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      “She made a joke. She looked at my Harley duds and asked me if I had been out golfing today. I said yes and we both laughed. Then she told me she liked my bike. I guess she saw us when we pulled up.”

      “How could she miss us?”

      Dirk frowned playfully at his friend, “When I saw lover boy returning, I gave her a little peck on the cheek and got the hell out of there.”

      “That was crazy.”

      “You liked that, huh?”

      “Was it her husband?”

      “No, she said he was just a friend.”

      “Be careful, buddy, he looked pretty tough.”

      Dirk doubled his fist and punched the palm of his hand. “That’s what I do to any Village idiot who gets in my way.” Dirk laughed out loud, “Hey, that’s pretty good! Village idiot, get it?”

      Reg shook his head and ordered two more beers. “Did you get her name?”

      “Yeah, it’s Cathy Roberts. She said her husband’s name is Ed.”

      Reg tossed his friend a skeptical grin. “Not good. She wanted you to know that she’s married. I think you got shot down, my friend.”

      “No way, she didn’t have much time before lover boy came back and she wanted me to be able to get a hold of her in the future. She coughed up her husband’s name so I could look her phone number up in the phone book.”

      “Are you going to?”

      “Hell, yes! She’s hot and she’s diggin’ me big time, buddy.”

      “Sure about that?”


      The bartender set two fresh beers in front of the two men. Dirk lifted his and pointed it toward Reg for a toast and Reg did the same. The two glasses clicked, “To The Villages!” Dirk exclaimed.

      “I thought you didn’t like this place.”

      “I do now,” Dirk laughed coarsely.

      “Just be careful. These folks don’t like Harley guys like us moving in on their turf.”

      “I know one who does.”


      “Cathy Roberts.”


      Eric laid his hand on Cathy’s shoulder, leaned down and gave her a moist peck on the back of her neck. Cathy loved the little kiss; it sent a tingle up her spine. After the titillating exchange with the edgy biker guy and the little kiss from Eric, her sexual energy was on high alert. “Who was that guy sitting with you? He looked a little rough around the edges,” Eric mused.

      Cathy giggled nervously, “Oh, he was just some Harley guy. He said he thought he knew me or something, but I didn’t know him from Adam.” Still buzzing from the peck on her neck, she took a sip of her drink to try to calm her jittery nerves. Waves of arousal flowed through her as she took in the handsome, sexy, figure occupying the stool next to her. “While you were gone, I checked out the parking lot and I didn’t see your Jeep.”

      “It’s not there. I parked in front of the hotel. Seemed like a good spot, you never know when you might need a room.” He gave her a wink.

      Cathy’s face flushed red. Oh my goodness, he wants me too and he’s not even trying to hide it. She attempted to take a sip of her drink, but her hand was shaking so badly she couldn’t lift the glass.

      The observant Eric leaned closer. “You look beautiful tonight.”

      “I…uh, do?”

      “You always do, my dear.”

      “Why, thank you.” Cathy was a mess now. The kiss, the compliments, the parking location, her own devious thoughts were almost overwhelming her. She was on the verge of making a fool of herself. She fought to keep her raging emotions under control while making a weak attempt at small talk. “How do you like your Jeep?” She said in a nervous, high-pitched tone.

      “Uh, it’s okay. Rides kind of rough and really doesn’t do very well on mileage. But overall, I like the openness of it.”

      Cathy tossed down the remainder of her drink and scooted her stool closer to his. Eric looked down at her shapely legs pushing in on his. He drained the remnants of his most recent beer, leaned over and whispered in her ear, “Why don’t we go somewhere a little more private? The hotel might be fun.”

      Cathy grabbed the side of her barstool and squeezed it tightly to calm her shaking hands. Her desperate eyes looked Eric’s handsome face up and down. “I know a better place,” she said softly.

      He laid his hand on her bare knee. “I’m game for anything, Babe. You name it and we’re out of here.”

      She smiled warmly, rubbing her breasts against him as she slid off of the stool. “I have some friends who are up north most of the year. We can use their place.”

      “Can’t wait.”

      “Me either.”

      Eric hopped off his stool and shouted at the nearby bartender, “What’s the damages?”

      The bartender stepped in front of the bright computer screen and typed in a couple of quick commands. He waited for a second and then punched in a few more commands. “Forty-eight dollars and seventy five cents,” he shouted over the noisy patrons.

      Eric slipped his money clip from his pocket and laid three twenties on the bar. “Keep the change.”

      “Thanks,” the smiling bartender shouted.

      Cathy wrapped his left hand inside both of hers and pushed it firmly against her groin area. “Ready?”

      Somewhat surprised by the aggressive move, Eric scanned her face and smiled suggestively. “Your car or mine?” he asked.

      “Let’s take mine; the garage door opener is in the glove box.”

      “Let’s get outa here!” a beaming Eric exclaimed.


      “You know you make me want to shout!” Alone in his cart and feeling kind of frisky, a normally staid Ed Roberts sang along with Rocky and the Rollers as he cruised around the square at Lake Sumter Landing looking for a parking spot. Ed felt a little silly, but that’s why people moved to The Villages-to have a good time. Unfortunately, Ed’s good times had been solo and few and far between lately.

      Suddenly a parking spot opened up next to the dance area. Ed flipped on his turn signal and darted in the empty slot. “Wow! That was lucky!” he murmured. Parking spots were hard to get when Rocky and the Rollers were playing. Ed jerked to a stop, fell back against the seat and prepared to enjoy a few sets of Rocky and the boys.

      “Shout” groaned to an end with Rocky’s boys jumping in the air and landing in unison as they strummed the last cord. Rocky playfully swiped imaginary perspiration from his brow and waved an oversized hanky at the crowd like a flag of surrender. The appreciative crowd screamed their approval. Rocky, the drummer, leaned up to the mic, grabbed it with both hands like he was choking it and shouted at the enthusiastic crowd. “How about those Isley Brothers?” The crowd roared their approval. He swiped his brow dry once again and stuffed the hanky in his pocket. “Right now, folks, we’re going to slow things down a little bit. Grab your wife or favorite honey and get ready for that great hit from the Platters, “Only You.”

      Ed closed his eyes, his head fell back against the headrest as he prepared to enjoy yet another of his favorite tunes. He breathed deeply as the enchanting song brought back memories of his teenage years. He

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