime off the smooth surface of the table, she spoke to him as if he were not the reptile she considered him, but a live human.

      “Horribly hot, isn’t it? I wish I could sleep till noon. It would make the days shorter, anyway.”

      “I opened up the store, and then I went back to bed,” Saunders replied limply. “Just got up when the freight pulled in. Made so blamed much noise it woke me. I seem to need a good deal of sleep.” He coughed behind his hand, and lingered inside the door. It was so unusual for Miss Georgie to make conversation with him that Saunders was almost pitifully eager to be agreeable.

      “If it didn’t sound cruel, this weather,” said Miss Georgie lightly, still looking at him—or, more particularly, at the crumpled, soiled collar of his coarse blue shirt—“I’d advise you to get out of Hartley once a day, if it was no more than to take a walk. Though to be sure,” she smiled, “the prospect is not inviting, to say the least. Put it would be a change; I’d run up and down the track, if I didn’t have to stick here in this office all day.”

      “I can’t stand walking,” Saunders whined. “It makes me cough.” To illustrate, he gave another little hack behind his hand. “I went up to the stable yesterday with a book, and laid down in the hay. And I went to sleep, and Pete thought I was lost, I guess.” He grinned, which was not pleasant, for he chewed tobacco and had ugly, discolored teeth into the bargain.

      “I like to lay in the hay,” he added lifelessly. “I guess I’ll take my bed up there; that lean-to is awful hot.”

      “Well, you’re lucky that you can do exactly as you please, and sleep whenever you please.” Miss Georgie turned to her telegraph instrument, and began talking in little staccato sparks of electricity to the agent at Shoshone, merely as a hint to Saunders to take himself away.

      “Ain’t been anything for me?” he asked, still lingering.

      Miss Georgie shook her head. He waited a minute longer, and then sidled out, and when he was heard crunching over the cinders with his barrow-load of boxes, she switched off the current abruptly, and went over to the window to watch him.

      “Item,” she began aloud, when he was quite gone, her eyes staring vacantly down the scintillating rails to where they seemed to meet in one glittering point far away in the desert. “Item—” But whatever the item was, she jotted it down silently in that mental memorandum book which was one of her whims. “Once I put a thing in that little blue book of mine,” she used to tell her father, “it’s there for keeps. And there’s the advantage that I never leave it lying around to be lost, or for other people to pick up and read to my everlasting undoing. It’s better than cipher—for I don’t talk in my sleep.”

      The four-thirty-five train came in its own time, and brought the two missing placer miners. But it did not bring Baumberger, nor Peaceful Hart, nor any word of either. Miss Georgie spent a good deal of time staring out of the window toward the store that day, and when she was not doing that she was moving restlessly about the little office, picking things up without knowing why she did so, and laying them down again when she discovered them in her hands and had no use for them. The ice cream came, and the cake, and the magazines; and she left the whole pile just inside the door

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