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there, but she could. With a quick smile to herself, she undid the latch and flushed the toilet with her left hand to cover up the sound of her right hand raising the window. Before the toilet had refilled, she quickly popped the screen off. Then, in a stroke of pure strategic genius, she called softly to Bear, “Mr. Ba-ear, are you there?”

      “Of course I’m still here,” came a gruff response from outside the door. “You ready yet?”

      “Oh, not yet, Mr. Ba-ear. I’m having a little trouble attaching the back garter to my stocking, but there, I have it now. Just a few more minutes, ok?”

      “Oh shit!” Bear replied. “I hear Buzz yelling for me now. Let me just tell ’im you’re almost ready.”

      Bear’s last words fell on deaf ears, however, as Mariah had already climbed up on the toilet, slipped through the window, and fallen to the ground on the other side, which fortunately was not far below the window. She knew she had only a few minutes before they would discover her missing….

      “Bear, what the hell is holding her up in there?” Buzz growled impatiently. “She coulda dressed for the damn Oscars by now!”

      “I dunno. I heard the toilet flushing. She was probably so scared she had the squirts! Anyway, she called out and told me she had the garter belt and stockings on, and was just getting to the other stuff—you know, the gown, those fancy earrings, the shoes, and stuff. Said she would be out in just a minute.”

      “Well, she damn well better be. Get back in there and make sure she finishes soon. We can’t hang around here all night. Besides, I got myself all worked up for a little of that young Muslim pussy—I’m gonna cream my pants here pretty soon!”

      “Yeah, I know what you mean,” Bear concurred, smiling to himself at the “heads-up” she had promised him first. Once he was “up,” his cock was huge, and he relished the thought of stuffing it into that tight little twat, or better yet, maybe even her ass! He gave himself a few preliminary strokes as he headed back to the bathroom.

      “Hey, you done yet?” he yelled from the kitchen. No answer. “You hear me in there? You about ready for Little Bear here?” he smiled, looking down at the growing bulge in his pants. Still no answer. “Fuck!” he muttered out loud. “What’s that little bitch up to in there?” He tried the door handle—still locked. Damn, now he began to worry. Buzz would kill him if something went wrong. Better cover himself. “Hey Buzz!” he yelled back to the den. “The door’s locked and she ain’t answerin’.”

      “Jesus,” Buzz swore as he got up from the couch. “Blood, come with me. You’re good with locks. She’s locked herself in there and’s probably too scared to come out!”

      By now, Mariah, barefoot and in her pajamas, had crept around to the front of the house. Remembering that she hadn’t yet locked the front door for the night, she quickly pushed it open and, hearing cursing coming from the kitchen just one room away, immediately flipped on the entry hall light, reached to her right, and hit the emergency symbol on the alarm keypad. Flipping off the light, she slammed the door and ran across the street toward her neighbor’s house.

      “Goddamn!” yelled Blood, who was just in the middle of picking the lock. “Where the fuck is that siren coming from?”

      “Holy shit!” yelled Buzz. “Somebody set off the alarm. The cops’ll be here any minute! Damn it! Blood, get the gas and pour it around the kitchen. Throw those paper towels there on the floor and whatever else you see that will burn. Turn on that gas oven, torch the gasoline, and run like hell for the back door! Too late for the car. Head down the back to the creek and we’ll follow it out of here. By god, we’re gonna accomplish at least part of this mission, or Damien will cut our balls off before the whole group. Run!”

      As Blood lit the gasoline on the floor, the kitchen was quickly engulfed in flames. Looking back over his shoulder as he reached the patio, he saw and heard a huge explosion coming from the center of the house. “Oh yeah!” he yelled, heading down the steps to the creek. “Gotcha, you Muslim bitch!” he screamed as he joined his other two accomplices. All three men began running as fast as they could in the dark along the creek bed. Stumbling and cursing, they made it about a hundred yards from the house when they looked back and saw a huge plume of smoke and flames through the trees. Fire trucks with blaring sirens were rapidly approaching, and no doubt police as well. Blood had slipped on a rock about twenty feet back and had fallen face-first into the creek. Big Bear had a nasty collision with a tree limb, which had slowed his progress considerably, and Buzz had fallen down the steps on the way to the creek, ripping a large hole in the knee of his pants. Together now, the three misfits lay gasping for air on the creek bank, downstream from the house.

      As usual, Buzz was the first to speak. “What the fuck happened in there?” he asked, looking as bewildered as the other two. “One minute I’m lyin’ on the couch, strokin’ my cock, thinkin’ about that sweet little pussy I’m about to get, and next thing I know, I’m runnin’ like hell down the fuckin’ creek in the pitch-black night! Who set that alarm off? Was there a keypad in the bathroom? She couldn’t have gotten outa there, could she? Did that bathroom have a window? Jesus, Bear, tell me you checked it out before you put her in there!”

      Bear squirmed uncomfortably on the wet creek bank. “Uh, it was kinda dark in there, and, uh…I don’t remember seein’ no window. She was actin’ pretty friendly, though, not like she was gonna’ try somethin’ crazy or nothin’ like that.” He stared down at his feet, remembering the promise Mariah had made him just before closing the door. Hell, for all he knew right then, that bathroom could have had another door in it! His mind had been on something far more pleasurable, but he wasn’t about to tell Buzz that.

      “Dammit!” Buzz growled. “If that girl got away, we’re good as dead. We didn’ wear no masks or nothin’ ’cause I was plannin’ on torchin’ the house with her in it when we were done with her. Shit! If she’s alive, she can identify all of us, and worse than that, my fuckin’ car’s still parked in front of her house! We’ve gotta get it outa there, and fast! Maybe with all that commotion goin’ on with the fire trucks an’ all, no one would notice if one of us slipped over there an’ moved the car. What d’ya think, Blood?”

      “I think for sure I ain’t doin’ it!” Blood replied without hesitation. “It’s your car, man; you better go and get it.”

      “Well, that’s a friend for ya,” Buzz mumbled. “There’s a park and a lake just down this creek a ways, so you guys go on down there, and I’ll try to slip back, get the car, and meet ya back there in about an hour or so. Bear, you still got your cell?”

      Bear reached for his pocket. “Yeah, man, it’s still in there.”

      “Good. If I’m not back in an hour, call Damien, tell him what happened, and maybe he won’t be too pissed to leave you there! I gotta give this a shot or we’re all fucked!”

      With that, Buzz turned around and headed back toward the house.


      Mariah sat nervously in the Moores’ living room. Looking out the window across the street, she watched as a consortium of fire fighters attempted to keep the fire that engulfed her own home from spreading into the woods and endangering the nearby houses. Thankfully, Miriam, Joe Moore’s wife, had been at home this evening, even though her husband was out of town on business. She had been shocked when Mariah appeared at her front door, clad only in her pajamas, screaming something about men trying to rape her. Moments later, her house had inexplicably burst into flames, and now the two women watched in stunned silence as the pumper truck doused the Quitan home with seemingly endless gallons of water. It was clear to them that the damage would be extensive, but Mariah was so thankful to be alive that she could focus on little else. There were police in her yard, apparently responding to the alarm that she had set off, but there was so much confusion that no one seemed to know exactly what to do other than to put out the fire. Mariah was in a state of almost-complete shock, sitting on the couch, wrapped tightly in Miriam’s robe, shivering, and still breathing heavily from her race across the street. Miriam didn’t

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