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results of neuro- and psycho-enhancement are critically discussed.

      In Chapter V, four phenomenological and psychological concepts of empowering our agential ‘self’ as a remedy against the negative effects of radical technopoiesis are applied, namely those developed by Hans-Georg Gadamer, Bernhard Waldenfels, Kazimierz Dąbrowski and Antoni Kępiński. Autotherapy ←18 | 19→was redefined in terms of hermeneutics and dialogics contributing to the positive disintegration (Dąbrowski) and learning from crisis (Kegan). This complex methodology was elaborated as a component of the self-recovery concept, which offers an alternative to narrative theory and the fate of “post-persons” or “post-humans” assigned to humanity by the proponents of so-called posthumanism.

      Finally, to thoroughly examine whether autonomous artificial intelligence equipped with moral and ethical ‘software’ could provide alter egos and social environments that are compatible with the socialization of human beings (or at least socially safe), the leading approaches to moral machines were revisited and discussed. The hypothesis of social robots provided with the cognitive skills necessary to make decisions based on the categorical imperative procedure would be the most radical, as that procedure was related to a transcendental principle and a moral metaphysics unavailable for intelligent devices. As humans and machines do not share abilities and principles of that kind (neither do they share affects and emotions which cannot be disconnected from their physiological, experiential or evolutionary foundations), the nature of socialization and self-identity development within an intersubjective exchange between human and non-human intelligence requires novel conceptual tools which as yet do not exist.


      This work was supported by Polish National Science Centre (NCN) under a research grant 2015/17/B/HS1/02381, to which I would like to express my thanks of gratitude.

      I would also like to thank Karolina M. Cern, Stephen Dersley, Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo, Mario Marino, Bruce Janz, Michael Hornsby, Halyna Leontiy, Georg Lind, Sharrona Pearl, André Schmiljun, Dawn E. Schrader, Yang Shaogang and Svetozar Poštić for discussing complex issues and collaborating with me at project-related surveys and workshops.

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