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queen Sveta

      – So, we have two couples. Please introduce yourselves.

      The couples introduce themselves: Andrey and Vika, Mikhail and Yulia. The audience cheers them.

      Drag queen Sveta

      – Our first competition is the couple dance. We will determine the winner by the audience’s applause.

      There is music from the «Pulp Fiction’ movie: Chuck Berry – You Never Can Tell.

      The couples dance cheerful rock-n-roll. Andrey’s hands play all over Vika’s body, shamefully exposing her strong young thighs and breasts. The second couple dance for all their worth trying hard to catch up.

      Drag queen Sveta

      – Yippee! The audience gives equal applause, so here comes a second contest. Each of the men has to name five parts of the body that his girlfriend loves the most. So, the girls will write me a note with their five favorite parts keeping it secret from their partners and the men will have to guess. The girls will help them with gestures and movements. Showing with hands is forbidden.

      Our first contestants are Andrey and Viktoria.

      Nice music is playing softly. Vika puts her lips as if giving a kiss.


      – It’s her sluttish lips that have had so many hot kisses and that she uses to caress her lovers’ dicks.

      Drag queen Sveta

      – Correct!

      Music is playing again. Vika swings her head, her flaming red hair flutters.


      – It’s her amazing hair that she was supposed to wash my feet with, but never did for some reason, – Andrey says with a tint of insult in his voice.

      Drag queen Sveta

      – Another hit!

      Vika rocks her butt to the music.


      – Oh, it’s her heavenly white butt. You have to see this masterpiece. – I come up to Vika and expose her buns. The audience gives excited applause.

      Music keeps on playing, Vika dances and darts glances.

      – It’s her stunning eyes glaring with alcohol and desire. They have ruined so many men!

      Vika sits and moves her thighs to the music. She gives a little groan and stares between her legs.

      – It’s her cunt, her sanctuary. Those who have been in her paradise know exactly what I’m talking about.

      Second scene in the courtroom.

      Andrey enters the district court building. At the court office, a girl hands in the court ruling to Andrey.

      Law clerk

      – You must have the ruling signed by the federal judge on duty on the fourth floor.

      Andrey goes to the fourth floor.

      The office of the judge on duty is locked and Andrey approaches her assistant – a good-looking girl.


      – Could you please help me sign my papers?

      The assistant gave him a sly smile and called the judge on the phone even though their offices were one meter from one another.

      Judge assistant

      – Yes, I’ll be right there.

      When the assistant entered the judge’s office, the door behind her was quickly locked.

      Andrey, whispering to himself

      – Well… Nice weekend the judge has.

      Here, another nice guy joined him in waiting for the judge.

      Andrey knocked twice loudly on the judge’s door. A dishevelled drunk woman jumped out from behind the door.

      Judge – the drunk woman

      – What the hell do you want?! Do you know who you mess around with, motherfucker? I’ll make you rot in an isolation ward.


      – People with a special status of a judge are not supposed to behave like that.

      The judge gave me a baleful look and went away.

      Five minutes later, two ushers with handcuffs appeared. The first on their way was a nice guy who was waiting for the judge together with Andrey. The usher asked him rudely

      – Are you the one who tried to break open the door here?

      Andrey flew to his help not to frame a random guy

      – It was me who knocked.

      The judge’s door opened and the judge said

      – It was him who tried to break open the door, he threatened me!

      Andrey, whispering to himself

      – They’ll trump up an attempted rape.


      – Get your stuff, we’ll make a protocol.

      Andrey goes down the staircase with the ushers to their office.

      The guy tried to somehow help Andrey once again, he shouted to the ushers

      – He only knocked.


      – We’ll sort it out, you can go.

      The ushers in the office dutifully set upon the interrogation.

      – You know, we will hand you in to the cops and they will put you in an isolation ward.


      I am nearly forty-five, I was married, so trying to scare me with an isolation ward is an innocent childish game. There is a press card in my bag, do you think I will be allowed to ask the chief of the court to comment on my case later on?


      – Show us your press card

      The ushers examining the card gradually started to tone down the interrogation.

      – I can see that you are a good man, here, you have a daughter, so we won’t make a protocol.


      – Thank you, because I was already thinking that you’d put me in jail for an attempted rape of a federal judge. I guess they’d have some respect for this in the isolation ward, although the article is disgraceful.

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