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on right was taken 7 years (2008) after GS filters were installed in the home and levels of dirty electricity were reduced. Note the absence/reduction of sclerotic lesions in 2008.

      The effect of electromagnetic frequencies on MS needs further study as we do not know the mechanism involved. Nor do we know the role electrosmog plays in the initiation, development, progression, and remission of this illness, or how many people with MS are also electrosensitive.

      Case #4: Rouleaux Formation of the Blood

      According to Wikipedia:

      Rouleaux (singular is rouleau) are stacks of red blood cells (RBCs) which form because of the unique discoid shape of the cells in vertebrates. The flat surface of the discoid RBCs give them a large surface area to make contact and stick to each other; thus, forming a rouleau. They occur when the plasma protein concentration is high, and because of them the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is also increased. This is a non-specific indicator of the presence of disease.

      Conditions that cause rouleaux formation include infections, multiple myeloma, inflammatory and connective tissue disorders, and cancers. It also occurs in diabetes mellitus and is one of the causative factors for microvascular occlusion in diabetic retinopathy.

      In 2009, I was testing claims made by distributors of a pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) mat. One of the claims made is that after a short, 8-minute exposure, live blood analysis shows much healthier looking blood cells. I tested their claim and noted that my blood was not very healthy looking at the start of the experiment with many of the cells stuck together. I then lay on the mat for 8 minutes and the blood cells were single and no longer clumping. The next day I repeated the testing and found that if I work on a computer or use a cordless phone my blood looks very unhealthy and forms stacks of red blood cells that resemble a stack of coins (rouleaux) (Figs. 6 & 7).


      Figure 6. Live blood cells after 8 minutes of exposure to PEMF mat (MRS 2000); after working around the house that is electromagnetically clean; after using a computer for 70 minutes; after resting to 10 minutes away from the computer; and after using the PEMF mat again.


      Figure 7. Live blood cells before and after using a cordless phone. Note the stacked red blood cells (rouleaux formation) in photograph on right.

      Since the surface area of the red blood cells is where the exchange of gases and nutrients takes place, stacks of blood cells have a reduced surface area and are unable to function property resulting in oxygen and nutritional insufficiencies and an accumulation of waste products in cells and tissues. Common symptoms include numbness, tingling and/or cold extremities, chronic fatigue, and chronic pain. In severe cases rouleau formation could also contribute to blood clots, neuropathy, stroke or heart disease. Cardiologist Stephen Sinatra says that our blood should look like fine red wine and instead it resembles tomato catsup. This cannot be a healthy condition.

      Case #5: Heart Rate Variability and Cordless Phone Base Station

      Some people with electrosensitivity complain of heart problems including some combination of a rapid or irregular heartbeat, chest pain, shortness of breath and feelings of anxiety that appear quickly and for no obvious reason. Their symptoms resemble those of a heart attack, which leads to even greater anxiety.

      Since the functioning of the human heart is relatively easy to monitor, we tested to see if the radiation from a base station of a cordless phone (cradle for the phone) could affect the heart in a double-blind, sham controlled experiment.11 We used the cradle for a cordless phone because, in North America, these cradles emit radio frequency radiation whether or not they are being used for a call. This radiation is constant and relatively powerful as the signal can reach the phone at distances of 100 meters or more.

      We tested 25 volunteers in Colorado using Nerve Express heart rate variability and found that 40% (10 participants) responded to the radiation. Some developed tachycardia or arrhythmia only while they were exposed to the radio frequency radiation generated by the base of the cordless phone. The intensity of this radiation was well below (0.3%) international, U.S., and Canadian guidelines. In other words, they responded only while the cradle was plugged into a live outlet. When the cradle was plugged into a dead outlet there was no radiation and no response. A common response for sensitive individuals was upregulation of the sympathetic nervous system and downregulation of the parasympathetic nervous system that is typical of a “fight or flight” stress response (Fig. 8).

      This study shows that the radiation emitted by a common device, at levels well below federal guidelines, affects the autonomic nervous system and may put some individuals with pre-existing heart conditions at risk when exposed to electromagnetic radiation to which they are sensitive.


      Figure 8. Typical response of someone who is electrosensitive and responding to the radiation generated by the base station of the cordless phone. During exposure (phone) the heart rate increases from 65 to 86 and 72 beats per minute and returns to “normal” during sham exposure. Also during exposure there is an upregulation of the sympathetic nervous system and a downregulation of the parasympathetic.


      The best sources of information about electrosensitivity for doctors and other health care practitioners is the Austrian Medical Association (2012) guidelines.3 They recommend that the code Z58.4 (exposure to radiation) under the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) should be used for EMF syndrome until a more specific code is provided for non-ionizing radiation. This is particularly important for those with medical/legal claims.

      The Austrian Medical Association provides the following list as an aid to help diagnose and treat someone with EMF-related health problems:

      1.History of health problems and EMF exposure

      2.Examination and findings

      3.Measurement of EMF exposure

      4.Prevention or reduction of EMF exposure



      Prominent among the recommendations is determining and reducing exposure to electrosmog as part of the treatment. Important questions to ask patients are:

      1.Which of the following wireless devices do you use/are you exposed to: cell phones; cordless phones; wireless baby monitor; Wi-Fi routers for internet access; wireless home alarm system; wireless games; other? The more devices the greater the potential exposure.

      2.Do you live/work/go to school within 500 meters of cell phone towers; within 2 km of broadcast (TV, radio) antennas; within 2 km of radar antennas (common near airports, military bases, marine installations, or weather stations)?

      3.Do you live with 100 meters of a power line or electricity substation?

      4.Do you use computers for hours each day?

      5.Do you have a smart meter on your home? Wireless smart meters produce both radio frequency radiation and dirty electricity.

      6.Do you have a plasma TV, light dimmer switches, fluorescent lights at home/work/school? These produce dirty electricity that can be biologically active.

      7.Do you live within 100 meters of your neighbors (row housing, condominiums, apartment buildings, etc.)? This would expose occupant to neighbor’s radio frequency sources.

      Exposure can be reduced by behavior modification (using cell phone in speaker mode rather than holding it up to the head; using it less often and for shorter periods; moving wireless device away

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