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Note: “Moses and all the prophets” (Luke 24:27) is a common first-century Jewish manner of referencing the entirety of the OT.


      Jesus, the End Times, and the Arrival of the Kingdom

      And after John had been taken into custody, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1:14–15)


      The importance of understanding that the kingdom of God has come in and through Christ cannot be overstated. For the central thesis in this book is that eschatology matters. It matters because we are living in the eschaton. We are not waiting for it to come. We are not called to scour the newspapers and Internet to discern if the “signs of the times” are being fulfilled in our generation. Instead, we are to be busy living in the kingdom as agents of the kingdom! Thus, understanding the NT from the perspective that in Jesus the eschaton has arrived not only provides a needed clarity to the message of the NT, but it also more clearly delineates the nature and mission of God’s people. To say that Christ came the first time to be our Savior and to die for our sins and that he will return to become the king not only overly simplifies things, but also fails to understand the mission of Jesus and the nature of the kingdom of God.

      Understanding the NT in Light of the End Times

      I often ask my seminary students several questions that appear on the surface to be simple Bible trivia. The answers, however, are not straightforward. In fact, I would suggest

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