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future she would send all her children to universities. Her daughter as well as her sons. Especially her daughter! Her daughter would not be a housewife and a dependent like herself. She would have a profession so she could support herself. That way she would not need to put up with the insults she herself had swallowed with bitter tears for so many years.

      After her children graduated from universities and got jobs, of course, they would all get married and have children. The more children the better. Boys and girls. All were welcome. They'd fill her house with laughing, crying, crawling, climbing, running, and jumping. She'd hire wet nurses and nannies for each of them, and she herself would tell them stories. Of course, all her children and grandchildren would live with her in her house. A big family. She could not imagine that things could be otherwise.

      When the year 1942 came round, Nainai's dreams seemed to be coming true. Father, Second Uncle, and Third Aunt were all in universities. Father was a junior majoring in Western literature in Furen University, Second Uncle a sophomore studying economics in Yanjing University, and Third Aunt had just started medical school. Nainai was ever so proud of each of them.

      What she did not know at this juncture was that her children were planning to leave home. They made the decision because of the Japanese invasion. In the thirties, first the northeast was lost. Then big cities like Shanghai, Nanjing, Tianjin, and Beijing fell one after another. Throughout the country people were outraged, by the Japanese as well as by the Nationalist government, which they felt was ineffective in its resistance. Many students agreed with the slogan “Although China is vast, there is no longer enough room for a peaceful desk.”

      Being “slaves without a country” day in and day out was more than Father, Second Uncle, and Third Aunt could bear. Everyday in the street the students could see Chinese civilians bullied by Japanese soldiers. Western professors were made to quit one after another. Patriotic Chinese were arrested, tortured, and killed. The hated “plaster flag,” as the Chinese nicknamed it, flew haughtily above everybody's head, making it hard for a Chinese to breathe. Father, Second Uncle, and Third Aunt thought it was time for them to leave Beijing.

      Father was the one who had the connections. So he first arranged for his brother and sister to leave. With the assistance of underground workers, they went through Japanese blockade lines and headed for the southwest. Their destination was more than a thousand miles away. With the war going on, the expedition was a journey of danger and chaos. On the way they witnessed bombing, looting, accidents, and all kinds of extortions. Sometimes they rode on trains and buses; sometimes they walked or ran. It took them several months to reach Sichuan, where they eventually resumed their studies in universities.

      As for Father, instead of going to the southwest where he could join Second Uncle and Third Aunt, he joined the Communists at Jinchaji anti-Japanese base, a mountainous area between Hebei and Shanxi provinces. Why did he do this? This is another riddle, which unlike the previous one I have a hard time figuring out, for over the years Father has given me too many answers.

      For instance, he told me that he joined the Communists because he believed only they could create a new society in China where everyone would enjoy freedom, equality, and happiness.

      But then he also told me that he hated the Japanese invaders and wanted to fight them as a guerrilla in the front. When his country was in danger, a young man should not stay in the rear and let others shed their blood and win the war for him. This was what the rich people had been doing in China and elsewhere. “If you have money, donate your money. If you have strength, put forth your strength.” Even the slogan seemed to say this was all right. But Father disagreed and he was serious.

      So he went to Jinchaji, which by then was repeatedly attacked by the Japanese troops. Saodang (sweep it up) was what the Japanese called it. When the invaders came, they burned down houses, destroyed crops, took away all the food they could find, and killed people whom they suspected. Meanwhile the Eighth Route Army and guerrillas led by the Chinese Communist Party and supported by local peasants were fighting back. Many people lost their lives in the war. Yet more were coming of their own accord to keep up the resistance. Among them many were college students like Father.

      Father arrived at Jinchaji when things were at their worst. By the end of 1942, Father told me, most of the houses in the region were without doors and windows. During the night, when the temperature dropped to ten and sometimes twenty degrees below zero, they had no coal, no firewood, no warm clothes to fend off the severe cold. Cotton-padded jackets and shoes were very hard to come by. Food was in such short supply that soldiers and peasants were all eating bran and wild herbs. The best food in the region was corn flour bread. White flour and green vegetables were never seen. Even salt was scarce.

      On top of all this, the region was in dire need of medicine. The shortage was caused by the Japanese blockade. As a result wounded soldiers were sometimes operated on without anesthetic. Thousands of people in the area suffered from epidemic diseases: typhoid fever, smallpox, flu, . . . Many died because no medicine was available.

      Father was aware of this situation when he was in Beijing. He heard it from a friend who later turned out to be an underground Communist. So before Father set off, he secretly purchased a fairly large amount of medicine that was urgently needed at the anti-Japanese base. The medicine was tightly controlled in Beijing. Yet as the Chinese saying goes, “With money, one can make the devil turn the millstone.” Father soon obtained what he had put down on the list, with the money and through the business connections of his hated grandfather.

      Later Father brought the medicine through Japanese blockade lines. This was a dangerous task. Several times Japanese soldiers searched passengers on the train. If they should find the medicine in Father's suitcases, they would arrest him and the consequences would be dire.

      To make matters even more complicated, later one of the guides along the line was caught by the Japanese. This happened shortly before Father's group arrived. As a result, everything they had achieved thus far came to naught. For without the guide they did not know how to get in touch with the next underground worker, so they could not go on. They could not stay in the region either, where they were a group of strangers. The collaborators would soon notice and report them. So they had no other choice but to return to Beijing and start all over again.

      Eventually Father arrived at Jinchaji with all the medicine he had purchased. He immediately donated all of it to the local government. The medicine saved many lives. Father was praised by the leaders. A medal was awarded to him, his very first during the wars.

      Later Father was sent to study at Huabei Lianda, a branch of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese Military and Political College. A few months down the road Father got typhoid fever, which nearly killed him.

      By that time, the medicine Father had brought to Jinchaji was already used up. Father had to fight the disease with his own strength. For days he lay in bed, running a high fever. A horrible pain turned his stomach and bowels upside down. He could not eat anything. It was almost a miracle that he survived. When finally he was able to leave bed and sit in the sun, he felt that he had become as light as a straw. A gust of mountain wind could make him lose his balance.

      One day he borrowed a mirror from a comrade and looked at himself in it. He was shocked by what he saw. While he was sick, he had lost so much hair that he was almost bald. His eyes were frighteningly large, sitting in two dark pits. His skin was dry and sallow. His face was wrinkled, like that of an old peasant. Seeing him like this, who would believe that only a couple of months before, he was considered the most handsome man among the students who came to this region to fight the Japanese.

      A director told him he was when he asked Father to play Mr. Darcy in his spoken drama Pride and Prejudice. Father was amused by the proposal, but he told the director he had never been on the stage before. The latter said it was all right. So he became Mr. Darcy, the Pride.

      According to Father, the play they staged was a hit, despite his inexperience. “The peasants loved it. Everybody came to see it,” Father said, “even though they did not understand it. None of them had seen spoken drama before. So they thought the play was a lot of fun. They found the English gentlemen and ladies we played awfully weird.”

      After Father recovered, he was transferred

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