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      GUIDE TO



       foreword by Robert J. Marzano


      Copyright © 2019 by Marzano Research

      Materials here are copyrighted. With one exception, all rights are reserved. Readers may reproduce only those pages marked “Reproducible.” Otherwise, no part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission of the publisher and the authors.

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      Visit marzanoresearch.com/reproducibles to download the free reproducibles in this book.

      Printed in the United States of America

      Library of Congress Control Number: 2018941178

      ISBN: 978-1-943360-25-3

      Editorial Director: Sarah Payne-Mills

      Art Director: Rian Anderson

      Managing Production Editor: Kendra Slayton

      Production Editor: Alissa Voss

      Senior Editor: Amy Rubenstein

      Copy Editor: Ashante K. Thomas

      Proofreader: Evie Madsen

      Text Designer: Laura Cox

      Editorial Assistant: Sarah Ludwig

      Marzano Research Development Team

       Director of Content & Resources

      Julia A. Simms

       Marzano Research Associates

      Mario Acosta

      Tina H. Boogren

      Toby Boss

      Robin J. Carey

      Bev Clemens

      Douglas Finn III

      Michelle Finn

      Jane Doty Fischer

      Jeff Flygare

      Shelley Gies

      Kathy Tuchman Glass

      Laura Hack

      Tammy Heflebower

      Lynne Herr

      Mitzi Hoback

      Jan K. Hoegh

       Proficiency Scale Analysts

      Christopher Dodson

      Jacob Wipf

      Jeanie Iberlin

      Jessica McIntyre

      Joe Miniscalco

      Diane E. Paynter

      Kristin Poage

      Shane Porter

      Cameron Rains

      Tom Roy

      Mike Ruyle

      Roberta Selleck

      Julia A. Simms

      Ben Tilley

      Gerry Varty

      Philip B. Warrick

      David C. Yanoski

      Bill Zima

      Visit marzanoresearch.com/reproducibles to download the free reproducibles in this book.

      Table of Contents

       About the Authors

       About Marzano Research

      Foreword by Robert J. Marzano


       A Necessary Paradigm Shift

       A Word About Terminology

       How to Use This Book

       1 Planning Instruction With Proficiency Scales

       Identifying Priority and Supporting Standards

       Understanding Proficiency Scales

       Planning Standards-Based Instruction

       Differentiating With Response to Intervention


       2 Instructing With Proficiency Scales

       Administering the Preassessment

       Introducing the Proficiency Scale

       Beginning Content Instruction

       Developing Proficiency

       Moving Past Proficiency


       3 Setting Goals and Tracking Progress

       Setting Goals

       Tracking Progress

       Celebrating Success Toward Goals


       4 Administering Quality Classroom Assessments and Figuring Grades

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