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href="#ulink_f22516a0-040a-5fe2-a67b-c9b10f1a08f2">2 Going back a generation or more one would quickly name Westcott, Bruce,3 and P. Hughes. In addition, a good study Bible, of which there are several, will be a useful complement to our notes.4

      While working on this introduction a former student visited who is presently working in advanced agricultural research. He found his work there fascinating and important in many ways, but his heart was less in exploring new ways to enhance the industrialized food production systems of North America than in assisting societies still struggling with providing what is essential. Likewise, the ongoing efforts of biblical scholars and academic theologians are vitally important (I share those values and interests!) but there are many who are simply hungry for the word. If in some way my work contributes to the feeding of the Great Shepherd’s sheep my heart’s prayers will have been answered.

      While Hebrews claims that “God spoke in his Son” it never quotes the words of Jesus that we know from the Gospels. Its strategy is to present God’s speech in the Son as a fusion of the OT Scriptures and the Son’s person and work. Our decision to head each unit of our exposition with a dominical saying does not ignore that strategy. Hebrews itself directs its audience’s attention to the traditions of Jesus’ life and references the great salvation announced through him (2:3). We believe that the preacher meant for his exposition to represent a faithful continuation of Jesus’ work and teaching, making it fitting to juxtapose these formally different but materially coherent forms of God’s speech in and as the Son.

      Thanks are due to Wheaton College—administration, colleagues, students—for its support of this work, not least the partial release time in the spring of 2016 and a sabbatical during the fall of the same year. Friends who were willing to take a look at the work-in-progress and give feedback included Daniel Treier, Josh Moody, Peter Walters, Gregg Quiggle, and Brian Hillstrom. Alexa Marquardt and Stephen Wunrow provided essential help in technical style editing, checking references, finding literature, and matters of clarity in general. The privilege of working with this rich text of Scripture began under the guidance of John Wilson (Grand Rapids Baptist College), continued under that of Carl B. Hoch, Jr. (Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary), and advanced considerably during my doctoral research with I. H. Marshall and Paul Ellingworth (University of Aberdeen). That foundation has been strengthened immeasurably by the succeeding opportunities to discuss these things with students and colleagues at Moody Bible Institute and Wheaton College and Graduate School, as well as with colleagues from other institutions. Chairing the Hebrews Section of the Evangelical Theological Society these last several years has permitted me to learn from gifted fellow-exegetes and theologians. Lisa and I have been blessed with wonderful friends as we have made our way on the great Camino that is the subject matter of Hebrews: Among those more closely connected to this work are Andrew and Libby Lau, Mark and Ruth Brucato, Dan and Amy Treier, the Dead Theologians, Bob and Peg Carlson and the members of the College Church Greek Exegesis Sunday School class, and John and Kim Walton. We have also been blessed with supportive families and acknowledge with unspeakable gratitude the love of Marv (who, as this volume neared completion, finished the race) and Ann Laansma and Ed and Margaret Rysdyk. Our church fellowships—Highland Hills Baptist (Grand Rapids, MI), Gerrard Street Baptist (Aberdeen, Scotland), and College Church in Wheaton—have enabled us to walk within the world to which Hebrews witnesses. My love and thanks go to Lisa, and together we give our love to our daughter, Kiersten, who has veritably lived inside of Hebrews her entire life.

      Soli Deo gloria


      Fall 2016


      AB Anchor Bible


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