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Activity Routines

      Day 10

      Today, we begin creating new routines that will snowball into a complete new direction for your future. Starting with yourself, what is one new daily routine you’ve always wanted to start? It could be absolutely anything, but it must be something you do for yourself. Maybe it’s going to the gym, or reading a new book, one page or one chapter each day. Maybe it’s just going for a walk, or waking up at a specific time everyday. Write below what the new routine is that you will take on and why. Most often we take the time to build and grow relationships with others, but we don’t take the time to take care of ourselves. This personal routine with be a new relationship you will have with yourself.














      Is there anything in your life that will be impacted by this new routine? Do you need to get to bed earlier to be up at a specific time? Do you need to buy the book you intend to read. Whatever you need, to begin this routine, reflect on whether this routine makes sense before you begin tomorrow. Revise if necessary.













      Day 11

      Today is the first day you will put your new personal routine into action. With anything new, there will always be fear and concern. With anything you’ve created so far, it must be worth doing regardless of the fear and concerns you might have. Write down all the fears and concerns you have about this new personal routine. What you know about yourself when it comes to trying something new? How do you see yourself in the space of newness, the unknown, or simply sticking with something?














      Perform your personal routine today. Was it as easy or as challenging as you expected? Do you see yourself sticking with it? What, if anything, could stop you from completing it every day. It is important to make this work for you, so revise or edit as needed while still sticking to what you said you would do.













      Day 12

      In the same fashion we created our vision for the future, we started looking at our own life, then the lives of people around us. We will do the same when creating a new routine, but instead of the routine simply involving ourselves, we will begin to include other people. The creation of this new community routine must involve someone else. Similar to the new relationship you created with yourself by committing to a new personal routine, the community routine will allow you to commit yourself to someone else. It could include creating a new community, joining a club, or simply spending time with your friends and/or family. As this routine will involve someone else, complete it daily or weekly, but not something monthly or quarterly. Remember, building anything should be done regularly, therefore building a new relationship should not be treated any differently. Use the space below to brainstorm this new community routine.














      What will it take to fulfill this routine? Who do you want to include, is it one person or

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