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then can take place and the resulting wisdom is used and applied in practical ways. We need to be open and allow in that which stirs us, so that the work of recognition can happen, helping the process of intuition to develop from within. The story depicted on the card (exoteric) then amalgamates with the holding of the hidden knowl edge (esoteric) so that intuition can result. The aim is to allow a more universal flow of intelligence to bypass the symbolism. By recognis ing the message behind the symbol, the wisdom of the ages can be translated into practical everyday life.

      This is not a book about using the Tarot as a method of prediction, but rather as a guide through which we can look at the state of our awareness of the world as it is today. It offers a new perspective on the traumas and crises that face us. This new perception comes from the point of view of Soul.

      Each of the twenty-two chapters is based on a different card in the Major Arcana, presented and explored in the numerical sequence in which it occurs in the Oswald Wirth Tarot pack. A detailed and in-depth description of the symbolism and qualities of the particular card in question is given, as well as how what we learn from it can be applied to everyday life.

      The book can be read as the ongoing journey of the Soul, or can be used as an oracle, by meditating for a few instants on a troubled perception of a problem and opening the book at random. It might then be helpful to read the complete chapter for a further insight.

      The readers would be those who are looking for a new way forward into their understanding of how they can help to bring a positive collective vision to bear on the struggle that humanity is undergoing in the present age. The eradication of physical, emo tional and intellectual poverty has to be the concern of every human being on the planet. The many groups working on relieving famine, war trauma, disease, lack of education and environmental genocide, demonstrate the hope of a more compassionate humanity. The ulti mate necessity is a global rise in consciousness. The blindingly obvi ous realisation that we are one body, one Soul and one mind will generate more goodwill to nurture our planet with its wonderful web of life, than any pre-occupation with self-preservation could do. The one great Soul will naturally guide and heal its children into loving acts of goodwill.


       Key Themes to unlock this book

       Although some of the words in these chapters are commonly used in many other contexts, the meanings we ascribe to them in this book are specific to this field and we wanted to convey the meaning of some of these words to readers that may not be so familiar with these topics, so that the message of the book is clearer.


      Co-creativity takes place when the personality is fully attentive and at the service of the Soul; the Soul in turn then obeys faithfully the direction given by its spiritual higher mind. At this point the skills of the instrument can be used for the greater purpose of the unfolding of the plan of love, light and life on Earth. The higher mind itself would be driven by the karmic necessity of the great life we live in.


      God is the sum total of all that exists, visible and invisible – one entity, omnipresent and omnipotent. Not personal to any religion or belief system, but accessible by any person willing to relate to that which is greater than the self. It is the unknown, unseen energy that works in mysterious ways, through any belief system or religion. In God we live and move and have our being.


      ‘Initiation may be defined in two ways. It is first of all the entering into a new and wider dimensional world, by the expansion of man’s consciousness, so that he can include and encompass that which he now excludes and from which he normally separates himself in his thinking and acts. It is secondly the entering into man of those ener gies which are distinctive of the Soul and of the Soul alone – the forces of intelligent love and of spiritual will. These are dynamic energies and they actuate all who are liberated Souls.

      The Soul- in its own nature – is group consciousness, and has no individual ambitions or individual interests, and is not at all interested in the aims of its personality. It is the Soul which is the initiate. Initiation is a process whereby the spiritual man within the personality becomes aware of himself as the Soul, with Soul powers, Soul relationships and Soul purpose. The moment a man realises this, even in a small measure, it is the group of which he is con scious’. From ‘Ponder on this’- published by the Lucis Trust.


      Jesus is a generic name for a specific aspect of mankind’s Soul. A prophetic aspect of revelation. The essential message is that the higher mind uses and knows the kingdom of God, not as only mate rial here on Earth, but as an inner spiritual transformation for the future, revealing the immortality of higher consciousness and so becoming the Soul.

      A witness, ‘a son’ of the greater life (God). The only way to achieve transformation of the consciousness into Soul here on Earth is for the higher consciousness to follow the unique source back home. Home is the great sea of universal love that links every tiny life within the great life of the universe. This intelligent love is the only way we can truly relate to each other and to the other kingdoms in nature.

      When the intelligent love of the Soul (Jesus) has completely taken over, the little will of the personality aligns to the spiritual will of the Soul and the realised Soul emerges; we call this the Christ. The following defines the Christ realised Soul:–

      ‘Christ is the light of the world, the embodiment of love and the indicator of divine purpose. He is the source of all light and energy which flood throughout the world of human consciousness at this period in the annual cycle. The Christ of history and the Christ in the human heart are planetary events.

      At the centre of all life on this planet stands the Christ, the rela tion between life and form, Spirit and matter, the innermost consciousness of all creation awaiting revelation. Because of the position the Christ occupies in the evolution of our plan etary life, he is the focal point of all endeavour, the “way” of spiritual enfoldment, for “no man cometh to the Father but by me”. He belongs to all humanity irrespective of nation, race, religion, social or cultural background. He is “the same great identity” which those of different ideologies recognise under different names.

      The Christ is God-man, human-divine, a fusion of the vertical way of at-one-ment and the horizontal way of service. He is total human experience fused with the inner life force which gives coherence, intelligence and purpose to life on Earth. The Christ is a Person, a Presence, and a Principle. He brings together in one sweep of continuous energy flow, the cosmic fountainhead, the planetary manifestation and the human expression. He is power and livingness, love and wisdom, light and understanding.

      He is the builder of the new world, the new age: the driving power within the human heart and mind which produces the new forms of the new and coming civilisation. He is the mag netic and attractive force which “lifts up” and redeems the den sity of materialism. He ignites the spark of divinity within each human being. He is the fiery love of God for man which inspires sacrifice and renunciation.

      The Christ is the archetype of the true Aquarian: he is coop erative, inclusive, intelligent and active. His motive is love of humanity: his keynote is service.

      He is the Way, the truth and the life for all mankind. He is the beacon in the darkness, the essence of divine truth and reality, the guarantor of ultimate spiritual achievement for “as he is so can we be in this world”.’

       Full definition of The Christ from the Lucis trust.


      Mass consciousness is the everyday consciousness of humanity which focuses entirely on all the expressions of survival, from the fear of life, to being the most powerful person. The mass conscious ness is driven by the urge to gratify the subconscious

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