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href="#ulink_ed84772d-c9fa-5893-87bb-2701c5335bd6">85. Thomas and Macchia, Revelation, 87.

      Revelation 2:8–11

      Jesus’ Message to the Church in Smyrna


      There are many examples of comeback wins in the world of sports. I am a fan of the Chicago Cubs. After 108 years of frustration, they finally won the World Series in 2016. In the last game of the series, with the teams tied after winning three games each, the Cubs lost the lead in the late innings, only to win later in extra innings. It was quite dramatic, and I may never forget where I was (in Thailand) when they won.

      More significant than any set-back (like the Cubs’ ninth inning in game 7) in a sports contest is the loss that veterans of wars understand in light of the victories that they set out to achieve. The losses are real, and they hurt, but the victory, if it is a cause worth dying for, outweighs the losses.

      And more significant still than even the losses of men in battle for a great cause, are the losses we as believers, soldiers of the Lord, face every day of our lives, the kind of losses that even take lives in some instances, as our brothers and sisters in Christ are dying every day for the sake of Jesus—some tortured, some losing home and family, some losing limbs, and some losing their own lives.

      But these losses, and all others, pale in comparison to the ultimate victory. This is the message that Jesus wants to communicate to the church in Smyrna, and it is a message that we need to hear as well. We may not have seen intense persecution, and may not see it in our lifetime, but many believers around the world have endured these kinds of trials. We can take comfort in the truth that the victory is sweeter than the losses along the way. And even though our sufferings may not at times be related to persecution, the joys that we have waiting for us far outshine the hard times of our lives.


      Jesus knows the situations we face. We remember that he is the One who walks among the golden lampstands. He knows the activities of the evil one, and he is not thwarted by them. Knowing that our Savior knows the suffering we face not only helps us get through them but compels us, just like a son playing harder when his father is watching. We endure through the pain because we know that Jesus is watching.

      Jesus knew what was happening to his church in Smyrna. Smyrna is one of two churches about which Jesus had only positive things to say. This was a church that was enduring intense persecution. It seems that often during times of persecution in the church, that the church is more attuned to following God. They have less time to sin and feel more compelled to pray.

      Why is Jesus described as the “First and the Last, the one who was dead and is now alive?” Because of the suffering that must have been experienced by the church in Smyrna. They needed to be reminded of the sovereignty of God. And also of the witness of Jesus who also suffered (see 1 Peter 2:21). He died and came to life again. They will suffer but will not be hurt by the second death (v.11). To a congregation threatened with imprisonment and death, it would be comforting to know that the Lord of Creation went through the same thing and he has their reward in his hands.

      Jesus knew who was persecuting them. There was a group claiming to be Jews but were really blasphemers. They were really a synagogue of Satan. Who were these people? Were these actual Jews who were trying to impose their Judaism on the church in Smyrna? These Jews who persecuted the Christian believers were not “real Jews” in the covenantal sense. They had been cut off from the tree (see Romans 9–11). To Jesus, these were not really Jews at all, in the same sense that he accused the Pharisees of not belonging to the family of Abraham, but rather were children of the devil. Notice the harsh words Jesus used again in Revelation 2. They were a synagogue of Satan.

      Jesus knows what is happening to his church around the world. Smyrna can be paralleled to so many of our churches around the world, those undergoing intense persecution. Jesus knows their situations. He promises us that if we want to live a godly life in Christ Jesus, we will be persecuted (2 Tim.3:12). How much wealthier these churches are than those around the world that have the fancy, stained glass windows, the gold covered columns, and the marble entrances! It is the church that suffers in the fire of tribulation, in the crucible of testimony for the cause of Christ, that is the church that is wealthy according to Jesus.

      We can be encouraged by this that Jesus does see the pain that we endure. He knows. He is not just a moral meter, taking notes on how we are doing throughout the day. He is a companion and, though he promised that the church would be persecuted, he aches when it is. He knows what it is like to be unfairly treated because of righteousness. And he knows the struggles we face, for as Hebrews says, he faced trials of many kinds, just like us.

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