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was good, harmonious, and that God was nothing other than the energy of pure love—never judgmental or vindictive as anthropomorphically portrayed by many earthly religions.

      Communication at the higher frequency was different as well. It came more through thoughts and intuition than actual physical speech, as the spiritual beings there were not the same as physical beings on Earth. There were no vocal chords to articulate sounds and no “ears” per se to receive them. Sense organs were unnecessary, as were physical bodies in the earthly sense. The energy of light and sound circulated freely with no need for translation.

      Deuce sensed that God wished to communicate with him, and messages began to flow between them.

      “Deuce, it seems you’re having quite a good time there—sorry to interrupt!”

      “Well, timing could have been a bit better! How may I be of assistance?”

      “I know that you haven’t been here very long, and your transition was a difficult one. I also recall that there were things on Earth that you really wanted to see through to their conclusion, especially your research. The timing of your accident was most unfortunate.”

      “Indeed it was. Just on the verge of another breakthrough with K2. Lots of suffering on Earth without that bit of knowledge. I do see that a few of their scientists are beginning to get it now, though.”

      “Yes, the lower frequency and the need for ‘time’ there seems to slow things down a bit, at least in their perception. It’s hard not to feel concerned in the interim, though.”

      “I completely agree. The needless suffering bothers me a lot, so I’m sure it must be magnified many times over for you.”

      “Yes. I have given them all that they need for health and joy, yet they just struggle so to realize it. They have advanced greatly in technology, especially information technology, but their diets have suffered as a result. I gave them beautiful bodies, and now they are almost all overweight and unsightly. They don’t exercise much anymore as a rule. The food they eat is not what I intended, and they suffer from needless diseases, resulting in poorly functioning bodies with unattractive appearances. Surely you, of all beings, can understand that! If they could realize that they are a part of me—that their destiny is nothing less than pure enlightenment and bliss…”

      “They are an ignorant lot for sure,” Deuce interrupted. “Brilliant in some areas, but completely off course in others, particularly their own health, and what it takes to maintain their gift of life. They’ve made you into some sort of cosmic judge, taking sides with first one group, and then another. Honestly, I think it’s the human ego that’s the problem—puffing itself up, thinking it’s so important, so knowledgeable, and not realizing its connection to you and to all creation, really. Believe me, I suffered from that a lot there. I never really understood even a fraction of your love for me, or the potential that I had, if I had just let you express yourself through me, rather than struggling so hard on my own limited power. If I knew then what I know now, I could have done so much more with my life there!”

      “Sadly, that is so often the case…”

      Deuce felt a pause in the energy flow here. He sensed a certain sadness emanating from God’s essence—actually more like an empathy for the human condition. He suddenly felt a bit anxious, as if something very important was about to be transmitted to him. Then the ‘communication’ continued.

      “Deuce, how would you like to go back to Earth for a while?”

      KABOOM!!!! There is was, the bomb exploded! Deuce just knew that something big was coming. Now it was in his awareness…. God could use his help back on Earth again! Hmmm…a second chance? Really?

      God sensed his surprise and uncertainty. “Remember your observations about the human condition—how different things would be if they only sensed my love for them, and realized their potential as creations in my image? I don’t do this often, but I would like to offer you the opportunity to go back there with that knowledge and effect a fundamental change on Earth. Doesn’t that sound like a bigger challenge than just lying on the beach here, and well, you know…pleasuring yourself?”

      “Hmmmm…a bigger challenge maybe, but not near as much fun!” Deuce winked, hastening to add, “Just kidding!—I do love this new female body I’ve just imagined, though, and wow, what a sensation that was…”


      “Sorry, sorry. Lost myself there for a minute. I have to say, though, those sensations I just experienced as a woman…Voilà! Fantastica!”

      “And you’re just beginning to realize all the pleasures and joys of my creation! How about this, Deuce? What if I send you back to Earth as a woman—a very sensuous, yet highly intelligent woman? How about that?”

      Deuce halted the flow of communication for a moment to regroup. “You’re kidding, right? Back to Earth as a woman? Really? A woman?” he repeated, obviously mulling the thought over in his mind. “And just when I was starting to enjoy it here…a woman, huh? Well, I guess that would be a different experience for sure—might even be fun! I do love my new body and how much pleasure it gives me. These breasts…these hips…”


      “Sorry! No hiding your thoughts and feelings here, that’s for sure! The woman thing is certainly a big draw, AND, I do want to finish my research, BUT…I’m certainly no preacher! Aside from that, dropping back to that low Earth frequency? Ugh! All that waiting, space and time issues, suffering, doubt, fear, sense of separation, and IGNORANCE that’s rampant down there! I just don’t know if I could do it again!”

      “Deuce, Deuce…you still haven’t progressed too far! Surely you realize now that you are part of me, and that I am the essence of love. It’s not all about YOU! It’s about letting my love fill your consciousness and bringing the message back to Earth about who I am, who each person really is, and what life is all about. Isn’t that a big-enough challenge for you?”

      If Deuce had still been in his human body, rest assured his cheeks would have been rosy red right about then. No embarrassment here, though. Everything was good. No experience was diminishing in any way. Quite the contrary. All choices led to an ever-unfolding expansion of consciousness and progression toward unity with the God energy. He continued his communication now, with full awareness of that reality.

      “Would I have to go through the whole birth thing again? I just don’t think I can deal with the nine-month water balloon stuff even one more time. And that’s not the worst of it—look what they did to Jesus when you sent him down there! Crucified him one minute, and the next, hailed him as your Son! You know, if I let on how things really are, the same religious people will be so threatened that I could suffer a similar fate! And what will they call me after I’m gone—your DAUGHTER?”

      “They do seem to be a hardheaded lot there on Earth, Deuce, you’re right about that. I’ve given them everything they need to be joyful and to learn about love, but they keep wanting to make me into one of them—judgmental, vindictive, giving some rewards and others punishment—you know the routine. I have asked many heavenly beings to help them—Krishna, Siddhartha, Jesus, and Muhammad just to name a few—but the impact hasn’t been as great as I had hoped. The humans inevitably start worshipping the messenger and miss the full message. Before long they have turned my words into yet another factious, exclusive, myopic sort of religion, where the believers are accepted and all others excluded and threatened with eternal damnation, all of which is the absolute antithesis of my nature! I created each of them as part of me, in hopes that they would use their earthly environment to grow their spiritual stature and learn the power of love and unity. Instead, they organize into little countries or religions and attack one another, often spending more on defending themselves than they do on their own well-being. Besides that, their technology has completely devastated the Earth, poisoned their natural resources, disrupted their food chain, and caused that epidemic of obesity and disease that we were just talking about. If I were human, I would be quite discouraged with it all!”

      “Precisely my point!”

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