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the police officer. He looked at a car, then approached a door sitting of the driver, and having knocked in a window, asked to go it out of the car. Then a deep voice asked:

      – What has happened?

      The autodriver who left the, told:

      – Yes here, accident. – now its voice was appeasable and silent. It was as if as at a little lamb beaten off the mother and calling now her to the aid.

      The militiaman examined a car, and saw the broken back axis, asked:

      – Your rights. – then, having seen сидящею on back sitting the scared woman, he asked. – With you everything is all right?

      But the woman did not understand a question. She asked:

      – Sorry. What did you say? – what means. "Excuse. What did you tell?".

      – Devil take it. – the militiaman swore. – The foreigner, she be wrong. – he grumbled. – it is not sat by it at itself, so they to us climb? Then he told one word clear in any language. – PASSPORT. – however, if the foreigner is from Germany, then he should tell the following. – Ihren Pass bitte. For the ignorant person language – a problem.

      Well. Emmanuel having left the broken car, gave to the police officer the passport, and that having looked in it, decided that it is better not to contact it. Who knows? What can such meeting turn back? Then you will not unsubscribe. The militiaman told. – You can be free. – then having remembered that she speaks only English, told a word, from the school program which he remembered blindly. – GO. – he helped to pull out from luggage office its suitcases, and then having waved a hand, asked that they were approached by the taxi. There passed minute, and the car stood at the broken driver's car – east nationality. It left the young female driver, and having put suitcases Emmanuel in a car luggage carrier, opened a forward door, and told:

      – You sit down.

      Emmanuel though did not understand that this woman told, she understood one that to it suggested to get into this taxi. Emmanuel having contemptuously looked in a man's face of the Caucasian nationality, spat on asphalt, and having sat down in a car, told something in English as if sending this person to all devils.

      Zhenshchina-taksistka the door closed, and having bypassed the car, sat down on the driver's place, and having included ignition, the pedal pressed coupling, and the car is smooth went on asphalt. On the road. There, towards to the unknown. What does Emmanuel there, in the city wait for? Whether it will find what looks for? Will meet the one who by it is necessary to be met? About it and about many other you learn about it later for now Emmanuel went by the car taxi to Moscow. To the capital of Russia. But it is boring to go without any conversation. Therefore I will tell, the small truth. Though and the truth you will call it. Just the female-taksistka knew English. Now setting the last examinations in MGIMO, she was forced to earn additionally a taksistka. And where still it is possible to earn so many money? The taxi – a gold mine for all.


      Female taxi driver

      It is boring to go without any conversation. Therefore I will tell, the small truth. Though and the truth you will call it. Just the female-taksistka knew English. Now setting the last examinations in MGIMO, she was forced to earn additionally a taksistka. And where still it is possible to earn so many money? The taxi – a gold mine for all.

      Taksistka asked:

      – Where it is necessary to you?

      But Emmanuel did not understand a question, she told:

      – Sorry. I do not understand. – what means, "I do not understand".

      Zhenshchina-taksistka understood that the woman the foreigner sitting near her. It, obviously arrived to Russia on affairs? Zhenshchina-taksistka asked сидящею near it the woman already in English.

      – You, from where?

      Having heard the English adverb, Emmanuel with relief sighed. She did not need to tell with whom that now or and know that it will not be understood. This woman. She speaks English. Zhenshchina-taksistka. Now it is possible not to be afraid that it will not be understood. Emmanuel branched off:

      – I from Paris.

      – Do you live in France?

      – Lately.

      – What brought you into Russia?

      – Affairs. – answered Emmanuel, and then added. – Yes I wanted to look at Russia after communism.

      – Yes. – the female-taksistka agreed. – In comparison with the past, now here paradise!

      Emmanuel was surprised:

      – Unless?

      – Yes! – the female-taksistka confirmed. – You judge, at the CPSU we could not earn for free. Could not take bribes, could not earn additionally. For all this we were put. – she made a pause. – Here, for example my parents. They spent five years in prison in Kolomna for speculation, and now it becomes clear that they sat to no purpose. At a present economic situation in Russia, bribery and theft reached such limits that there is no place further. – it having made a pause, continued. – if before the teacher took only bribes, then now they take for study, for textbooks, for these or those collateral goods for improvement of schools, and lay down to themselves in a pocket. Here I remember there was such case. A certain teacher collected from pupils of parents a round sum, allegedly for fine tuning of school according to the Finnish standard. And what? On that all also ended. Money evaporated, and the Finnish extension and remained in the project. Yes, how many such cases! Not to count. So you want or do not want to live in Russia better now. – it having made a pause, added. – It is better to live for rich men, and legalists. The same who was poor, so and will remain to them. This person does not have the place in this life. – the female-taksistka cruelly grinned. – Losers. Want much, and give less than nothing.

      Emmanuel was surprised to reaction of the female-taksistki. She did not expect in any way that it, arguing on charm of present life. Lives in years of reorganization of Russia, will speak on a similar subject. Emmanuel took an interest:

      – Do you consider poverty defect?

      – Well. – the female-taksistka threw. – I wanted to tell not that. – she made a pause, and then told. – Here I, study in MGIMO. How many I saw students and students who go all out to get an education. They learn everything that they to them set and even more. They try. But they are necessary to nobody in life. Do you ask – why? I will answer. There is the second type of students. They are billionaires. Their parents hold high posts, and some even supervise institutes. How not to teach such children and not to take on free training? A sin – and only. Lecturers argue so: – "Let pay those who cannot pay, and our place is expensive to us. All the same these blockheads will not be taken anywhere, and official goofs-off – another matter". Here so lecturers argue. – it having made a pause, continued. – Yes it is not necessary to go far anywhere. Here one of my acquaintances. It graduated from MGIMO, and in the specialty do not hire. And you know why?

      – Why?

      – This profession is not in Russia. Say to her: – "You fly abroad, there work will be, and in Russia is not present". There are such affairs. – she grinned. – You will be taught, and on the market, to strengthen trade relations between buyers and sellers. – then she as if in despair and violent usmeshlivy rage exclaimed. – And you speak in Russia to live badly. WELL!!! from school in worthless higher education institution, and from there on the market, tomatoes and apples extremely expensively to push. – then she specified. – and not easy to sell tomatoes and apples, and low freshness.

      Emmanuel specified:

      – Rotten.

      – Rotten. – then she asked. – Did you read "Master and Margarita?".

      – Read.

      – And so, in one their heads Voland says: – "The freshness has to be the first and

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