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      99 Things A Young Man Should Know


      James George

      Copyright 2014 James George,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-2181-0

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.


      Dear Friends,

      Thank you for joining me once again. I am excited to share with you my newest Ebook: 99 Things a Young Man Should Know. For a long time, I have wanted to provide a consolidated record of my thoughts on becoming a responsible adult male in society. I grew up having various examples of how to live life as a Man - both good and bad. Shortly after completing Financing Your Twenties, I embarked on this journey to write about the Top 99 Blurbs of Wisdom that were essential to successful living.

      Firstly, let me be clear that these 99 morsels are not in any particular order. Additionally, while the content for each blurb may be focused toward a specific type of scenario, your job as the reader is to identify what other areas might these bits of knowledge apply to in your life. A great example is #29 - Pay Attention To Details. My description is focused mainly on job scenarios, but attention to detail should be focused on in every scenario of our lives including: communicating with loved ones, running our households, pursuing creative ventures, reading the news, sending Emails, listening to the views of others - you get the idea.

      It should be made known, that I purposed this text to be focused toward young Men, but certainly Men and Woman can gain invaluable insights from these perspectives. I believe it is very important that young Men have access to a solid fundamental outline to guide them through crucial life scenarios, especially since not all of us have grown - or will grow - up with great male role models that embody integrity and honor. And, in the event that you have one, or multiple, I am confident this text will still add something substantial to your life.

      All the best to you and yours,

      - James

      @JamesGeorgeNYC - Twitter/Facebook

      Section I

      1.There’s the suit that fits, and there’s the suit that’s tailored.

      You should visit a tailor to make sure your dress clothes fit you like you were born wearing them. Remember - a tailored suit is to Women, as lingerie is to Men. Ask a nice young lady if you don’t believe me.

      2.Dress as the Man you want to become.

      Sagging pants, oversized shirts, and winkled garments are the symbols of a Man who isn’t looking to be taken seriously. Those who follow this pattern usually miss the success train. Your clothes should be clean, and ironed, at all times. Know the situation, and dress accordingly. If you don’t know what to wear to the summer beach cookout, holiday party, or just a casual night out - go to Google.

      3.Don’t carry wasteful debt - pay with cash.

      Credit cards aren’t evil - your spending habits are. Whatever you charge on a credit card, you should have that same exact amount of cash available on hand to pay the bill off in full - no exemptions. Failure to do so will result in a lower credit score and not being taken seriously as an adult as your life progresses. Seriously, even employers care about your credit score now. It matters.

      4.Make sure you’re into her, because things can get awkward.

      The moment you sense that your interest in a young lady has reached a cap, simply inform her and stop talking to her. Don’t let the charade continue. It’s a waste of your time and hers. Be the guy who was honest and true, not the one who led her on with false hopes of love and togetherness.

      5.Everyone doesn’t need to know what you know.

      Volunteering information that no one else needs to know is not smart. When someone tells you something, keep it to yourself. Or when developments happen in your life, be strategic in who you share it with. Be the carrier of information, not the leaker of it. Running your mouth just because you can’t help it is a great way to isolate yourself.

      6.It’s better to think the wrong things, than say the wrong things.

      No one can see your thoughts. People will say, ‘I know what you’re thinking’ but the truth is, they don’t and they know it. When someone drops that line, just reply, ‘Don’t speculate at my thoughts’. We all struggle with thoughts that aren’t always nice, pleasant, or appropriate. If you don’t have anything good to say, well, you know the rest.

      7.Overcome the sickness of complacency.

      A meaningful life requires work, occasional tears, and sacrifice. Avoid becoming comfortable with your life. This is a trap that will leave you stuck in a cycle or with habits that are hard to break, and potentially harmful to your life. Always seek new opportunities to enhance the quality of your life. Life can always be better.

      8.Don’t underestimate your power to learn, and think.

      The human brain is way more powerful than we give it credit for. No one may have ever told you how much power you have in your mind - so I am telling you. Circumstances that appear to be impossible, can come to pass with some simple thought and action. All of your plans or thoughts don’t need to be shared with everyone. If certain people bring you negativity, get rid of them and only share ideas with those who support you. When people around you aren’t supportive, ignore them. However, that doesn't mean surround yourself with people who only tell you what you want to hear. That is just as dangerous. Look for those who are supportive, and brutally honest.

      9.Don’t invest emotionally, until you are vested - emotionally.

      You may have strong feelings for a young lady very quickly, but do not allow yourself to get caught up in ‘feelings’ because feelings aren’t facts. One month into dating, you don’t owe her anything and she doesn’t owe you anything. Don’t put unrealistic expectations on her, and if she puts unrealistic expectations on you to quickly, nicely let her know what she’s done, and walk away.

      10.Find Women; avoid girls.

      A good starting point on how to discern the difference, is a Woman’s relationship with her father. If that relationship is strong, self respecting ‘Women’ tend to be the result. ‘Girls’ carry unresolved emotional issues around with them, and may be overly concerned with superficial nonsense that adds no real value to life. Learn these signs and avoid them at all costs. Similarly, don’t act like a little boy - complaining, making excuses, looking for handouts, untrustworthy - etc. If you want a real Woman, you need to be a real Man first.

      Section II

      11.Do not shy away from being honest with those you claim to care about.

      Honesty is the best policy. Be forward and true when speaking to those you care about. They may complain that you are mean, or not ‘nice’, but simply ask them, would they rather be lied to by a nice person who pretends to care about them? Remind them that they can’t have it both ways, and then let them choose. Whatever their choice, don’t take it personal – and never be rude. Just be true in everything you say and do.

      12.Being decisive means being thoughtfully prompt.

      I understand making decisions is challenging because you don’t want to make the wrong

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