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of care.” Erin answered as Isaiah nodded and clumsily patted her hand.

      “Charity, I need to call someone and tell them about this, but I do not know who to call. I know you do not have a phone where you live.”

      “In my case is a paper with the name of an English neighbor and their phone. Yes, my parents will want to know, but I do not want to worry them.”

      “I will be careful how I word the message, but I know they will want to know.”

      “Yes, they will. Erin, how am I? I mean what happened to me? Was I --?” She couldn’t say any more. Isaiah saw she was embarrassed and tiptoed out of the room.

      Erin took her hand. “No, sweet girl, you were not raped. Two English men ran just in time and knocked the drunks down. Our mayor is angry and so embarrassed that this happened to you. Your pretty blue dress was dirty and a tiny torn. I have taken it home with me to wash and repair. Did you make your dress?”

      “Yes, I make all my clothes.”

      “I thought you might. It is very well done.”

      “Erin, my head feels funny.”

      “You hit the back of your head on a rock and have some stitches in it. You will be fine. There will not even be a scar and your hair will cover it.”

      “I ache all over.”

      “I guess you do. You are not accustomed to being thrown around and knocked down. I will leave you in peace. You will get the best of care.”

      “Erin! I do not have insurance and I did not bring enough money with me to pay for this.”

      “Do not worry, little one. Our church has a fund to cover such as this and it will. If you wish to replace it sometime in the future that will be fine.” She smiled, patted Charity’s leg and walked out.

      With the help of an Amish nurse, Charity ate some chicken broth and jello. She drank a little lemon tea and fell asleep.

      The next time she awakened it was the middle of the night and a nurse was checking on her.

      “Do you need anything?”

      “I would like to use the women’s room, but I feel so weak.”

      “Don’t worry, dear. I’ll help you and I’ll get another nurse to be sure you’re fully supported.” She was out of the room only a few seconds and returned with another nurse. They got her up, one on each side, and slowly walked to the restroom and helped her. When she was ready, they placed soap and hot water on a washrag and washed her hands and then rinsed them. They used another washrag to wipe her face and make her feel refreshed.

      Going back to the bed she was embarrassed for a doctor to be there to see her in the hospital gown. He assured her that everyone wore them, women and men for comfort and for the doctor to work more efficiently. He shined a light in her eyes to check and then took her blood pressure and temperature.

      “You have a mild concussion, so I don’t want to give you a sleeping pill. Try to relax and get some rest. I’m going to have one of the nurses put an IV in your arm for nourishment and to help you relax. If you need anything or want to talk to me, just tell one of the nurses.” He patted her leg under the cover and left.

      She found it hard to relax thinking of Jeremiah and her family. She thanked God she was not raped and wanted to know who the men were that saved her.

      The next thing she knew she was being awakened for the nurse to take stats and prepare her for breakfast. She had oatmeal, a glass of milk and apple sauce. She forced herself to eat because she knew she needed to gain strength.

      She was disgusted for doing so much sleeping, but she did go to sleep.

      She awakened hearing the lunch carts and dishes rattling. She smiled when the nurse asked if she minded having another breakfast. No, she would love it. She ate a scrambled egg, a bowl of grits with butter, half of a banana, and a cup of tea.

      Feeling much better she noticed a huge arrangement of flowers in the room. “Are those mine?” she asked in astonishment.

      “Sure are,” the nurse smiled. “James Bolten and Harold Newsome sent them to you.”

      “Who are they and why would they send me flowers?”

      “They’re the two men who saved you day before yesterday.”

      “Has it been that long?!” she exclaimed. “I must have slept enough for several days. How can I meet the men and thank them?”

      “I know them. I’ll tell them you want to see them. Now rest some more.”

      “Rest! Rest! That is all I have done and I feel so lazy.”

      “Good. You’ll heal much quicker then.”

      She didn’t turn on the TV in her room because she knew that would be worldly. She could not help some of the things happening to her, but she could control her impulses. She took a drink of water and closed her eyes.

      When she awakened next she was startled to hear a rustling in the room and know someone was there.

       Chapter Four

      Focusing her eyes, the tears rolled down her cheeks. “Mamm. You came.”

      “Yes, dear child and your daed and Joshua are also here. Our church prayed for you and so many wanted to come see about you, but your daed asked them to take care of your farm and the animals. We knew Matthew and Deborah were taking good care of Jeremiah and Rosemary and the girls are taking good care of the store.”

      At that moment the door opened and Jacob and Joshua walked in. They looked so relieved to see her awake and talking to them. They talked quietly for a short time until Joshua suggested that they leave and come back tomorrow.

      “How did you get here?” Charity asked concerned.

      Jenna Mae answered with a chuckle. “I think your daed would have run all the way, but we convinced him to hire a neighbor to bring us in his car. He is staying with his brother and sister-in-law until we are ready to leave.”

      “Where are you staying?”

      “At Erin and Isaiah’s bed and breakfast. Several Amish offered to take us in, but we decided to stay where you have been.”

      They all hugged her and left. She was lying quietly thinking and counting her blessings when the door slowly eased open. How blessed to be Amish and know everyone helped everyone else.

      Her breath caught until she saw a white coat and a stethoscope around his neck.

      “Oh, are you my doctor?”

      “Yes, I am. My name is Dr. Isaac Yoder and I have cared for you since you came in.”

      She was surprised. “Are you Amish?”

      “Ja. The bishop gave me permission to study if I promised to work in my own community for at least five years. I have been here four years now and looking forward to going to a smaller community.”

      “Why are you keeping me so long?”

      “You had a mild concussion and were pretty roughed up. You would not wake up the first day. It is nature’s way of protecting us from trauma. I will allow you to go with your parents tomorrow if you pass all tests. Now let me check you one more time before I leave.”

      She slept peacefully knowing family and friends were near. The next morning she was asked what she would like for breakfast. She had always heard of French toast, but had never eaten any. She ordered oatmeal, decaf, French toast and a slice of cantaloupe.

      When the breakfast was delivered, she didn’t want the syrup on the toast, but did butter the hot bread and thoroughly enjoyed it. She laughed when she was asked if she wanted anything else. “I am ashamed that I am so full now. I will look like I have

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