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      Copyright © 2011 by Kim Kiyosaki. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

      Published by Plata Publishing, LLC

      Rich Woman, CASHFLOW, Rich Dad, Rich Dad Advisors, ESBI, Triple-A Triangle, and B-I Triangle are registered trademarks of CASHFLOW Technologies, Inc.

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      Plata Publishing, LLC

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      First Edition: November 2011

      ISBN: 978-1-61268-087-3

      Cover photo credit: Seymour & Brody Studio


      Act… Apply.

      Without action—the do—the best education, coaches, mentors, support team, and all the commitment in the world will not move the needle on your Dream Meter.

      Do… Aspire to your dreams.

      Do… Acquire the knowledge and skills to build your confidence and become better equipped to make sound, informed decisions.

      Do… Apply all that you learn and rise up to meet your challenges, your intelligences—and your dreams.

      You can do it.

      I know you can.

       It’s Rising Time!


       It’s Rising Time!

       A call for women…

      To rise up to what it really takes for the reward of financial freedom.

      To rise up… means “to become powerful, to grow larger, to stand up, to move upward, and to soar.” It’s Rising Time! declares your commitment to not quit, to move beyond the obstacles, and to keep moving upward, even in times of doubt. This is an agreement with yourself to do whatever it takes to reach your financial dreams. It’s Rising Time! is about you being true to who you are and going for what you want.

      … to what it really takes… What does it really take? It takes all of you—your body, your mind, your thoughts, your emotions, and your spirit. Going for your financial dreams, your financial freedom, is a fantastic journey! I have tremendous respect for the women who take it on. It is no small feat, yet one of the most rewarding. You cannot help but grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually from your experiences on this quest. It really takes more than the data of how to find, buy, hold, and sell investments. It will take more than study and research. Data and information alone will not get you there. It takes gathering the facts and figures, and then stepping out and putting it into practice—actually doing it. It is in the doing that true learning occurs. You will hear from many women throughout this book who did just that and succeeded. You’ll also hear about the challenges they faced, and yet they kept going. That is the key. It is because of what it really takes—dealing with the obstacles, the fears, the unknowns—that some women never start, or else they stop at some point before achieving their dreams. The purpose of It’s Rising Time! is to give you tools, real-life stories, inspiration, and encouragement to rise beyond whatever stands in your way and to keep going, no matter what.

      … for the reward of financial freedom. The reward is the achievement of your dream. But you get even more than that. Financial freedom is really well beyond financial. It is a woman free to be who she really is. Sometimes we are so busy putting everyone else first—husbands, partners, children, parents, bosses—and playing so many different roles in life—mother, wife, businesswoman, employee, daughter, sister—that we lose sight of who we really are and what we want. It’s Rising Time! will clarify that. You see, by achieving your financial dream, who you have to become in the process is not the same woman you are today. You will have to grow, get better, and get spiritually and emotionally stronger in this process. In other words, whatever has held you back in the past or kept you less than who you really are will have to vanish. The powerful, happy, playful, brilliant you will emerge. That truly is the reward.

      How will you do it? By taking one step, doing one thing every day that will get you closer to your own financial dream. The key lies in taking action. You simply cannot have something without doing something to get it.

      It’s Rising Time! truly is a call for women—for women who want more in their lives, for women who are not afraid of a challenge, for women who are willing to stand up and be role models, for women who are willing to do what it takes today for their freedom and happiness tomorrow, for women who want it all!

      If this is you, then welcome to an incredible adventure. It’s Rising Time!


       To women throughout the world who want a shot at their dreams!

       Be the kind of woman that, when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says, “Oh, crap, she’s up!”


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