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      Mylon Le Fevre

      With Christi Le Fevre

      “O taste and see that the Lord is good!”


      Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

      Scripture quotations marked AMP are taken from the Amplified ® Bible. © 1954, 1962, 1965, 1987 The

      Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

      Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. © 1982 by Thomas Nelson,

      Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

      Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, © 1996, 2004, 2007

      by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois

      60188. All rights reserved.

      All rights reserved under International Copyright Law. Contents, cover, or any portion of this book may not be

      copied, stored, or used in whole or in part in any form without the express written permission of the publisher,

      except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles.

      All songs and photographs used by permission. Special thanks to George Conger for the picture with

      Greg Allman.

      Copyright © 2013 by Mylon Le Fevre

      Printed in the United States of America

      Published by Heritage Builders Books

      3105 Locan Avenue, Clovis, Califormia 93619




      Mylon and Christi would like to dedicate this book to:

      All those living in a dark lonely place, who believe their situation is hopeless. To the prisoners who think their lives

      behind bars are without purpose, a future and a hope. To the soldiers who fight our battle for religious freedom while

      searching for freedom themselves. To the broken hearted desperate for love and healing. Jesus came to the earth and

      sacrificed His life to give you a life worth living.

      Jesus said in Isaiah 61:1-2,

      “The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me,

      Because the Lord has anointed me

      To preach good news to the poor;

      He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted,

      To proclaim liberty to the captives,

      And the opening of the prison to those who are bound;

      To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”



      Thank you, Christi, for loving me and Jesus but not necessarily in that order. Thank you for the years of constant

      prayer, encouragement and faith in this vision. Especially the years you wrote, rewrote and reworked the book until

      it revealed the goodness of God. You are the true love of my life.

      Thank you, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, and Pastors George and Terri Pearsons, for accepting Christi and me into

      your extended family. Thank you for taking us under your wings and teaching us how to live by faith and walk in


      Thank you, Eileen Richardson, for your editorial assistance and amazing faithfulness to help us do the will of

      God. What a wonderful gift from heaven our relationship has been all these years. You are our cherished sister and

      covenant friend.

      Thank you, Gina Lynnes. We honor the anointing on your life and ministry which made the book so much better!

      Thank you, Alvin Lee, for being a real friend, a good dreamer and a great guitarist. Thank you for giving me a safe

      haven at your home in England. Without your friendship and generosity, I’m not sure I would have lived through

      that dark season of my life.




      Your godly wisdom and abundant generosity is helping to further the Kingdom of God in the earth. Thank you for

      believing in us and loving us!

      Steve and Patricia Floyd

      Brig and Lita Hart

      Meurice and Peggy Le Fevre

      Bob and Linda Robinson

      Frank and Cindy Soucinek

      Peter and Summer Furler

      Charlie and Debbie Kalb

      Eileen Richardson

      Corbin and Holly Roush

      Dr. Stan and Kim Yeatts



      Every young person and every parent in America needs to read LIVE FOREVER, the life story of Mylon LeFevre.

      I’ve known Mylon and Christi for many years. I know firsthand that he tells it straight. He lives it straight, and his

      new book is a must-read story of the changing power of the Love, the Word and the precious Blood of Jesus. Thanks


      Mylon’s new book is one of the best testimony books I’ve ever seen — and it’s definitely the most professionally

      produced. But what’s most important is the window presented within its pages through which you can observe a

      life so vividly transformed by Jesus Christ. As I read this book, I kept thinking, What a glorious example of the

      ‘old man’ versus the ‘new man.’ This volume with its marvelous photography tells the story of a life that has been

      radically changed. And just as Mylon’s life was changed, your life can be changed too. Read this book and see what

      God can do if you’ll give Him a chance!

      One of my favorite old songs is, “Noah Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord.” I knew Mylon when he was a kid.

      I knew his family. I stayed in contact with him when he was in the wilderness and then watched him grow as a

      new creation in Christ. It’s a joy to see how the Lord is using Mylon and Christi in their ministry now. His new

      book, LIVE FOREVER brings back a lot of memories and reminds me that he has indeed “found grace in the

      eyes of the Lord.”



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