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      Their house had always been a wreck. The difference was that back then Rita assumed all houses were like that. Paint on the porch peeling, like old nail polish. Full of boarders, or “guests,” as Lily liked to call them; everyone lined up in the cramped hall to use the bathroom at night. The floors of some rooms were so uneven that if Rita closed her eyes, everything seemed to spin gently, the feeling of drunkenness, she’d realize years later.

      Cracks in the bricks up one side had gotten worse. Now the whole house looked tilted, about to sink.

      It was a bright, hot morning in July. Under normal circumstances, she’d be out for a jog. Instead she was here, squinting up at her childhood home and lingering on the pavement, as if someone had stood her up. Through the yellowed curtains of the house across the street, an old lady peeked out, probably wondering what on earth Rita was doing here, for the second morning in a row, no less. Maybe Rita looked as though she were on a mission to scope the neighbourhood, one of those rich Asians in the slum landlord business.

      A little girl ran by, her bright green T-shirt appearing to pulsate with the most amazing greenness, and it seemed impossible that normal life was continuing on — kids were out enjoying the nice weather.

      For a blissful moment, Rita felt like she could press the rewind button and slip back, so easily, into thinking that everything was going to be just fine. Of course it was. Lily had antsy feet. And a whimsical heart. She’d wandered off before and had always come back. It was the trademark of women of her generation: despite their veneer of stoicism, deep down anger simmered. They were tired of doing everything for everyone, sick of life as doormats. So from time to time, they blew off steam, hit the road. All mothers did this — or felt like doing this — didn’t they? Rita was a mom and she’d felt that way before, as though she were destined to live like the little red hen. It was normal to go on strike, wasn’t it?

      She closed her eyes and let the darkness take over, not the comforting darkness of sleep, but a deeper, more frightening blackness. The pep talk she’d just been giving herself lost all conviction, sounded as hollow as it was. While it was true that Lily had traipsed off before, she’d always been found within a few hours.

      Someone had left a pile of old clothes on the curb. A faded mauve shirt with a crushed-in collar. Baby-doll pumps in dark cherry leather, the round toes scuffed and flattened, like they’d been stepped on. Lily had once worn shoes like that and carried a matching handbag.

      A wheezing sound gathered force from somewhere, and it took Rita a moment to realize that it was her own breath — the air shortening, dying in hot bursts in her throat — and all she could think was that maybe it was already too late. A vision swept over her: a small, pallid face touched by a bluish tint, generic and expressionless, the way dead people appeared on TV. She squeezed her eyes tighter and refused to believe that face could be her mother’s.

      Three days ago, Lily had gone missing. “Missing people with a history of memory problems often go back to the places they used to live,” the police officer had said, handing over a FAQ sheet for family members. It seemed this sort of thing happened more often than you’d guess. The cop — a woman, wearing just a trace of nude lipstick — tried to be encouraging, but not overly so. She’d been through the drill before.

      Bloor-Lansdowne. Not the poshest part of Toronto, that was for sure. The houses were crammed so close together that they appeared to be falling into each other at uneven heights. Translucent shower curtains turned front porches into makeshift sunrooms, every second house festooned with Christmas lights that never came down. Very little about the neighbourhood had changed since Rita’s childhood (beyond the opening of a new strip club). Even the humid air, mixed with the humidity of her own palpitating body, seemed too familiar, oppressive.

      What was she supposed to be doing? It didn’t seem likely that her mother would miraculously stroll by. Yesterday Rita had knocked on the door of the old house. An old tawny-skinned guy had answered. “No,” he’d said flatly, when she showed him Lily’s photo. He kept saying no in response to all her questions; perhaps he didn’t understand English.

      Over his shoulder, she could see someone shuffling in the shadows. Peering in, she half expected Grandpa or Aunt Haruko to come into focus, as though for all these years their ghosts had remained right here, keeping the home fires burning. But Aunt Haruko would have never let that grime build up on the windows. Now the place was inhabited by a hodgepodge of sad souls from far-flung, war-torn countries, the mysterious odours of all their foods clashing, blending together in an oily fug.


      Yet that was what people had once said about her own family. Rita had never managed to forget the peculiar, withering sensation of being looked at that way. And now, a couple decades later, here she was on the other side of that pitying, judgmental gaze.

      Up and down the block and for four blocks in all directions, she’d plastered her bright yellow sheets on phone poles, telephone booths, mailboxes. MISSING PERSON across the top. The photo had been taken on Lily’s honeymoon last year. Although only the head portion had been cropped, Rita couldn’t help but see the larger image: smiling vivaciously, her mother was perched on the edge of a chaise longue, white foam waves crashing down behind her, pina colada in hand, the tiny pink umbrella as bright as her lipstick. Sixty, she could easily pass for ten years younger. Her dyed black hair fell in loose, permed curls, remarkably similar to the way Rita remembered it as a child.

      Back then, Lily would pull Rita onto her lap and tell stories about a faraway land. Glittering green dragons went to war with monster centipedes, which wound their way around mountaintops, like a trail of distant, glowing lanterns. A warrior named Momotaro burst forth from the belly of a peach, and a princess slipped out from the hollow of a bamboo shoot. But it was the strange, sad tale about a fisherman that drifted into Rita’s mind now.

      One day, when Urashima was out fishing, he met a beautiful sea princess. She lured him to her underwater kingdom, where he stayed for many seasons, seduced by her resplendent riches. At some point, however, their relationship fizzled, as all relationships eventually do. On the day of his departure, the sea princess gave Urashima three presents to remember her by, but she told him not to open any of them until he got home.

      When he reached his old village, he noticed the landscape looked different: many more houses had been built on the hillside and new roads had been added out of nowhere. Bewildered, it took him quite some time to find his old house.

      All that remained was the stone doorstep.

      Beside himself, Urashima didn’t know what to do. He opened the first present that the sea princess had given him. Inside was a single white feather. As the lid came off the next box, a cloud of smoke choked him. The third box contained a broken mirror that revealed the wizened face of an old man.

      Although there’d been some redemptive aspect to the ending — something about Urashima being transformed into a bird — Rita couldn’t really remember that part. The image that had stayed with her was an old Japanese guy, standing on the threshold of his vanished home. Staring into the cracked glass, he was transfixed by a face he barely recognized.

      Back at her apartment, she stood by the door for a long time. The sound of her heartbeat blended into the hum of the fridge, punctuated by creaks and laughter from the university kids above her.

      Rita felt like a stranger here. She was a stranger here, having moved in only last week. Not much unpacking had been done before Lily pulled her disappearing act and everything came to a standstill. Boxes were stacked in the hall. A few had been opened, their contents dumped out. A tangle of bright sweaters lay on the floor, a limp turquoise arm reaching out to her

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