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For a priest such as Ezekiel, the imagery would have been all the more familiar, being acquainted as he was with the winged cherubs guarding the Jerusalem temple and ark (footstool of God’s throne; Pss 99:1; 132:7–8; cf. Gen 3:24) and “carrying” God as would a chariot (Ps 18:10; 1 Chr 28:18). The four different faces do not have exact parallel with any known archeological artifacts; however, figurines and descriptions of deities from the ancient world feature two or four faces, suggesting “all observing potency.”12

      Interpretive Highlights

      1:1 I was among the exiles: The location of God’s appearance is important to the message of the book. The Jews in exile felt cut off from life in the land of their ancestors; and in fact, their kin still living in Jerusalem and Judah evidently no longer regarded them as fellow heirs of the land promised to the Patriarchs (Ezek 11:15). Indeed, they were in exile as a result of God’s judgment against Judah and enforcement of covenant sanctions (Deut 28:64–65; Jer 52:3). The word order in the Hebrew text of v. 3 stresses the word “there,” highlighting the importance of God’s presence in their midst to raise up a prophet to admonish and eventually to encourage these people.

      1:10 their faces: After describing the four creatures generally (Ezek 1:4–9), Ezekiel proceeds to expand in detail. Each of the different kinds of faces suggests an important attribute of the creature: as for the human face, human nature is distinct in its capacity to image God in relationship and rule (Gen 1:26–28; Ps 8:6–8). In contrast to animals, a particular dignity and intellectual prowess is associated with it (Dan 4:16, 33–34, 36). This human face corresponds to their dominant form, humanlike in appearance (Ezek 1: 5). The lion was the most deadly and fearsome of beasts (Num 23:24; Judg 14:18; Prov 30:30; Amos 3:8). Oxen were associated with strength (Num 23:22; “wild ox”). But perhaps the point in Ezekiel’s vision is the ox’s status as greatest among the domesticated beasts (Deut 33:17; “bull” in NIV). This particular word for “ox” is mostly associated with the domesticated cattle (e.g., Deut 25:4; 1 Sam 12:3). This contrasts with the lion who presided over the wild domain. Eagles were revered for their swiftness (2 Sam 1:23; Jer 4:13) and enduring strength (Isa 40:31; Ezek 17:3) as well as being a terror of the sky (Job 9:26; Jer 49:22). These creatures in Ezekiel’s vision were not to be trifled with, nor the God of glory whose throne they carried.

      1:13 burning coals of fire: Fire both destroys and purifies, depending on the application of it. It corresponds to the weapons of a divine warrior (Ps 18:13, translated “bolts of lightning” in NIV), but it also refers to coals from the sacrificial altar used in the atonement ritual and so part of purification (Lev 16:12; cf. Isa 6:4–5).

      1:15 a wheel on the ground beside each creature: The wheels appear to be functionally similar to casters, capable of omnidirectional movement (cf. Ezek 1:16–17). Corresponding to this, the eyes probably signify complete situational awareness, the impact of which was frightening (“awesome,” NIV). Overall, one has the impression of a war chariot that is lightning swift, maneuverable, and responsive to any and all situations—formidable equipment of a divine warrior (2 Sam 22:11; Ps 18:10).

      1:28 I fell face down: Overwhelmed by the sound of God’s voice and the splendor of his appearance, Ezekiel falls prostrate before him. This posture often accompanies an appeal for mercy (cf. Gen 44:14; Num 16:22; Ezek 9:8), which is consistent with the fear of one who faces the danger of a divine encounter (Lev 9:24; Judg 13:20–22). It also expresses a submissive readiness for service (Gen 17:3; 18:3; 50:18; Ps 95:6–8). While in some instances a sense of inadequacy and reluctance characterized those called to God’s service (e.g., Exod 4:1, 10; Jer 1:6), Ezekiel shows no resistance when commissioned in the next moment. His response can be understood as that of one too awestruck to contemplate anything but full submission (cf. Isa 6:8).

      Theological Bridge to Application

      The revelation that God is a glorious warrior-king is a central theological theme in the Bible. Already mentioned above are allusions to God’s glorious appearance on Mt. Sinai at the inauguration of the Mosaic covenant (Exod 24:1–18), his terrifying and purifying presence at Isaiah’s prophetic call (Isa 6:1–8), and his military prowess to defeat his enemies and deliver his people (Deut 33:2–3; Pss 18 [2 Sam 22]; 68; 97; Hab 3; cf. Dan 7:9–10). The psalmist attaches similar imagery (splendor of light, cosmic chariot, angelic servants) to God’s power displayed in creation (Ps 104:1–4). A different aspect of God’s glory can be seen in his gracious attributes (Exod 33:17—34:6); but here, Ezek 1 presses upon us God’s terrifying majesty that is necessary for his cosmic kingship and his redeeming presence with his people. The gentle humanity of Jesus cloaks the splendor of his majesty (Matt 17:1–8; Mark 9:2–8; Luke 9:28–36) and for a time restrains his cosmic power to destroy his enemies in order to redeem his people at the coming of his presence (2 1:5–10; Rev 1:12–17; 19:11–21).


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