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must of thought I was betraying ’em, otherwise he wouldn’t of opened up on me with his six-shooter. But all he done was to knock some splinters out of the wagon and nick my shoulder. The old man would of returned the fire with his shotgun but he was scairt he might hit Kit, and both vehicles was bounding and bouncing along too fast and furious for careful aiming.

      All to onst we come to a place where the road forked, and Kit and Harry taken the right-hand turn. I taken the left.

      “Are you crazy, you blame fool?” roared Cousin Buckner. “Turn back and take the other road!”

      “I cain’t!” I responded. “These mules is runnin’ away!”

      “Yo’re a liar!” howled Cousin Buckner. “Quit pourin’ leather into them mules, you blasted #$%&@¢*, and turn back! Turn back, cuss you!” With that he started hammering me in the head with the stock of his shotgun.

      * * * *

      We was thundering along a road which run along the rim of a sloping bluff, and when Buckner’s shotgun went off accidentally the mules really did git scairt and started running away, just about the time I reached back to take the shotgun away from Cousin Buckner. Being beat in the head with the butt was getting awful monotonous, because he’d been doing nothing else for the past half mile.

      I yanked the gun out of his hand and just then the left hind wheel hit a stump and the hind end of the wagon went straight up in the air and the pole splintered. The mules run right out of the harness and me and the wagon and Cousin Buckner went over the bluff and down the slope in a whirling tangle of wheels and laigs and heads and profanity.

      We brung up against a tree at the bottom, and I throwed the rooins off of me and riz, swearing fervently when I seen how much money I’d have to pay Cousin Bill Gordon for his wagon. But Cousin Buckner give me no time for meditation. He’d ontangled hisself from a hind wheel and was doing a war-dance in the moonlight and frothing at the mouth.

      “You done that on purpose!” he raged. “You never aimed to ketch them wretches! You taken the wrong road on purpose! You turned us over on purpose! Now I’ll never ketch the scoundrel which run away with my datter—the pore, dumb, trustin’ #$%&f!@* innercent!”

      “Be ca’m, Cousin Buckner,” I advised. “He’ll make her a good husband. They’re well onto their way to War Paint and a happy married life. Best thing you can do is forgive ’em and give ’em yore blessin’.”

      “Well,” he snarled, “you ain’t neither my datter nor my son-in-law. Here’s my blessin’ to you!”

      It was a pore return for all the trouble I’d taken for him to push me into a cactus bed and hit me with a rock the size of a watermelon. However, I taken into consideration that he was overwrought and not hisself, so I ignored his incivility and made no retort whatever, outside of splintering a wagon spoke over his head.

      I then clumb the bluff, making no reply to his impassioned and profane comments, and looked around for the mules. They hadn’t run far. I seen ’em grazing down the road, and I started after ’em, when I heard horses galloping back up the road toward the settlement, and around a turn in the road come Uncle Jeppard Grimes with his whiskers streaming in the moonlight, and nine or ten of his boys riding hard behind him.

      “Thar he is!” he howled, impulsively discharging his six-shooter at me. “Thar’s the fiend in human form! Thar’s the kidnaper of helpless jassacks! Boys, do yore duty!”

      They pulled up around me and started piling off their horses with blood in their eyes and weppins in their hands.

      “Hold on!” I says. “If it’s Joshua you fools are after—”

      “He admits the crime!” howled Uncle Jeppard. “Is it Joshua, says you! You know dern well it is! We been combin’ the hills for you, ever since my gran’datter brought me the news! What you done with him, you scoundrel?”

      “Aw,” I said, “he’s all right. I was just goin’ to—”

      “He evades the question!” screamed Uncle Jeppard. “Git him, boys!”

      * * * *

      “I Tell you he’s all right!” I roared, but they give me no chance to explain. Them Grimeses is all alike; you cain’t tell ’em nothing. You got to knock it into their fool heads. They descended on me with fence rails and rocks and wagon spokes and loaded quirts and gun stocks in a way which would of tried the patience of a saint. I always try to be as patient with my erring relatives as I can be. I merely taken their weppins away from ’em and kind of pushed ’em back away from me, and if they’d looked where they fell Jim and Joe and Erath wouldn’t of fell down that bluff and broke their arms and laigs and Bill wouldn’t of fractured his skull agen that tree.

      I handled ’em easy as babies, and kept my temper in spite of Uncle Jeppard dancing around on his hoss and yelling: “Lay into him, boys! Don’t be scairt of the big grizzly! He cain’t hurt us!” and shooting at me every time he thought he could shoot without hitting one of his own offspring. He did puncture two or three of ’em, and then blamed me for it, the old jackass.

      Nobody could of acted with more restraint than I did when Dick Grimes broke the blade of his bowie knife off on my hip bone, and the seven fractured ribs I give his brother Jacob was a mild retaliation for chawing my ear like he done. But it was a ill-advised impulse which prompted Esau Grimes to stab me in the seat of the britches with a pitchfork. There ain’t nothing which sours the milk of human kindness in a man’s veins any more’n getting pitchforked by a raging relative behind his back.

      I give a beller which shook the acorns out of the oaks all up and down the run, and whirled on Esau so quick it jerked the pitchfork out of his hands and left it sticking in my hide. I retched back and pulled it out and wrapped the handle around Esau’s neck, and then I taken him by the ankles and started remodeling the landscape with him. I mowed down a sapling thicket with him, and leveled a cactus bed with him, and swept the road with him, and when his brothers tried to rescue him, I beat ’em over the head with him till they was too groggy to do anything but run in circles.

      Uncle Jeppard come spurring at me, trying to knock me down with his hoss and trample me, and Esau was so limp by this time he warn’t much good for a club no more, so I whirled him around my head a few times and throwed him at Uncle Jeppard. Him and Uncle Jeppard and the hoss all went down in a heap together, and from the way Uncle Jeppard hollered you’d of thought somebody was trying to injure him. It was plumb disgusting.

      Five or six of his boys recovered enough to surge onto me then, and I knocked ’em all down on top of him and Esau and the hoss, and the hoss was trying to git up, and kicking around right and left, and his hoofs was going bam, bam, bam on human heads, and Uncle Jeppard was hollering so loud I got to thinking maybe he was hurt or something. So I retched down in the heap and got him by the whiskers and pulled him out from under the hoss and four or five of his fool boys.

      “Air you hurt, Uncle Jeppard?” I inquired.

      “#$%&¢@*!” responded Uncle Jeppard, rewarding my solicitude by trying to stab me with his bowie knife. This ingratitude irritated me, and I tossed him from me fretfully, and as he was pulling hisself out of the prickley pear bed where he landed, he suddenly give a louder scream than ever. Something come ambling up the road and I seen it was that fool jackass Joshua, which had evidently et his rope and left the house looking for more grub. He looked like a four-laigged nightmare in the moonlight, but all Uncle Jeppard noticed was the red paint on him.

      “Halp! Murder!” howled Uncle Jeppard. “They’ve wounded him mortally! He’s bleedin’ to death! Git a tourniquet, quick!”

      With that they all deserted the fray, them which was able to hobble, and run to grab Joshua and stanch his bleeding. But when he seen all them Grimeses coming for him, Joshua got scairt and took out through the bresh. They all pelted after him, and the last thing I heard as they passed out of hearing was Uncle Jeppard wailing: “Joshua! Stop, dern it! This here’s yore friends! Pull up, dang you! We wants to help you, you cussed fool!”

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