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guns, especially at short ranges, would make up for the reduced weight of their shells. Mikasa’s experience in the Russo-Japanese War would demonstrate the inadequacy of this model.

      Russia, Germany, and France had worked together in 1895 to force Japan to cede much of its gains from the Sino-Japanese War back to China and to an independent Korea. Subsequently, Russia occupied most of the territory that Japan had given up. This caused friction between Japan and Russia, and led to the deployment of a powerful Russian naval squadron at Port Arthur. In February 1904 tensions boiled over, and Japan launched a surprise attack against the Russian fleet. The attack succeeded in damaging several Russian ships, but left much of the force intact. Japanese naval activity for the next several months concentrated on preventing the escape of the Russian ships. Minefields took their toll on both sides, the Russians losing one and the Japanese two battleships.

      On August 10 the Russians made a break for it. Mikasa, under command of Admiral Heihachiro Togo, led the Japanese squadron that confronted the Russians. The Japanese crossed the Russian “T,” meaning that they could use all of their guns while the Russians could only fire their forward batteries. In spite of superior Russian numbers, the Japanese prevailed and forced the Russian fleet back into Port Arthur with severe losses. The admiral of the Russian fleet was killed by a shell from Mikasa, which itself suffered significant damage.

      In 1904, countries like Japan simply did not win wars against countries like Russia. Accordingly, the Tsar dispatched his Baltic Fleet to the Far East with orders to combine with surviving Russian ships at Vladivostok and destroy the IJN. The Russian fleet left on October 15, 1904. Along the way the fleet mistook a group of British fishing boats off Denmark for Japanese torpedo boats, and almost started a war with the United Kingdom. Although the new Russian fleet was not as technically advanced as the IJN, it included eight battleships, double the size of the Japanese fleet.

      Admiral Togo decided to intercept the Russian fleet in the Tsushima Straits, between Korea and Japan. The Russians intended to push through the Straits as quickly as possible in an effort to reach Vladivostok and refit. The long transit had slowed the Russian ships and exhausted their crews, while the Japanese ships were repaired and fresh. The Japanese intercepted the Russian fleet on May 27, 1905, and used its superior speed on a parallel course to pull ahead of the Russian line. Having opened up sufficient distance, the Japanese fleet made a hard turn to port and crossed in front of the Russians. This later became known as the “Togo Turn.” Within hours, most of the Russian fleet was ablaze and sinking. Leading the Japanese line, Mikasa took heavy damage but managed to make it back to port without difficulty. The engagement was conducted almost entirely with the long range main batteries of both sides, lending credence to the “all-big gun” theories of Jackie Fisher. Isoruku Yamamoto, then a young officer on the cruiser Nisshin, lost two fingers in the battle.

      Four of the five largest Russian battleships sank on the first day. The last, along with the most of the rest of the Russian fleet, was rounded up over the next day. The Japanese sank 21 Russian ships and captured seven, including four battleships. Tsushima was one of the last naval engagement in which a significant portion of the defeated fleet surrendered. From 1905 on, most defeated ships would scuttle themselves rather than strike colors and be boarded. The captured Russian ships were incorporated into the IJN in various capacities, with several serving until the 1920s. Tsushima was the twentieth-century equivalent of Trafalgar, a battle of annihilation in which one fleet was almost completely destroyed with little or no damage to the other.

Memorial dedication ceremony of Mikasa, May 27, 1961

      Memorial dedication ceremony of Mikasa, May 27, 1961

      The Tsar was successfully dissuaded from dispatching the Black Sea Fleet to the Far East, and a peace was concluded with President Roosevelt serving as broker. Japan had to give up many of its territorial gains, but assumed control of Port Arthur and began to annex Korea.

      In September 1905 Mikasa exploded and sank in port. Salvaged and returned to service, her responsibilities were steadily reduced until she was decommissioned in 1923. Nearly sunk in the Great Kanto Earthquake, Mikasa was scheduled for scrapping under the terms of the Washington Naval Treaty. At Japanese request, however, Britain and the United States approved the retention of Mikasa as a museum ship, and in 1925 she was converted into a memorial.

      Mikasa suffered damage from US bombing in World War II, and following the Japanese surrender was disarmed by US occupation forces. A movement for restoration began in the mid-1950s, and gained the support of Admiral Chester Nimitz and other prominent Americans. Americans may have seen Mikasa as an acceptable symbol of Japanese nationalism, all the more so because of her service against Russia. Using many of the fittings from the Chilean battleship Almirante Latorre, Mikasa was restored and reopened as a memorial in 1962. She is now one of three World Memorial Ships, along with HMS Trafalgar and USS Constitution.

      Author’s Note

      Several of Mikasa’s half-sisters also survived into World War II, albeit in greatly altered condition. Togo’s victory at Tsushima stands not only as one of the greatest naval triumphs in history, but also as a harbinger of the battleship age. The German, American, British, and Japanese navies would try to recreate Tsushima in World War I and World War II, generally to no great effect.

      That Mikasa has survived to the present day is a testament not only to the preservationist instincts of the Japanese, but also to the good sense of the American occupiers, who surely appreciated that sending her to the scrapyard would be like pouring a bottle of fine wine into the Pacific. Fortunately she remains, a last link to the era of the pre-dreadnought battleship.

      Related Entries:

      Contemporary of… USS Oregon

      Preceded… HIJMS Kongo

      Related to… Almirante Latorre

      SMS Schleswig-Holstein

      Laid Down: 1905

      Launched: 1906

      Completed: July, 1908

      Displacement: 13,200 tons

      Main Armament: four 11” guns (two twin turrets)

      Secondary Armament: fourteen 6.7” guns (casemates)

      Speed: 19 knots

      Major Actions: Battle of Jutland, Battle of the Danzig Bay

      Treaty: Pre-Washington Naval Treaty

      Fate: Sunk by British aircraft, December 18, 1944; wreck scuttled, refloated, used as target until 1966

      SMS Schleswig-Holstein was the fourth of the Deutschland class, the last pre-dreadnought battleships built by Germany. The Deutschlands were authorized by Admiral Alfred Von Tirpitz’s Fleet Acts, designed to provide Germany with a large, powerful navy capable of challenging the British. The idea of a powerful navy appealed to a wide swath of German society, including not only ideologically minded nationalists, but also labor and big industry. The prospect for a larger overseas empire also excited Kaiser Wilhelm II, who saw colonies as the path to world power. Like many German battleships of the era, Schleswig-Holstein took her name from a province, much of which had belonged to Denmark prior to 1864.

      SMS Schleswig-Holstein. Photo taken from USS Arkansas at Kiel, Germany, July 1930.

      The commissioning of Dreadnought in late 1906 rendered most battleships in the world obsolete. This helped to obscure the fact that Schleswig-Holstein and her sisters were completely outclassed, upon completion, by foreign competition. The British King Edward VIIIs were much larger and carried a heavier main armament. The same could be said of the American Connecticut class, and even the Japanese Mikasa, completed six years earlier, compared favorably with the German design. Moreover, the German ships were utterly inferior

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