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and good sense facilitates appearance of health in head and in body.” Nikolai Andreevich kept silence, looked through the page and continued, “Having heard my words Critias exclaimed ‘My Socrates, the headache would be a true gift of Hermes for a young man if it forced him to improve his mind to cure it!’”

      “That’s true,” Sensei smiled.

      “You see, it was written forteen centuries ago but it’s still relevant today.”

      “Sure, because wisdom has no time boundaries.”

      “Right, Socrates correctly noticed it.”

      “Socrates only imparted knowledge he had been taught. Socrates would not be Socrates if he hadn’t met Crito on his way, who was attracted by his kind heart and who gave him the proper education. Therefore you are deeply wrong when you think that psychology takes its origin from Socrates. The knowledge given by the Teacher to Socrates and later to his followers was only a remote echo of the real knowledge of the ancients… The psychology is a more ancient science than anyone may imagine. And not the new one. Its forefathers and founders weren’t Socrates, Williams James, nor Le Bon, Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler and others. These people tried only to partly restore step-by-step the information given to people once as a whole one and which was carelessly lost with the time… And in general this science has its roots in the extreme antiquity.”

      “With respect to philosophy maybe. But not the scientific theory and practice?” Nikolai Andreevich was sincerely surprised.

      “Why?” objected Sensei, “it concerned the science first of all. The ancients possessed such knowledge which stands far ahead our days. If today the psychology tries only to study the structure of the personality, general patterns, laws of communication between people, the ancients considered it as just a superficial philosophy as they possessed more subtle knowledge of psychology due to different psychotechnics. They studied the depths of themselves, of their soul and not of their Ego. And the psychology science starts right from the self-cognition. The more one cognizes himself, the better he will understand not only others but the world as a whole.”

      “Wait but the modern psychology possesses quite a lot of different psychotechnics.”

      “Right but which ones? As a rule, they are the most primitive and, take notice, that they mostly directed to the material nature. Can you consider the modern humanity as a spiritually developed society with its modern development of the psychology science? Of course, not. The reason is that the modern psychology touches mostly the very low level, it tries to solve the problems of conflicts caused by the human Ego. To put it simple, it boils in the clear soup of the Animal nature despite the fact that its primary goal is to understand the human soul. With such a relation between the ‘theory’ and ‘practice’ you understand what a contradictory future awaits for it. That is, frankly speaking the modern psychology tries to reconcile the egoism with megalomania.”

      “In principle, it’s one and the same,” the psychoterapist remarked delicately.

      “I think so, too,” Sensei emphasized giving time to Nikolai Andreevich to deeply realize the sense of his words. “In no way do I diminish the meaning of psychology in the modern world. It’s a good and useful discipline. It’s really worth developing, it helps people to tackle stress and to fight with their fears. But I have one question to you, doctor. Tell me, why psychologists aren’t able to put in order their own minds trying meanwhile to get into the minds of others?”

      “Well…why?” Nikolai Andreevich drawled slowly and answered lively in a while, “Everybody likes to make money”.

      They laughed both, and after that the psychoterapist continued the conversation.

      “If the ancients possessed such knowledge, then does it mean that they had the golden age?”

      “Right you are. It was exactly like that.”

      Nikolai Andreevich reflected for a while and then asked, “Which ancient times do you mean? During the time of our civilization?”

      I noticed that Nikolai Andreevich adressed Sensei sometimes in familiar friendly manner and sometimes in official respectful way.

      “I would not regard even the beginning of our civilization as ancient times. Our civilization exists only some twelve thousand years. Though in the beginning of it the humankind was given partly certain knowledge, including that one of psychology as well.”

      “It was given knowledge? I wonder who was given it?”

      “This knowledge was spread throughout the whole world: in Europe, Asia, Africa, South and North America. It was kept as secret knowledge by wisemen in tribes of Ancient Egypt, India, Mesopotamia, Siberia, China. But despite its wide geographical spreading it was nevertheless lost with the time. That’s why you, gentlemen, have to invent a wheel again.”

      “Still it’s rather strange. How was it possible that this knowledge was given to people on the different continents, and moreover in tribes? And what is more interesting, who was able to give it? As far as I know, the ocean was an insuperable obstacle at that time. There were no airplanes, and it was almost impossible to sail across it.”

      “In your vision, one surely needs some technical means or devices in order to do it. But the ancients managed to do it only due to their abilities. I intentionally mentioned about their suble knowledge of human psychics. They were able to use their abilities. And those things which are argued today such as levitation, telekinesis, teleportation, telepathy and so on were just a normal reality for the ancients. It was so natural as for example cycling or swimming for us …”

      “Wow!” Ruslan interrupted them with undue familiarity. Like us he was an occasional listener of the conversation of our ‘experts’. “We would also like to possess such knowledge! If we could fly by our wish, it would be so cool! Sensei, may we learn it?”

      Sensei looked at the guy first seriously but then he smiled slightly.

      “Of course, you may.”

      “Can you tell us in all the details how to do it?” Ruslan tried to put his question in a ‘smart’ way.

      Sensei kept silence for a while looking at him with a light smile on his face and then answered, “It’s simple. You see, the main thing in this stuff is your attitude, your wish, the internal mood and what is more important is your great desire to try levitation. The very principle of levitation is not difficult. Its main kernel is your wish…”

      “This is more or less clear but in details… I mean physically?” Ruslan tried to find it out, frowning his eyebrows as if it were an enigma beyond his understanding.

      “In details? Let’s put it this way. Everybody is a generator of an individual torsion field. This torsion field effects photons of physical space surrounding it and interacts with torsion fields of other individuals. To launch the effect of levitation, that is of your physical body flying in the air, you should give a certain impulse with the help of psychic energy and to transform the kinetic energy into potential and vice versa. It causes the powerful splash of psychic energy as a result of adrenalin discharge and that will launch the enormous stimulation of torsion field of another person and will impact considerable growth and acceleration of your energy potential.

      “So, when you concentrate mentally, certain spin structures arise in labile spin system, that is in your brain, and they duplicate the spacial frequency structure of the formed image. This information, in its turn, will be transmitted not only to the body as a whole, but to the surrounding space and it interacts this way with photons, that is with quanta of electromagnetic emission. At certain conditions, and namely with personal force and precise concentration of thoughts, it comes to an effect which lets you afterwards drastically diminish your weight. And further it’s a matter of techiques. Just take into account that the more power you will give to your generator of stable thought, the longer the effect of levitation will dure. It’s simple physics and there is nothing difficult or extraordinary in it…”

      The guys tried to listen attentively to each word of Sensei. I didn’t grasp even a half of what he said and just tried to remember his words writing them down in my mind so that to put them word by word to my

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