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especially after her recent stem cell breast surgery.20


      The question must not be: Does energy medicine work? Of course it works. It has worked since the existence of humanity. Magnetism is a physical phenomenon that exercises its influence on the entire universe, including living beings. As James Oschman, Ph.D. stated so well at the A4M Conference in Orlando several years ago:

      “When we ignore energy we miss 99% of reality. In fact, what can you comprehend about anything without energetics?”21

      The biological manifestations of electromagnetism range from the potential of action produced by cellular depolarization in response to ionic flow through its membrane to organic representations that are in fact used for diagnostic purposes such as cardiac, cerebral, or muscular electrical activity. There is ever more scientific evidence that questions the physiological model currently accepted, which exclusively considers biochemical process and nervous conduction as responsible for cell and organic interactions. It is necessary to consider electromagnetic phenomena as cell behavior elements that precede the other processes.22

      While energy medicine plays a potent role in patient care, when looking at the bigger picture, there are many other perspectives and solutions from different cultures and ancient wisdom to bring into a personalized medicine approach to help our patients recreate their belief system and change their life patterns. Our own use and teaching of the most important puzzle pieces that come into play of an integrative or complementary approach to helping chronically ill patients in a personalized setting are shown in Figure 3.


      Figure 3. An integrated personalized approach to patient care should include the use of many treatment modalities

      Besides relief of symptoms, have you have ever given thought to what it really is that our patients are searching when seeking our help and involvement to improve their health? Deep down there is a desire, an unfulfilled part in their lives that drives their body into a state of chaos and dysfunction. When zooming out (not only zooming into their physiological distress), one could find their inner yearning to:

      •Find hope;

      •Feel safe;

      •Be free;

      •Live life without fear;

      •Be respected;

      •Be and feel beautiful;

      •Love and be loved;

      •Connect with the seed of their powerful self they have come to live.

      When we are born as naked innocent beings, we live in the moment and allow a special life force to work through us so we may live our purposeful life. But something happens somewhere along our lives (from my perspective before a child turns 5), when a shocking or traumatizing situation as little as it may be, disconnects us from the trust and belief in ourselves and gets us on a different path; a path that is not ours. Many years later our bodies follow the emotional and spiritual disconnect by expressing symptoms and disease.

      Not only our patients, but all of us are searching for these aspects within us. It is a journey we all should respect and embrace allowing ourselves to live our powerful selves impacting the world around us.

      “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. Recognition of the mystery of the universe is the source of all true science. He to whom emotions are a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.”

      -- Albert Einstein


      1.Oschman J. Energy Medicine The Scientific Basis. 2000.

      2.Ayurvedic Medicine an Introduction NIH National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Website. Available at: http://nccam.nih.gov/health/ayurveda/introduction.htm

      3.Hunt V. Infinite Mind: Science of the Human Vibrations of Consciousness. 1996.

      4.Traditional Chinese Medicine an Introduction. NIH National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Website. Available at:http://nccam.nih.gov/health/whatiscam/chinesemed.htm

      5.Maciocia G. The Foundations of Chinese Medicine A comprehensive Text for Acupuncturists and Herbalists. 1989.

      6.Ancient History Encyclopedia: Egyptian, Ancient Egyptian Medicine: The Study and Practice of Medicine in Ancient History. 2012.

      7.Garrison FH. History of Medicine. Philadelphia, US; W.B. Saunders Company: 1966.

      8.Cullen W, Barton BS. Professor Cullen's treatise of the materia medica. Edward Parker; 1812.

      9.Gumpert M. Hahnemann: The Adventurous Career of a Medical Rebel. New York, US: Fischer; 1945:130.

      10.What is Complementary and Alternative Medicine? NIH National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Website. Available at: http://nccam.nih.gov/sites/nccam.nih.gov/files/D347_05-25-2012.pdf

      11.Merriam Webster dictionary.

      12.Oschman JL, Kosovich J. Energy medicine and longevity: Cellular-electrical biofeedback combined with frequency specific healing. Anti-Aging Medical News. 2007; Winter.

      13.Frequency Chart in Hz copyright Ondamed Inc. & Ondamed GmbH.

      14.Pert C. Molecules of Emotion: The Science behind Mind-Body Medicine. 1997.

      15.Lipton B. Biology of Belief-Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles. 2005.

      16.Connolly R. The Healing Field. Available at: http://teslamania.tv/expo-speakers/robert_connolly_the_healing_field/

      17.Tesla N. High frequency oscillators for electro-therapeutic and other purposes. The Electrical Engineer. 1898:550.

      18.Lines B. The Cancer Cure that Worked. 2001.

      19.Space Life Sciences Johnson Space Center Staff: Byerly D, Sognier M, Arndt D, Ngo P, Phan C, Byerly K, Weinstein R. 2005.

      20.Somers S. Bombshell: Explosive Medical Secrets that will Redefine Aging. 2012.

      21.Oschman J. Energy Medicine. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFN32U69LBk

      22.Krouham MM. Magnetism in Medicine: Review of A New Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approach. Anti-Aging Medical News. 2013; Spring.


      Silvia Binder, ND, Ph.D., is the Founder of The Binder Institute for Personalized Medicine in Southern Germany. She was born in Germany, and grew up in Vienna, Austria, where she earned her degree in business. A motorcycle accident at the age of 15 brought her into a coma for 21-days, announced clinically dead 5-times. She spent her 16th year of life recuperating from her injuries, bound to a wheel chair. Her life changed dramatically by having heightened awareness. Her career led her to New York in 1989 where she lived for 22-years until moving back to Germany in 2010. Her personal story with her 5-year old son fueled her passion for complimentary medicine. Silvia received her N.D. degree from the College of Naturopathy in London, U.K. followed by her Ph.D. degree in naturopathy. Silvia has been helping chronically ill patients from all around the world, she is a Faculty Member of the Medical Wellness Association, is involved with clinical studies at various university clinics, lectures around the world, and offers specialized courses for healthcare practitioners.

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