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is the powerful pulsing of love in the vein.

      —Paul Simon

       “Under African Skies”

      You say you want a revolution

      Well, you know, we all want to change the world!

      —John Lennon



      Finding someone to transcribe our story has been something of a challenge for sure! Everyone seemed to have his/her priorities, and finding time to record a rather-fanciful tale of otherworldly encounters, mind-expanding theology, and yes, even lifesaving nutritional research, just wasn’t much of a priority to most folks we asked to assist us. Finally, after an exhausting search, we came across our present scribe, who, perhaps wisely, requested that we use our names as authors rather than his. We’re fine with that, especially given the fate of quite a few of your other creative spirits (John Lennon sadly comes to mind at the moment—we really liked John and Yoko).

      To tell you a little more about us, Krystan and I are what you might call guardian angels—maybe some of you are even clients of ours! Could be…we watch out for a lot of people there on Earth—quite an entertaining job, actually! We enjoy leaving little hints and clues hither and yon, which quite often lead to what you might perceive as serendipitous discoveries. Our communication is often in that quasi-conscious realm of what you commonly refer to as “intuition,” or simply a “hunch.” It’s a little hard to drop our frequency to your level, so this is typically our modus operandi, at least until now.

      This book—or, actually, series of books—is somewhat of a departure from our normal style of communication, but it seemed like the times warranted a more concrete intervention. Here it is, then—a fanciful tale somewhere between fable and farce—that will not only entertain, but also hopefully cause many of you to examine your current paradigms a bit more carefully…such is our intent, at least. A significant number may be offended, and we apologize for that, sort of. If we challenge some of your beliefs—especially those that you may have accepted at face value without ever taking the time to critically examine—you may well be better off to actually discard, or at least re-evaluate them. One additional apology relates to the very first chapter, where right off the bat, you run into the story’s chief villain, Frank Scumby. You will quickly surmise that Frank is certainly no angel like us. In fact, his crude language and behavior could easily be characterized as satanic. Believe what you will about devils, but Frank could easily fall into that category. So beware….

      You will learn a bit more about us in chapter 35, where we do a cameo appearance just to convince you that we really do exist. Our message there to Ryan is identical to our predominant message to all of you—that you are spiritual beings with unlimited potential powers who just happen to be having a time-limited physical incarnation here on Earth. For what purpose, you might ask? Well, at the risk of oversimplification, let’s just say to experience free will, with all the inherent opportunities to overcome the significant obstacles and temptations to be encountered at your vibrational level. You can either move toward that spark of divine creativity lodged within your spirit, or sadly, lose your way into the darkness of what we might call godlessness. As always, the choice is yours—we’d just like to nudge you a little in the direction of healing, wholeness, and yes, to use a well-worn theological term…redemption! In the long run, we’re sure that you will discover that this path is far more rewarding and, actually, of ultimate significance to your eternal spiritual well-being.

      Quite interestingly, our message isn’t all that new—just maybe a bit more apropos, given your current world events. We worked with the 19th-century Scottish author George MacDonald and the 20th-century literary giant C. S. Lewis (see “The Great Divorce”) to expand your awareness of ultimate reality and the “Power of Now” (thanks to Elkhart Tolle for that!). If you remember nothing else from all our efforts, please do not forget that your daily choices determine the person that you become (your vibrational frequency, if you will), and to what degree you will move toward or away from the divine light within you. The sobering message of “The Great Divorce,” which depicts residents of hell on a bus trip to heaven, is that the vast majority of the passengers elected to return to hell, being uncomfortable in the “heavenly state.” The choices they had made while on Earth, and the low vibrational state that now characterized their souls, sadly doomed them to a future of ghostly, ghastly gray, devoid of happiness and joy—even when the opportunity for revitalization (resurrection, rebirth…salvation) was readily at hand.

      Take heed, and pay careful attention to the story that follows.

      Krystan and Kayron

       Somewhere beyond Space and Time

      Scribe’s Note

      As I look over the forty chapters of this novel, I readily admit that I couldn’t possibly have written this! I’m an RN, and I’ve never written a book before. I confess that I did have dreams of writing a nonfiction story of Vitamin K2 at some point, but this? Hardly! And to make matters worse, I probably haven’t read a total of ten novels in my entire life, other than required readings in high school and college some forty years ago now.

      Kayron and Krystan came to me in a dream and have been egging me on for the past four years to tell their story, which, I have to admit, is a lot more fun to read than what I had planned to write (if I ever got around to it, that is). Schizophrenia? Always a possibility, but not highly likely. Alter ego? Perhaps.

      Anyway, as already mentioned, they have struggled to keep me motivated for quite some time now, and I’m sure they have grown tired of my numerous excuses as to why I was too busy with other projects (always my downfall!) to write. Their persistence finally paid off, however, with the book you have before you.

      I can assure you that this novel is unlike anything you have ever read before. Our only request is that you open your minds, let go of your biases (at least some!), and just see where the story takes you. We sincerely hope that it will be to a good place—maybe a difficult one to get to, but definitely a good place. Try to look past the things that may offend you; it’s all in fun and mostly for a higher purpose! We fully expect that you will be a different person when you fold over the last page of Book III—hopefully a healthier, happier, more spiritual, and definitely more creative human being—AND you will surely have a few good laughs getting there!

      Please enjoy!

      Jim Grant, MS, RN

       Abingdon, Virginia

       November 2019


      One of Christian radio host Harold Camping’s most influential predictions was that on May 21, 2011, Jesus Christ would return to earth, rapture the chosen ones, and that the end of the world would occur soon thereafter. It wasn’t his first prediction, but this time he was certain—so certain that his Family Radio spent millions on billboards and a media blitz to make sure that the world was properly prepared. Bumper stickers began to appear warning that vehicles would be unmanned when the rapture arrived. The righteous said their goodbyes to friends whom they suspected might not make the journey. Folks circled the twenty-first on their calendars with bold red marking pens and anxiously awaited the day’s arrival.

      As the time approached, a few technical concerns began to surface. May 21st in China or the US? Well, that was surely self-explanatory! Ok, then…New York, LA, or Honolulu? That, too, was obvious—only the West Coast could handle an event like this! What about the weather? What if the skies were fair, with no clouds for Jesus to dramatically part? Hmmm…better settle on Seattle for that one—plenty of clouds there—perfect for a twenty-first century re-entry!

      With so much publicity, it was indeed a highly anticipated moment when the day finally arrived. Some questions still remained, however, at least among the intellectuals. Questions such as, Would Jesus come like a thief in the night or return triumphant in broad daylight? Or would he draw the chosen ones up into the sky with him, regardless of their activities at the time? That could prove disastrous for those remaining behind! Can you imagine planes with no pilots, restaurants with no waiters, public restrooms with no janitors?

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