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the Dog, yet the Dog holds the truth too:

       The Dog loves unconditionally, and resides with you even if you are wicked, yet it might bite you. However, if you promise to be nice, it will cheerfully jump on you.

       The Dog doesn't like jerk or bitchy behaviour, and it wants you to grow up, so take it for its daily walk.

       The Dog knows that hell is wrong, as it will only see your suffering and cry too much.

       The Dog appreciates it when you are having a good time, yet not too much, as it wants you to take it outside so it can feel the sun's warmth.

       The Dog will wait for you even if you have to go to the dungeon for being crooked, and will lick you upon release.

      Yes, so if you are one of those who have done injustice, it's not over. God promises "he" will talk to you at the dungeon. And the Dog knows you will be ok.


      Ownership is not yours, and it is your job to provide utmost fairness, so by authorizing people to do things against their will is completely unjustified.

      If you indulge in it, and you know well enough not to, it's about the time you do the right thing. Therefore, you must permit full freedom to every single person that you have bound, even if that means confessing to the authorities, then so be it.

      Right now, there are about 27 million worldwide.

      God promised there will be no one captive. However, the wicked will have to endure a process, so maybe in a few hundred years, you will be okay.

      Or you can just release them today, right?

      Religious Dietary Laws

      Back in the 1990's, I was kosher, until God told me it's unnecessary to worry about it. It is to make a point that it is wrong thing to do to keep the Jewish people restrained for all eternity, only to watch their gentile friends eat all the ham sandwiches or shrimp tacos they can muster.

      So God says if you're Muslim, Buddhist, Jain, Sikh, Mormon, Rastafarian, Seventh Day Adventist, and so forth, you don't have to follow your religion's food guidelines anymore. "He" told me that it's fine to have milk, eggs, pork, beef, chicken and fish.

      Some religions shun alcohol, and the answer is drink in moderation. One glass of beer a week is actually healthy, and so is a glass of wine every few weeks. Too much can rattle your brain though, and it's not recommended to drink hard liquor significantly. Yet, God promises something for the brandy lovers out there.

      Also, you don't have to worry about coffee inhibition. One or two cups every morning can be the greatest medication that ever lived.


      I want to stress the importance of animal protein. God promised that someday we won't need to slaughter animals, and that "he" will provide the fish & meat we need. The only problem is that it may be many years before that happens, and that our brains and bodies will not function accordingly if we are to stick with a plant-based diet.


      Moreover, all of the B-12 shots or amino acid supplements you may take will not do you justice, as people need the exact chemistry of chicken, beef, etc. God says 2 to 3 servings of animal protein types per day.

      Here's an example of how I eat:


       Eggs, toast, banana, orange juice, 2 cups of coffeeLowfat milk yogurt, orange juice, banana, nuts, 2 cups of coffeeCereal w' banana, orange juice, 2 cups of coffee


       225g fruit juice blendChicken salad, diet decaf soda or 112.5g juiceAlmond butter and jelly sandwich, diet decaf soda or 112.5g juice


       225g BBQ chicken breast, rice, salad, diet decaf soda or a no to low sugar drink like powdered lemonade or Kool-Aid.175g salmon fettuccine, vegetables, wild rice, diet decaf soda (or low sugar drink)175g sirloin steak, mashed potatoes, vegetables, diet decaf soda (or low sugar drink)

      I do enjoy desserts of all types, and don't get the vegan stuff. I recommend frozen lowfat yogurt once a week, and be sure to enjoy wallowing in a fattening favourite from carrot cake to raspberry ripple perhaps once a week.

      I also drink some V-8 in the mornings to replace the need for vegetable portions. In order to get quality sleep, try not to drink regular coffee past 09,00, and you can have a small glass of diet caffeinated soda for lunch.


      We're all unique, and that includes our appearance. There is no one else that looks exactly like you, and if you have an "identical" twin, he or she would say "A touch here and there, perhaps." And be proud you're the only John Smith or Mary Williams in the whole, wide world who looks like that. Yet, it is true that if you were born with an unusual name such as Ali'aso Cahaohainowiflie, yet you may look a little bit like Jane who lives down the street, but you're not her, and don't forget you're the only Ali'aso out there! No, I'm not implying that you need to change your name in order to stand out, simply because you already are completely distinctive just like the national insurance number you hold.

      Wear whatever suits you, and put on the makeup, eyeliner or lipstick that personifies you the most. And if you're a guy like me, then don the hairstyle, and attire that suits you the most. Let society think what they want, but remember you are you, and they cannot tell you otherwise.

      Now for the fun part:

      God promised that everyone will be young forever, so all wrinkles and frown lines will vanish. Grey hair poofed, and head covered with hairs once again. Arched back, straightened. Everyone will also be free from their scars, birthmarks, drooping eye lids, crow's feet, pot bellies, sagging skin and keratoses. Also, all physical deformities will vanish in thin air.

      It may not occur for another 10 to 22 1/2 years, yet it is God's ultimate plastic surgery plan, free for all!

      God Is Not A Jerk

      Perhaps you've had enough of judgemental society and wish to talk to someone more understanding and empathic than most? The truth is yes, and God knows what you mean.

      God is the greatest psychoanalyst the world has ever known. However, "he" doesn't need to analyze you; "he" knows you and is your best friend for all eternity. You would think "he's" similar to E.T., albeit a knowing being fully aware of the struggle of animals and humans alike.

      God knows the meaning of love. He says, "Hi, there. I'm with you, when you need me."

       "He" hears your cries and says, "Yes. I know what you mean and I will help you with that." "He" doesn't get angry either, then says "No, dear. I understand fully."

      Yes, God is also kind of like your father from above, but not really. "He's" the consummate guide that preserves and protects the universe for all eternity. So, "he" says "Your father will live forever too, and the two of you will go scuba diving in the Caribbean."

      And, "he" first wants everyone to learn to be nicer to others.

      The Garden Of Eden

      God knows there is nothing wrong with naturism, and those who practice that lifestyle usually do it in the privacy of their homes, and may sometimes head for naturist beaches, clubs, resorts and parties.

      In the coming of days, naturism will be more prevalent and people will become more tolerant of each other, hence fewer cliques. It is true though that clothes are always fun to wear too, and you can outfit your favourite rock n' roll t-shirt, and flared jeans when you go out for a night of dancing and/or karaoke. Or perhaps

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