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The transforming principles of Shakti flow in Shiva without obstruction. But at some point the climatic conditions change and freeze a part of this ocean. The transforming factors gradually form a matrix, and the forces begin to play. The sentient tendency converts to mutative, the mutative to static, the static to mutative and, eventually, back to sentient again, thus creating a whirlpool of balanced but interacting forces. This interaction becomes a struggle for dominance, and, because it is the most powerful of the three, the sentient force prevails.

      At this subtle point, Shakti begins to transform Shiva with its forces, and pure consciousness manifests in its first stage: cosmic mind. There begins to emerge in this ocean of consciousness the feeling of existence: “I am.” It is only after this self-awareness occurs that creation can begin; the sense of existence is necessary for action. This sense of “I am” has come about as a result of the subtlest transforming factor, the sentient tendency, exerting the first influence upon consciousness.

      Now that the “I am” exists, Shakti’s energy continues to transform even further with the mutative tendency. The water of our imaginary ocean has gone from free-flowing to dense, and now it is… slush! The influence of the mutative tendency enables cosmic mind to act. “I am” becomes “I do.” Now the mutative tendency has full sway over consciousness; the final transforming force takes over. The pressure of the static tendency objectifies a portion of cosmic mind in order to act. This objectified portion is mind-stuff (ectoplasm). Cosmic mind-stuff is the iceberg in the ocean. The subtlest consciousness is now ready to be transformed into dense material forms.

      The combination of the sense of “I am,” the sense of “I do,” and the cosmic ectoplasm is called cosmic mind, and it is through the thought waves of the cosmic mind that the innumerable forms of the created universe come into existence. But the entire creation doesn’t just burst forth from the “imagination” of Brahma. It is a natural, creative process, and like all creative endeavors, the stage must be set; the requisite conditions must be created first.

      Before a baby is born, all of the right conditions must exist in its mother’s womb: the right temperature, the right time in the mother’s cycle, even the pull of the moon can affect the conception, growth, and birth of a child. If conditions are favorable, microscopic cells divide and become an embryo, which in turn unfolds, in a perfectly designed sequence, all of the elements necessary for the development of a human being. So, too, in the creation of the universe, the subtlest factors must first exist before the denser forms, which we can perceive, can come into being. These are the five fundamental factors, the basic building-blocks of the manifest universe.


      As the influence of Shakti’s static principle transforms consciousness more and more, a portion of cosmic mind densifies and becomes the etheric factor or what we term “space.” Space is the stuff in which the universe exists; it is the subtlest substance. It has the capacity to carry the subtlest quality, that of sound— even though, in pure space, it is not yet audible.

      The static tendency continues exerting more and more influence within a portion of space and transforms it into the next denser factor: air. The aerial factor can carry the vibrational essences of both sound and touch. Air gives sound the ability to touch the ear; thus, sound becomes audible at this stage. Atoms of hydrogen come into being, and the pressure of the static force draws them together, forming hydrogen clouds. The force of gravity causes the clouds to condense, which drives the atoms closer together, causing friction and heat. This is the first expression of the next denser factor: luminosity.

      The luminous factor carries the vibrational qualities of sound, touch, and sight. Thus light comes into being, and stars are born. At this stage the increasing heat and pressure at the center of a star fuses the hydrogen nuclei together to make helium. Later heavier atoms are fused and each of the elements is created. The space between atoms and molecules continues to decrease, eventually condensing the luminous factor into liquid plasma.

      The liquid factor carries the sensory qualities of sound, touch, sight, and taste. Further pressure from the static tendency solidifies the liquid factor, and the solid factor— carrying the vibration of smell as well— comes into being. At this point all the factors coexist simultaneously in the universe. The degree and combinations of these five factors determines the makeup of all material substances and how the next act in the drama of creation evolves.


      To this point, the creative process has been extroversal (meaning “the whole moving outward”) — movement from subtle to dense. Inanimate matter is the densest form of consciousness. Shakti’s static force can transform no further, and its hold must begin to loosen. The introversal phase of creation (meaning “the whole moving inward”) begins as matter finds its way back to pure consciousness again.

      The static tendency exerts so much pressure on the solid factor that a tension of forces is created. The center-seeking force of static Shakti clashes with the force of expansion, which is directed from the center outward. These two forces vie for dominance, and a critical climax in the cycle of creation occurs. If the force of expansion becomes dominant, the structure can no longer maintain the delicate balance, and it dissociates into billions of particles.

      On the other hand, if there is an imbalance of the five factors within the structure, the object contracts more and more, the tension in the solid factor becomes very great, and an explosion occurs. At this point the densest factor is converted back into subtler factors to “try again.” This means, of course, that no factors are lost. The eventual death of the universe, therefore, is impossible. Furthermore, cosmic mind is never imperiled by the explosions in the dense factor; the particles return to their respective factors. Cosmic mind-stuff remains unaffected, and creation continues endlessly.

      The alternative course is that which, when it occurs, is the turning point in the cycle of creation. If, in this struggle between the expansive (centrifugal) and center-seeking (centripetal) forces, the center-seeking force wins, a resultant force is created that controls all of the factors within the structure. All five factors must be in requisite proportions and the balance of forces within the structure must be such that each factor’s energy is controlled and coordinated. The controlling point of all the energies within a structure is called its “vital energy.” With vital energy, the evolution of life begins.


      Just as vital energy is the controller of all of the forces within a structure, the vital energy itself must be controlled. Individual ectoplasm, or mind-stuff, emerges to direct the vital energy, controlled by the will of the cosmic mind. Another way of putting this is that the loosening of Shakti’s bondage enables the cosmic ectoplasm to reflect, or show through, as individual mind-stuff. Thus begins the second half of the cycle of creation, the attraction of the unit being toward its Self, the supreme consciousness. Matter has evolved from mind, and now mind evolves from matter and moves toward merger with consciousness. The mind-stuff of the individual controls its vital energy through the development of instincts. In the least-developed life forms, the two basic instincts are self-preservation and reproduction.


      As reactions are experienced and stored in the mind (a “vibrational record” as it were), behavioral patterns emerge. The entity encounters a clash with its environment, which is recorded in the mind, and the structure evolves capacities for overcoming that clash. Thus more and more complex life forms evolve. The sense

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