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6: Shoot a movie with a unifying theme

       Secret 7: Shoot a movie a day for sixty days

       CHAPTER 2 Watching Films Made by Others

       I was a film festival juror

       Watching 100 films

       Secret 8: Watch other films made on DV and HDV

       A list of award-winning DV films

       A word about theatrical release

       CHAPTER 3 Composing Powerful, Compelling Images

       Secret 9: Get the four basic shots

       Establishing shot (ES)

       Long Shot (LS)

       Medium Shot (MS)

       Close Up (CU)

       Secret 10: Use the five basic camera angles




       Dutch angle

       Angle plus angle

       Secret 11: Use both objective and subjective views

       Objective view

       Subjective view

       Secret 12: Compose on the rule of thirds

       Secret 13: Add perspective

       Secret 14: Look for diagonal lines

       Secret 15: Use triangles

       Secret 16: Create layered Images

       CHAPTER 4 Supporting and Moving the Camera.

       Secret 17: Use a Tripod

       Secret 18: Use a Tilt

       Secret 19: Use a Pan

       Secret 20: Shoot hand-held

       Secret 21: Use a Dolly

       Secret 22: Use a Jib

       CHAPTER 5 Lighting a Scene for Optimal Effect . .

       Common lighting problems

       Too little light

       Too much light

       White balance problems

       Lighting has the wrong ratio, direction or color

       Available light

       Secret 23: Use the “big light in the sky” wisely

       Secret 24: Bounce the light

       Secret 25: Know what to do when available light is too low.

       Secret 26: Know what to do when available light is too high

       Artificial light

       Secret 27: Use three-point lighting

       Secret 28: Learn how to use a basic lighting kit

       Secret 29: Buy a quality lighting kit

       Secret 30: Learn to use inexpensive artificial lights

       Secret 31: Mix natural and artificial light

       CHAPTER 6 Shooting Footage That You Can Edit

       Secret 32: Make a shot list before you shoot

       Sometimes you shoot without a shot list

       Secret 33: Get the essential images

       Secret 34: Shoot sequences

       Secret 35: Get reaction shots

       Secret 36: Shoot motivated cutaways

       Secret 37: Maintain a low shooting ratio

       Secret 38: Label your media

       Secret 39: Slate your shots

       CHAPTER 7 Getting Good Sound

       Location sound is important

       Secret 40: The smaller your crew, the more you need a dedicated sound person

       Secret 41: Consider hiring a professional sound person

       Secret 42: Scout all locations for sound

       Secret 43: Know how to use the on-camera

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