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adjacent territories, including Sumer: Eris, Ararat, Ur, Urartu, Uruk, Arias; names of rulers, heroes of the most ancient epic of this region: Urzabab, Urzin, Urnamu, Urukagin; the oldest temple tower – ziggurat. Everywhere there is a base “ur-er-ar”. Mansi (Finno-Ugric language) the word “ur” means “mountain”, “hill”. The common Turkic word “Aral”: “island”, “interfluve”, “hill”. This proves the reality of the existence of the oldest nostratic macro-family of languages. As archaeological cultures that could be correlated with the region of the pan-Indo-European cultural complex, scientists call the Khalaf, Ubayd, Chatal-huyuk cultures in South-West Asia and Kuro-Araksin in Transcaucasia. According to these scholars, the secondary intermediate ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans was the Northern Black Sea Region, where their settlement dates back to the 3rd millennium BC. To the south of the range of the Indo-European family, the core of the Semitic-Hamitic (Afrasian) language family was probably formed. To the north of the Indo-Europeans, apparently, carriers of the Kartvelian proto-language lived, to the east – the Dravidian proto-language. The ancestral home of the Uralic (Finno-Ugric and Samoyedic) Turkic, Mongolian, and Tun-Hus-Manchu languages was probably on the northeastern periphery. This nostratic macro-family of languages includes the Indo-European, Semitic-Hamaite, or Afrasian, Kartvelian, Uralic, Dravidian, Turkic, Mongolian, Tunguso-Manchurian, Chukchi-Kamchatka and, possibly, Eskimo-Aleutian language families. The languages of this huge macro-family are now spoken by over 2/3 of the world"s population.