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      Figure 1.2: Cosmological myth of the early Martians

      In it a map of the known world in ancient Martian times is shown held up by columns which rest on a platform carried on the back of a dragon. In the heavens above the map are two fabulous creatures, [the creature on the upper right is the demon VERI] and below them is an inscription in the old Martian writing system. No where in the writings is there a reference to this drawing or the myth it shows, but it is clear that it is intended to be ancient in character in its conception.

      The dragon was not a mythical beast to the Martians, however; nor was it an extinct creature. The dragons, Erf and Merf, of whom more will be said later, were active participants in the adventures of the present and Klono, a dragon, was the god of Justice and Planets (see figure 1.7). On the other hand, it is not clear just when the Martians first encountered dragons, and how that contact happened to take place. The Martians did not develop space travel until AL 1,000,000,000 — when they settled the Earth’s moon and the moons of Jupiter— and, naturally, interstellar travel did not come until later (see Timeline in Chapter 2).

Jame's Dragons.png

      Figure 1.3 Dragons and Middle Martians ideograms associated with them.

      Once the Martians went into interstellar space, their view of the Universe changed dramatically, of course, and there were many intergalactic maps in the materials that plot journeys from one place to another (see figure 1.4).

      But, all of these locations in space had their origins in a set of locations on earth as well. One very interesting map (see figure 1.5) shows that many of the places that figure in the Epic have their counterparts in the four square block area around our house in Wichita Kansas, at 548 N. Dellrose, bounded by Central Ave., Crestway, 9th Street, and Oliver. In particular, the location of our house on this map is in the area set aside for Andromeda (M31), and it is in that galaxy that much of the action of the Epic takes place.

      By structuring the Universe in a physical space in this four block square area, the real life doings of James, Bob Parks, and their friends could be embodied in historical events in the Epic and daring deeds could be acted out in distant space. A walk from our house to Parks’ house — only a couple of blocks away — would involve, thus, a journey through space, during which our heroes might encounter all sorts of fearful hazards.

      [In the following picture of the Star Map (or the alternate Universe) you can see Streiff’s Tavern which belonged to our Dad, our home, Bob Parks house, John Roth’s house and Shultz’s the little open-aired residential Grocery store in our neighborhood that would transform into “Shultz’s Beer Parlor when the boys entered into the 81st dimension.]


      *Star map by Lee Streiff

The MILKY WAY pic.png

      Figure 1.4: Intergalactic map showing the directions to the Virgo Cluster, M 31(the galaxy in the constellation of Andromeda), M 33(a galaxy in Triangulum), and other places from, apparently, the Milky Way, in the center.


      Figure 1.5: Transcription of the four square block area map. (North is at the Right)

      In addition, by standing in our backyard (as the night sky was much more visible then in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s), one could almost feel the affinity with and closeness to the celestial sphere and the streaming cloud of the misty Milky way. I remember many cold winter nights when James would take me out into the backyard and point out the various stars, constellations and planets. His own understanding of Astronomy — which in retrospect it must be remembered was limited to the knowledge of that time — was considerable, even if his spelling was eccentric.

      [Note: And, Pluto was not even discovered yet as a planet. Now of course there are questions about that.]

      It might be noted that the Zodiacal constellations are grouped in the center of this map, and that suggests that the Milky Way was at the intersection of Pershing and Murdock’s store of streets, and that by looking out from there on the plane of the Ecliptic, one would see these constellations from Earth, or — slightly differently — from Mars. There was a small open air neighborhood grocery store of the kind familiar in the 1930’s nestled between some houses on Murdock, close to Pershing where we kids would frequently make stops for pop, Ice-cream and candy. I suspect this might have been the location of Shultz’s Beer Parlor in the outer-space Epic.

      In any case, the intergalactic map in figure 1.4 was only one such, among many in the files depicting episodes in the Epic. And many of the adventures were battles between the Martian Exiles and their various enemies. Most of these exploits are covered in James’ essays in the series Studies in Martian History and in articles in the Martian News Letter, and they will be discussed in Chapter 3.

      3. Religion

      The ancient Martian religion was polytheistic — and was complex and filled with not only a variety of gods, but other creatures as well.

The Lil' Men & Varnish.png

      Figures 1.6 A, and B: The Little Men, Skyhooks, and Varnish.

      For example, there are The Little Men. In their spare time, these creatures act as messengers of KLONO. They are very mischievous, however, and as a result, NOSHABKENNING, the god of Space, does not permit them to move across space unless they are expressly on official business for KLONO. As can be seen in figure 1.6 above, they like to swim in cans of Varnish, hang on skyhooks, throw bombs and march in parades, among other things. Their favorite tool is the monkey wrench which obviously, they delight throwing into things.

James' KLONO.png

      Figure 1.7 KLONO, god of Planets and Justice. By James Streiff

      KLONO, as the god of Planets and Justice was one of the chief deities (or OLIZ).

      He is usually pictured in a dragon-like form. He presides over the Hall of Justice and is the god that spacemen invoke when landing on a strange new planet. Legend has it that he can only act within the confines of a planet; in other words, not out in space.

      The proper form for an invocation for most deities and quasi-deities is as follows:

      first, music to the appropriate god is played;

      second the god is invoked by name and title

      third, the message is delivered; and,

      fourth, the ceremony is closed by a drink and then a toast.

      Asking KLONO’s assistance requires a specific ritual involving an invocation dating back to earliest times.

      This invocation begins:

      In the far off dimness,

      In the far flung mist of time,

      In the starry hues and forms,

      Wherein lie in peace and love

      Of right and life and truth…

      And concludes;

      Let Truth reign in these portals,

      Let Glory thus rise again.

      Except in this invocation, he is rarely spoken to except in his capacity

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