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was enough provocation, and that God responded to Elijah’s curse by sending the she-bears. I don’t particularly like it, but that’s what it says.”

      “Well, actually, I don’t think so,” said Mandy. Everyone started looking right at her. “The text doesn’t tell us whether Elisha’s action was justified. It just tells us that it happened.”

      “So is it possible that Elisha might not be doing the right thing here?” asked Mark.

      “I think so. I think Elisha was tired and angry and so he cursed the children.” Mandy had that “mother concludes and has made the point to the children” look she got from time to time. The fact that she was sprawled carelessly sideways across an easy chair detracted from the effect.

      “So why would God honor his angry request?” asked Jerry.

      Mandy considered for a moment. “Because he was God’s prophet. What would happen if he cursed someone and nothing happened? God has to go hunting for a new prophet!”

      “I really don’t think that’s an appropriate way to speak about a prophet. Surely a prophet wouldn’t do wrong in a situation like this,” said Jerry.

      “Elijah made mistakes. Moses made mistakes. David was a man after God’s own heart and he committed adultery and then murdered someone to cover it up. What makes you think Bible characters always do right?” said Mandy.

      “But in all those cases we have a clear indication that what they did was wrong. Not here,” replied Jerry.

      “Well, from my point of view that makes God look even worse. He will kill forty-two children in order to keep his prophet respectable,” said Bob. Mac nodded.

      “But God can do anything he wants! We don’t have the right to judge God’s actions,” said Jerry.

      “So when you say, ‘God is love’ is that your considered judgment, or are you just repeating what God told you to say?” asked Mac.

      “I know that God is love,” said Jerry.

      “But how do you know? Can you know that God is love without looking at God’s actions and deciding, ‘Those are loving actions?’” asked Mac.

      “I think she’s got a point,” said Mandy. “After all, we testify to God’s love and to the things God has done for us. Have we not looked at God’s action and said, ‘That is love’?”

      “But we wouldn’t even know what love was if God didn’t tell us!” said Jerry.

      “Well, I agree with Jerry,” said Justine. “God has the right to do what he wants. So I think there must be something there that those children or teenagers did to deserve what happened to them. If God did it, it must be right, and it says right there [she pointed to Jerry's Bible] that God did it!”

      “I’ve got to agree with Jerry as well. It seems that you [he looked at Mandy] and Mark want to have the story in your Bible but you don’t want to accept what it really says.” Bob looked at Jerry. “Not that I agree with you about anything else!”

      “I would never even think it,” said Jerry dryly.

      “I have to disagree. You’ve both decided what the story must mean. There are many other statements about morality in the Bible. I think that if we are told elsewhere that an action is wrong, we are not forced to conclude that a person who does that in a story is right. That was complicated,” said Mandy, and grinned.

      “But then you are saying that God did something wrong,” said Jerry, and Bob and Mac both nodded.

      “I’m saying that God worked with people as they were. You can’t always have ideal actions when you’re not dealing with ideal people.”

      “There I agree with you, Mandy,” said Justine. “I don’t really have a problem with this story, but God does work with us where we are.”

      “I think I like Mandy’s explanation,” said Mark. I wonder if I can say it in 10 minutes? I’m inclined to give all the explanations and let people choose.”

      And with that, the group began to break up.


      1 How would you explain the contrast between 2 Kings 2 and 1 John 4?

      2 Is it possible for a loving God to destroy? Why or why not? (Ezekiel 18:30-32)

      You Will Have a Son

      Judges 13 and Matthew 1:18-25 or Luke 1:5-25

      “You’re pregnant, and you’re going to have a baby boy.”

      Dee Anne looked up from her burger, fries, and coke and saw a woman of ordinary size with long, black hair, and piercing dark eyes. Her hair was braided, and her clothes looked just a bit out of date. She didn’t look entirely crazy, though her gaze was intent and a bit unnerving.

      Dee Anne just got her mouth open to respond when the woman continued. “Do you mind if I sit down?” Without waiting for an answer, she sat.

      Dee Anne again had her mouth open to speak, but the woman just kept talking. “Oh, no, not a virgin birth.” She waved her hand in front of her face as though brushing away the very idea like a fly. “I know you’re not married.” Both of their eyes moved to the wedding band on Dee Anne’s left hand. “Oh, I know you wear that wedding band to keep people in this conservative town from asking questions, but you’re not married.”

      She paused to take a breath, but again Dee Anne only got her mouth open. Before she could speak, the woman continued. “That virgin birth thing was kind of a one time thing. It’s not going to happen that way again. But special births, yes, there are more of those. Like Sampson. He was announced by God’s messenger. And John the Baptist. Yes, that would be a good example. John the Baptist. A child to prepare the way. Children are such a wonderful thing, aren’t they?”

      “But I’m on the pill.” Dee Anne hadn’t intended to say anything of the sort. Part of her wanted to tell the crazy woman to get lost. What business was all this of hers anyhow? But instead she said, “I’m on the pill.”

      “Well, what are a few little pills to God? Sarah was too old to have a baby. Rebecca was barren. So was Rachel. In any case, I just wanted you to know you’re going to have a son, and that he will be a very special child. God has called him to important work. You should be very careful how you raise him. Make sure he’s healthy in mind and body. Make sure he learns about God and Jesus early.”

      “But I don’t even go to church! I’m not sure what I believe.” Again Dee Anne had planned to say something like, “Please leave me alone. I don’t even know you and I think you’re not right.” But she didn’t.

      “But you will go to church. In fact, you are especially anointed by God. You have been chosen to bear a new messenger from God, a new servant of Jesus.”

      She paused. “Well, that’s it. Now you know.” She got up and walked out of the cafe. Before Dee Anne figured out how to react, she was gone.

      Dee Anne couldn’t have explained why she bought the pregnancy test kit. But that night she found herself in the bathroom

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