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bubbles. Adele wrapped herself, as in her childhood, in a knitted woollen warm blanket, and it seemed that the rain would not reach her there.

      Football field on the roof of the house, mini-garden, swimming pool. What’s not on the roofs of the houses.

      Bicyclists hurried somewhere on a sunny morning, with bags and without. Here the bicycle was and is the mainland transport. Everyone either has a bicycle or can rent it, any colour whatsoever.

      Two living statues also hurried somewhere. One of them had an umbrella, the other did not.

      Adele, my Adele, tired after the show. I went to the Harbor House to buy furniture. Long chose bed and bed linen.

      The first violin is a Woman? It turned out – Man… Must the conductor have a patent leather shoe? And he should be grey? What should life be like? How is the music of the symphony orchestra? Real and with love?

      While it was raining outside, people bought pearls.

      What is the meaning of music? What is the purpose of life? Not with anything. Everyone finds what he is looking for.

      The pianist returned and began to play Mendelssohn’s march.

      Everyone continued to listen to him. The flautist thought when he had a wedding. Trumpet girls dropped notes.

      The pianist passed the roses. The audience applauded.

      Why close your eyes when you kiss? Why close your eyes when you listen to symphonic music?

      Whitelist. On it, after all, you can write anything or draw? Has risked.

      Dance is a drawing. Music is a note…

      The drummer, tired of music, plugged his ears with earplugs. The conductor did not look like a magician. One violinist also had lacquered shoes, probably he himself wanted them too…

      After the order of goods, Adele went to the hairdresser to do her hair. Her master wore a cap with the inscription “happiness and unhappiness”. United in one symbol, they meant that life flows by itself. The hairdresser dried her hair for a long time with a hairdryer and smoothed it, and before that, his assistant was doing Adelie’s massage for a long time with her head and shoulders.

      Keep the moments that she can not hold…

      When she is in a beautiful skirt of Marsal colour and in a black jacket made of lace. Or in a dark blue raincoat, and in the ears of pearl earrings…

      They went to the Spanish restaurant La Cocina.

      At Swing party, everything is smart. Now Adele knows how to get into the past. Going to the swing party was necessary.

      Where does the wind blow?

      Adele likes to cuddle with the sun and catch up with the clouds – in fact, this is the most exciting thing that she can do. Adel read Nassib Taleb’s article “Wealth as poison for the rich. “Venenum in auro.

      We are growing up, we have a chance to revive life, but still, we are going to die.

      Who do you want to see? What should you do when old age approaches?

      Adel did not finish her coffee today. The unyielding taxi driver drove like Schumacher: he did not have a speedometer. Does this city love her, how does she love him?

      Right invited her to the restaurant, but in fact, she did not particularly like restaurants, except for some, and what was the point of the restaurants? Probably, for some it is, but Adel would have had enough soup cooked at stake, with fresh bread and fresh air.

      Right taught Adele to dream and get up in the morning, but this time he had a trip for three days, and they spent them together. Right had to launch his project with clothes, they went to the city where they produce materials, and on the way, they ate at McDonald’s. Right kept her coffee, and she fell asleep sugar. They bought tickets without seats, on the train, they were standing upright, and Right held Adele’s hand, as if afraid to lose her.

      When they returned, it started to rain again, Right feared that Adel would get wet, he somehow did not want even a drop of water to fall on her, and Adel already used to walk in the heavy rain alone and happily!

      Rain and wind have always been frequent visitors to this city. Drinking tea with lemon and ginger with Right is a great pleasure. Rain – and people you can not keep in your life when you want.

      First Right washed Adel with shampoo and wiped it after showering, then Adele washed him and dried it with a towel.

      “I like your lips and nose.”

      – And I like your braces.

      – I will take them only after a year.

      For some reason, for no reason at all, Right thoughtfully carried:

      – But life is short, we all die, and what about

      Will it be with us after death?

      But today Adele did not want to talk and think about death. She just wanted to enjoy the evening.

      “Yes, you’re right, someday we’ll all die.”

      She always felt sad when she thought about what was going on with us after death. Some smartbooks say that end is part of life and we must take it as it is.

      Every city has its own spirit. At this city it is original. In the modern world, there are many types of transport that we can choose: a private car – it’s fast, convenient, with a breeze and safe; the metro is also fast, but with a breeze from air conditioners and a constant crowd of people… Buses. They are in this city lead to noise. Of course, you can choose a motorcycle, and still have a bike. Well, he and I moved around on all types of transport, and sometimes just preferred human feet. The beauty of this type of transportation is that when you walk, the whole body is in motion and it seems that you perceive the world around differently. Of course, it would not hurt to shut your ears from the city noise. But still, it’s not a forest or steppe.

      Where only the wind and footsteps are heard, maybe even the murmur of a stream.

      Cos, when you walk all your body, begin to work, and you start to notice everything around you.

      Sometimes I want to drink green tea without any smacks! Apparently, only with a mug of tea, a modern man locked in a stone jungle can become a little closer to nature, to one that is not touched by civilisation in some places of our planet.

      So, today we decided to walk with him. Near the temple on the left side there is a pedestrian bridge, and to the left is a luxury hotel, and, strangely enough, opposite this hotel, there are many bars with bright signs advertising beer. But in fact, they provide other services there… More than once I had to make sure that humanity on one side of the street is sinning, and after crossing the road, it can commit sins… Then we went to the store to buy products. Our relationship was like everyone else: shops – walk – joint night views of films. I was sometimes sick of his attitude towards me and my attitude towards him.

      It always seemed to me that the saying “from love to hate is one step” is not about me, but in life, it turned out to be true…

      – What do men think? I asked unobtrusively.

      “About the women and about the money” he growled with a severe air. – What about women?

      “Probably about the stars” I said jokingly, but in fact, about what they think, no one knows: who is talking about diamonds, which is about flowers, and someone about children.

      Different thoughts came to me. He was sometimes far away, and I stayed in our city, where we spent our time breathing the same air. You know, sometimes I did not have enough air. At work sometimes had to leave for another, no less fairy-tale city, where I met different people from embassies of different countries or with organisers of exhibitions around the world. I realised

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