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      Because of the fear they invoked, these new fighting dogs appealed to the dogfighting world, as well as to criminals. I’ve seen many pit bulls with tough names like “Blade” or “Homicide” who’ve been used for such felonious purposes as guarding a crack stash or assisting in an armed robbery. This criminal element strove to breed the nastiest and scariest dogs on the planet. They did not try to preserve a love of people or encourage gentleness. The breeders mixed the meanest pits, and then mated their offspring with rottweilers to make them far larger and stronger than the breed’s bulldog ancestors. There was no mindfulness applied to the breeding. The breeders weren’t aware of the genetics of the dogs they mixed, and they weren’t concerned about hurting parents or offspring.

      All dogs can bite, and a small dog can do a lot of damage, too (there was a case of a Pomeranian who killed an infant), but the mauling and fatalities caused by pit bulls and reported by the media have scared people into thinking that all pit bulls are sociopaths. The result is that they languish in shelters or are euthanized. The dog is paying the ultimate cost for the human intervention in its design.

      There is a version of the pit bull bred today that is micro, but mighty. This small dog, usually custom-made at a buyer’s request, resembles the pit bull, except that it is only about eleven inches tall, half the size of the average pit bull. The theory behind the making of this designer dog is that by shrinking the dog, you shrink the problem, i.e., you still get a pit bull, but it will be manageable. In reality, a micro pit bull will require the same amount of work as a larger pit bull, and is just as likely to be calm or aggressive. There’s also no guarantee that making the dog smaller will allow an owner to be able to physically control it. You may save money on dog food, but the commitment, training, and caretaking necessary, as well as the medical bills, will not be considerably reduced.

      The effects of the growing popularity of micro pit bulls are not yet clear, and their rise leaves me with many questions and concerns. Will they become increasingly desirable simply because they’re a designer dog? For a person who has his mind set on getting a designer dog, will a micro pit bull be as desirable as a cockapoo? If more micro pit bulls are bred, will pit bull bans increase? And will they interest the nefarious people who breed fighting dogs? Will these people see the micro pit bull and be inspired to create a ring of micro fighting dogs?

      Shrink the Dog, Increase the Costs

      Contrary to popular belief, shrinking a dog can actually increase its problems, as we can see in the now-raging craze for “teacup dogs.” Teacups are typically miniatures of already little dogs like Chihuahuas, Pomeranians, and Yorkshire terriers. They’re created by breeding the runts of litters together and continuing to breed the runts of the offspring until the resulting dogs are itty-bitty, teacup size.

      Runts are often the unhealthiest of a litter and have medical issues associated with their stunted size; a breeder is exacerbating and amplifying their problems by bringing their negative traits forward to their offspring. The sound use of expert, science-based genetic protocols is virtually nonexistent in this breeding process and a breeder’s conclusions regarding success are based solely on appearance, with no concern as to whether the dog behaves like a sociopath or suffers from a plethora of congenital or environment-­related illnesses. And because legitimate breeders refuse to traffic in teacups, the supply is coming from questionable sources. Many teacups come from South Korean puppy mills.

      Teacup breeders often seem to be competing against one another, each one out to make his dogs smaller. And they often have little interest in dealing with puppies who are not teacup in size, since the smaller the dog, the larger the price. When dogs intended to be teacups are born too large, they are often considered “unsatisfactory” and will quickly be sold if they can be. If not, they’re ignored, abandoned, or destroyed.

      The enormous medical problems teacups are often born with are frequently exacerbated by a poor quality of life; for example, spending too much time in a purse and not enough time walking. I’m not sure who the first person to carry a teacup dog in her purse was, but celebrities are now regularly photographed doing this. It has become fashionable to do so. I’m only human, so I recognize and admit that teacups are adorable, like Tribbles and Furbys, but accessorizing with plush toys instead would be safer and more humane.

      The attraction of teacups stems from what I call “perpetual baby syndrome,” when people love kittens, but hate cats; puppies, but not dogs; and babies, but not teenagers. (The last one probably isn’t just based on looks though!) Baby anythings are universally irresistible. On multiple occasions, spcaLA has encountered people who adopt kittens, turn them loose on the street when they’re fully grown, and then return for more kittens.

      So how do we stunt the growth of animals to keep them childlike? Breeding a teacup animal will do the trick, and teacup versions of a wide variety of animals are bred. There are dog and cat teacups, as well as pig and bunny teacups (often called dwarf pigs and dwarf bunnies), to name a few. Do an internet search and many more will come up. Opportunists around the world—puppy mill operators and other unscrupulous, unethical, and ignorant breeders—have figured out that there is high demand for these “forever infants,” and a willingness to pay thousands of dollars for one.

      Teacups tend to be treated like novelty items, objects, not living creatures. I often compare what has happened to them to what has happened to phones. Those of us of a certain age remember what it was like to have a house phone wired into the wall. We also remember the first mobile phones, which were about the size of telephone handles, about the weight of a brick, and stretched from your ear to your mouth. But from their humble beginnings, they morphed to smaller flip phones and then to small one-piece phones, about the size of a pack of cigarettes. If you recall the size of the phone that Ben Stiller used in Zoolander, about a square inch, you will understand what teacup breeders are trying to do. Watching the “need” for smaller and smaller phones makes me laugh, but there is nothing funny about living, breathing, emotion- and pain-feeling creatures being made smaller and smaller.

      In case the teacup is not small enough, there are designer dogs who come in micro, mini, and pocket sizes (the aforementioned micro pit bull is one example). These tiny dogs are designed to impress, and the smaller the dog, the higher the price. TMZ reported that Paris Hilton paid $25,000 for a pair of tiny Pomeranians in January 2015, one reportedly weighing about six ounces and the other weighing about twelve ounces, and $13,000 for another mini Pomeranian in September 2015. In October 2016, she reportedly purchased an eight-ounce Chihuahua worth $8,000. The exorbitant prices and free red-carpet advertising make this an extremely profitable business for breeders. It also makes the dogs particularly prone to theft. Criminals kidnap (or dognap) them for resale, breeding, and ransom. Hilton’s small Chihuahua Tinkerbell was dognapped in 2004 and she reportedly offered a $5,000 ransom.

      Many owners of teacups and even smaller dogs may think there’s no better display of elitism than a designer dog in a designer purse. But despite the costs and the early infatuation with these dogs, they are also prone to being abandoned. The dogs’ health costs are expensive. And if a six-ounce dog pees and poops twice its weight in a $1,500 Louis Vuitton purse, the dog may transform from a best friend to a pest, from the best accessory to a defective one, and then he’s shown the door.

      1 Erin Greenwald, “Millions of Dogs Need Homes. Why Is It So Hard to Adopt One?” Washington Post (February 2, 2018), https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/animalia/wp/2018/02/02/millions-of-dogs-need-homes-why-is-it-sometimes-hard-to-adopt-one/?utm_term=.72434160b9d8.

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