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I couldn’t miss such an adventure with Sensei. For me it was not just a trip but due to interesting remarks of Sensei it was the whole excursion to the people’s world, as well as to my own. As Sensei promised us, he has held a good physical training to us on our way. First we jogged along the coast and stopped only in half an hour. Then headed by Sensei we have done a warm-up. Then it was again jogging but already with acceleration. Then we made push-ups, jogging in the water, steeplechase. In general Sensei wasn’t stingy of new ideas and due to it this physical training turned for us into some unusual adventure of ‘marines’. And despite we felt the overloaded muscles when we reached the boundaries of ‘civilization’, the internal pleasure was much bigger as we have stood all of this.

      It was decided to go between recreation houses, in order to shorten the way to the market. Having swum over the water barrier-net which served as the boundary between the first recreation house and the ‘wild nature’, we went out to the coast like ordinary campers and went slowly along the coast. As usual people spent their vacation lying on the sand, they just changed the home picture in TV to the observing from the sand the many-coloured crowd with monotonous sea in the background. We could hear some rare conversations on everyday issues. Some of them complained and talked about others, some of them mocked at others. In brief, it was ordinary people’s life, nothing special. First we felt clearly the striking difference between those spiritual things Sensei told us and these utilitarian material-minded stuff discussed by people. But later on going deeper to this atmosphere of many-coloured mass we started to get infected involuntarily by its not pure air.

      I didn’t notice the moment when ‘provocative thoughts’ appeared in my head. They seemed to capture my attention by triffles. Somewhere I have seen a nice swimming suit and I thought how pretty I would look in it. Someone had nice earrings and I got a desire to buy something like that for myself. My imagination immediately started to draw a picture how I would look in that swimming suit with those ear rings. And as soon I gave freedom to those thoughts, Madam Envy immediately appeared in my mind. I noticed it only when she completely conquered my mind, hiding all the most pure feelings by her greed and dissatisfaction. “What am I doing?” I was indignant in my heart. “I try on strange images. But it’s not me! So to say, a bad penny always turns up. What should I do now?”

      My sad reflections were interrupted by Andrew who seemed to be easily hooked by the Animal nature, too.

      “Look at nice bodies of those lads!” he said with admiration to our guys showing at sun burnt young men who played volley-ball. They seemed to be a group of body builders. “Look at their muscles…”

      Judging by the way these guys were moving it seemed that they didn’t play volley-ball but rather showed off in front of the crowd demostrating their muscles in a good light. It’s naturally that they drew attention of passers-by who, in turn, gazed at their bodies with unconcealed envy.

      “Sensei, is it possible to build a body quickly and to grow such muscles?”

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