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when you know the facts at hand will remain unchanged.

      13.Embrace decisions, as they cannot be avoided.

      Think about what your life would be like if others had the power to make decisions for you - exactly. When you were a kid, you had plenty of that, but at a certain point that has to stop. If you continue that life, you will remain a ‘boy’. A ‘Man’ embraces the opportunity to make intelligent life decisions for himself.

      14.If it can be done today, do it now.

      Procrastination is a key player in life failure. Waiting until tomorrow only adds to the list of things you have to do tomorrow. Example, I should have made the final edits to this Ebook months ago, and procrastination has gotten hold of me. Let tomorrow bring its own challenges - take care of the present ones right now.

      15.If it’s useful keep it - junk is what you throw away.

      Get rid of anything in your life that you aren’t using or that is taking up unnecessary space. Freeing up physical and mental space in your life and mind may increase your ability to focus, and by extension, succeed. This could include removing people, habits, or things. Start with your room, then check your cell phone, then your Facebook, etc.

      16.Those who waste time do not value life.

      We all know people who do nothing with their days and nights. These are people you may want to avoid. Human beings are creatures of habit, and without structure, we can fall victim to recreating the unsuccessful lives of others. Remember that your time on this earth will run out at some point, so spend your time doing things that will add meaning and purpose to your tomorrow.

      17.Learn your habits.

      It’s really annoying when other people tell you about the things that you do. It’s probably embarrassing. But wouldn’t it be great if you could agree with someone when they bring it up, because you are already aware of the fact that it’s true? This is especially useful if any of your habits embody weaknesses - or what I like to call, areas of opportunity. Be quick to respond by letting them know that, the habit or characteristic in question is on your radar. We’ve got to diagnose our own problems first.

      18.Master your weaknesses.

      Controlling your weaknesses is a secret not many people have tapped into. One key to living is always looking to be a better version of yourself. Start with finding out how you can improve as a human being, and then hit the weight room. Make your weaknesses your greatest strengths. This is a simple and absurdly powerful personal revelation.

      19.Always take time to step back and evaluate.

      Reflection is one of the best ways to begin living a better life. Everything happens for a reason. I don’t mean that in the ‘broad’ sense, I mean it literally. The bed got made because someone made it. Silly, and maybe stupid sounding, but that’s how things work. People don’t just do or say things just because. If someone tells you that, they are lying to themselves and you. You should probably find a new friend. There is a catalyst behind all things.

      20.Remain loyal, for it should have no expiration.

      Not everyone you are loyal to will remain loyal to you, but let them make the first move. A Man maintains integrity at all times, and your word is all you have. Let your reputation carry you farther than your words will. The content of the reputation that precedes you, is up to you.

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