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a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, it is my earnest belief that hope is never completely lost, because God’s sovereign plan of the ages will forever prevail — no matter how desperate things may appear on the surface. But if my brief time on this earth, and my understanding of history, have taught me anything, it is that only fools place their trust in man’s ability to rule himself. In fact, if history is a guide to anything, it is a guide to the consistent knuckleheaded acts of mankind throughout the ages. From a spiritual perspective, I believe that mankind’s current predicament stems from the fact that man was not designed nor was he ever meant to rule himself. According to an orthodox view of the Christian faith, human suffering is rooted in man’s rejection of the omnipotent rule of his Creator. When given a choice, man opted for self-rule. This ancient act of rebellion, in the Garden of Eden, explains humanity’s pain and suffering over the last 6,000 years. And if we choose to believe the Bible when it explains that mankind’s rebellion will become worse with time, it would also explain why the 20th century has been noted as the “bloodiest century” on record.9 (Ironically, the 20th century has also been labeled the “American Century.”)

      Put simply, America’s fall is historically identifiable, though unfortunate. And it is all but certain.


      Chapter 1

      What Is Money . . . Really?

       — Mayer Anselm Rothschild of the Rothschild banking family

      — John Adams

      OVERVIEW: Money has taken many different forms throughout history: shells, feathers, salt, gold, silver, and paper currency. This chapter lays the groundwork for understanding the current crisis confronting the U.S. dollar by examining the underlying concepts of money. What exactly is money? How is it measured? What gives it value? In addition to answering these questions, this chapter will also explain the three types of money that have been used throughout history: commodity money, receipt money, and fiat money.

      Before attempting to answer the essential question of what money really is, let us first consider how the American culture, and our own upbringing, has affected our view of money. From my own research, I have discovered that an individual’s view of money is determined by at least three fundamental factors.

      Economic System. The first and perhaps most influential factor that affects a person’s view or conception of money is the economic system into which the person is born. For example, a person born and raised in the United States is introduced to a capitalistic economic system from birth. The virtues espoused under capitalism include the right to private property, the division of labor, and individual rights.


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