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      Suzanne finished a piece of lemon pie. “Everyone missed you at women’s Bible study this week.”

      Lyza cut another piece for David. “I missed them, too. I’m going to figure out how to get away and meet with you. I haven’t figured that out yet. I thought also about an evening study. You know, when the men are having theirs.”

      David spoke up. “The only problem with that is that the men meet separately so the children will be with their mothers. Then when the mothers meet, the children will be with their fathers.”

      “Oh, of course. I’m out of it tonight. Guess I’m still thinking about the office.”

      Suzanne looked at Lyza. “You know we don’t gossip at Bible study, but something came up that I thought you should know about.”

      “What’s that?” David’s eyes widened.

      Suzanne took a sip of her coffee. “Someone said you would probably move since you’re going back to work.”

      “Oh, Suzanne, it’s not like that. I mean, we’ve had one short discussion.” Lyza glanced at David. “But nothing’s been decided for sure. I don’t plan to be at the office that much after I get things to the point I feel they need to be. However, there is the security issue.” David shot her a warning look, and she realized she was saying too much. “We really haven’t decided anything at this point.”

      Suzanne pushed her empty pie plate away. “What would happen to the church if you moved?”

      David held up his hand. “Look, Suzanne. Nothing’s going to happen to the church. As for right now, we’re not going anywhere. Besides, if and when that happened, I could commute.”

      Suzanne crossed her arms. “Well, we need you here. Having you next door to the church is what everyone wants. That’s why we built the parsonage.”

      Lyza poured more coffee for Suzanne. “It’s not like we want to move. We love it here. Don’t let anybody start rumors. David isn’t leaving the congregation.”

      Suzanne added cream to her coffee. “I hope not. We don’t know what we’d do if either of you left.”

      The phone rang, and David checked the caller ID. “It’s Cook.”

      Lyza stood. “Sorry, Suzanne. I should probably take this.”

      She took the phone into David’s office. “Hello, Cook. What’s happening with you?”

      “I just called to check in with you. Has Leesa called?”

      Lyza pressed her ear to the phone. Why is Cook speaking so quietly? “No, did she say she was going to call?”

      “Well, I told her you wanted to talk to her about coming back to work on the Kramer’s Island project. She seemed interested, so I thought she would call you.”

      Oh, I get it. Leesa’s there and Cook doesn’t want her to hear. It’s all right. I didn’t expect her to call right away. “No, nothing.”

      Cook continued, “I think she wants you to call her. She’s done with the work on the highway. They’re going to reassign her to an office next week. I thought it might be a good time for you to talk.”

      Lyza brightened. “Sure, Cook. You are such a good woman. Thank you. I’ll call her now.”


      Leesa sat on the patio, reading the morning paper. She couldn’t help but smile when she read that Bingo and His Amazing Rock Band would be performing for the President of the United States at the White House. Her cell phone rang. She checked the caller ID and answered flatly. “Hi, Lyza. What’s up?”

      “Leesa. How are you?”

      She sounds pleasant. Leesa growled. “You don’t want to know.”

      “Leesa, I don’t care what’s happened. I care about you. Are you’re doing all right?”

      Yeah, you care about me, like a papa alligator cares about his babies. Leesa shot back, “I’m doing fine. How’s going back to work?”

      Lyza said slowly, “It’s been difficult, but I feel I have no other choice.”

      Oh, it’s been difficult to take over what I built up. Leesa threw the newspaper to the patio floor. “Well, I feel like I got stabbed in the back. Father told me months ago to take over for him, that the business would be mine when he passed.”

      “I’m sorry he told you that and then changed his mind. And I’m not going to tell you that I understand it, because I don’t.”

      Leesa felt exhausted. I don’t need this conversation. “What do you want? Why did you call?”

      “Leesa, I want us to be sisters again. I want you to come back to work.”

      Pain stabbed Leesa’s back. “As what? As your slave for that sniveling little kid of yours?”

      Lyza paused. “No, nothing like that. I’d like you to meet Levi. I’d like you to come have dinner with us. I’d like you to come back to work.”

      Who does she think she is? Leesa hardened her tone. “Just like that. I’m supposed to change and melt to your charms, forget everything, and come back to work for you.”

      “I don’t want to argue, but let me remind you, when Father disowned me, you didn’t even say good-bye.”

      Leesa rubbed her back. “Like I had a choice! You know Father. Mother didn’t have a chance, either.”

      Lyza’s voice softened. “I know, and I’m not pointing a finger. I’m just saying it’s time to get our family back together. We don’t have much family anymore, and I want you back.”

      Leesa held the phone quietly for a moment. Lyza’s changed. Does she still have what it takes to run Lane Unlimited? Maybe she does need me. “Since you put it that way, I guess you’re the only family I have left. But Lyza, Father couldn’t take it that you turned Christian. Are you still Christian?”

      Lyza said, “I’ll always be Christian, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t still sisters. Come back to work. I’ll do whatever it takes to get us back on solid ground.”

      Leesa’s voice softened. “I’m not promising anything.”

      Lyza asked, “Did Cook talk to you? I mean, did she tell you about Kramer’s Island?”

      Leesa’s heart skipped a beat at the mention of her project. “Kramer’s Island seems a century ago. I miss it.”

      “I want you to have it, Leesa.”

      What?! “Can you even do that? I mean, it’s not yours. It belongs to Levi.”

      Lyza assured her, “Yes, but it’s in his best interest for you to have it. You created it, you designed it, and you worked your tail off to make it a success. It’s losing money right now, but I know you can turn that around and make it better than ever. I think we should do a slow turnover so it will be back in the black before we finalize the deal. I was thinking five years.”

      Leesa swallowed. For Kramer’s Island, I’ll give it a shot. “Make it three, and we have a deal.”

      Lyza sounded hopeful. “Then you’re coming back to work?”

      “My schedule is a little fuzzy right now. I’m sure you know about my community service.”

      “Come in when you can. I’m looking forward to seeing you and working together again.”

      Leesa rubbed her back again. “During the next few weeks I’ll be coming up with ideas on how to turn Kramer’s Island around.”

      Chapter Six

      After three weeks of community service–mandated filing, Leesa strode into L. L. Lane Unlimited headquarters as if she’d never left.

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