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emotion that she felt unworthy to bow down in his magnificent shadow. She could not believe that everyone in Lydia did not share her unshakable adoration for him. He was her idol, lord and master, and never once had Serena dared to speak of him as ‘uncle.’

      The emperor’s daughter, Princess Lila, however, thought differently of her father and remained completely mystified by Serena’s devotion. As the two proceeded quickly down the marble corridor on their way to the temple baths where the others were waiting, she voiced what had been on her mind.

      “He doesn’t even have time to see us anymore!” Lila, the darker of the two, blurted with disgust. “We’ve become decorations, like the rest of the palace women. He gives no thought to our existence except as a diversion. We are simply amusing to him when he has the time, that is all.” Her silk robe rippled atop the marbled floors as she waved her arms in accusation.

      Serena shook her head in disagreement, “We are not alone in Lydia, my cousin. The emperor is busy with a kingdom.”

      “My father,” she said emphasizing the word, “finds whatever time he desires. He doesn’t lack for more frequent amusements. Not all women in Lydia are treated with such indifference,” she added with disgust.

      “You don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

      “I know that you’ve been blinded by the image you wish to see. Ask one of the others . . . they feel just as I do.”

      “I am not unaware of the emperor’s activities,” Serena said with compassion. “No one can even begin to imagine the responsibilities he has placed upon himself. Surely our lord’s entitled to the desires of more than one man, for he guides the destiny of thousands.”

      “You mean he controls the lives of thousands! We are confined to the inner walls of this palace.”

      “Where would you rather be?”

      “I would have a kingdom of my own, and a man to do my bidding.”

      Serena laughed, “What kingdom would have a woman as ruler?”

      “I have heard of such, among ambassadors to my father.”

      “In what country?”

      “Egypt,” Lila replied matter-of-factly,” they are called ‘high priestesses.’“

      “They are superstitious fools. I mean a real kingdom, like your father’s.”

      “The dowager Empress, Myra, once ruled Lydia.”

      “She is the sister of Croesus’s father and only served as advisor until the emperor was of age. She is a palace woman like the rest of us.”

      “Should Father die,” Lila said much too loudly, “I could rule in his place.”

      The words were blasphemy. “I will never hear you speak of this again!” Serena spoke angrily, though softly lest they be heard. Already the scents of bath salts had reached their nostrils and the walls had grown dark from continuous moisture.

      Lila remained fearless. “One day the emperor will die and I am his daughter . . . ”

      Serena interrupted, “Then just as a Croesus ruled before your father, another Croesus will follow him.”

      “My brother? He is just a boy!”

      “He is an emperor’s son!”

      “He killed my mother.”

      Serena took her cousin’s arm and pulled the woman along, “A birthing child is responsible for naught.”

      “But why should he rule Lydia?”

      “He is a man.”

      “Yet, what if he had been my sister?”

      “Then the emperor would have remarried and sired a son.”

      “And if there had been only daughters?”

      “Then the closest male in the emperor’s family. You know how it is done.”

      “I know, but I cannot understand,” Lila said truthfully. “Surely I possess more of the emperor’s blood within my own veins than some man-child beyond the borders of Lydia.”

      “It is not right to discuss such things.”

      “How can you be content just waiting for whatever future my father has decided for you? Our training’s nearly complete; he could choose a husband for each of us and then we will be sent away. Is that what you want? You might never see me again!” The possibility frightened her.

      “I want what the emperor decides is best for me.” Serena’s words were nearly drowned out by the laughter of the other maidens reaching their ears. “Besides, the emperor will never separate us.”

      “I no longer know what he might do. All that is certain is that I shall choose for myself,” Lila said positively. “Father has no right to decide my fate. A man’s keshash, destiny, is his own; I desire the same.”

      “I hear the others,” Serena said softly. “Speak no more of this.”

      Their last steps were taken in silence. They turned, passing through one narrow doorway and then another until clouds of steam billowed into the hallway and the sounds of echoing voices and unrestrained laughter bounced against marble walls. The splashing created pools of water that collected in crevasses upon the floor and stained the hems of their robes.

      Inside the doorway, four tall eunuchs, black as ebony, stood two on either side. Their thin straight forms towered threateningly over the enormous hot-water baths. Experience allowed them the ability to guard without deliberately looking upon the eighteen naked maidens who splashed in the waters beneath them. At least once each fortnight the women turned loose of the restraints of clothing and were allowed to rest from the burden of continuous instruction.

      “Where have you two been?” Irenan, their teacher, demanded as she entered the room. Her face was drawn with irritation, “I have even been to school chambers in search of you!”

      “This is our one night of freedom!” Lila replied angrily for having been addressed in such a tone. As the emperor’s only daughter, she demanded respect. Besides, Irenan was no more than a dozen years her senior.

      “You are my responsibility,” Irenan insisted. “Now get in the water.”

      Irenan removed her robe and draped it over a polished gold hook before plunging into the waters. Lila removed her own clothing and jumped into the water, giving no thought to the guards. Obediently, Serena began to disrobe as well, stopping for a moment near the top of the marble steps, cupping her hands, as she began to pour warm water over her knees.

      One of the eunuchs stared appreciatively at Serena’s supple body and the smooth skin of her thighs and bottom. Already her flesh had become moist from the humidity. He had come to admire her as one of the most appealing creatures he had ever seen. As she turned, he stared in total fascination at her beauty, memorized from these fortnight outings, as he had not been a eunuch from birth. He admired her slender stomach, the hair of her lightly colored groin, her perfectly firm nipples . . . and the half-moon birthmark, no larger than an almond that adorned the side of her left breast. Truly, she was a woman fit for a god.

      “You are not my son!” The old high priest’s words were like a knife hurled through the air. And then again, “You are not my son,” though softer and more compassionate than the first. “The time has come for your homeward journey . . . your home in the Persian desert. There can be no further argument between us!”

      “Father . . . I cannot,” was all that would come to him. “This is my home: the land of the rising sun; the land of Ra Ta’s majesty; the land of the Nile’s splendor . . . the land of Egypt.” Ravi paused for a moment, hoping for a more positive response but Esdena, the high priest, continued to avoid

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