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female priests. That it as not the truth. Perhaps to one Jewish book it is written the truth. Bisexual god. It has no sexual character. This theory is rejected by all religions of the world, except Jews.

      Nina with interest listened to Roman. Everything was interesting to it what he spoke about. She took an interest.

      – And what book there is a speech?

      – ZAAR. – Roman answered. – The book is called ZAAR.

      – Did not read. – with regret Nina answered. Then she told. – However except the Bible on this subject I read nothing.

      Roman immediately noticed.

      – Did you tell that you the pragmatist, that is the atheist?

      Nina steamed.

      – But I did not say that I do not know bible history. – then she added. – I put everything under doubts. I prove impossible. – then it it is proud finished. – This my specialty.

      The novel having listened to Nina asked.

      – Do you want to prove, what was in the history of the Bible did not take place? – he was terrified. – How then belief?

      – In any way. – she waved away. – I do not force people to be undeceived in what they trusted already more than two thousand years in. I only call in question what is written to the Bibles.

      Roman took an interest.

      – And at what faculty you study?

      – Historical and philosophical.

      On what Roman told as if he cut off.

      – It is clear.

      We always choose a profession from going from those opportunities what to us provides life. But what if we want absolutely other what to us is imposed by parents? We argue with them, and eventually without achieving the end result. We become unfortunate. All life working where never wanted to work. What here you will tell, parents.

      For Nina it was simpler. It arrived on the historical and philosophical university from the first. Nobody was against its choice. Always the being interested girl history, and philosophy, it simply did not want to arrive except this faculty anywhere.

      Roman took an interest.

      – Do you love history?

      – I love. – Nina answered. She was never as proud as now. She will gain the diploma of the historian. Agree, to know everything than ever there was on the planet an earth, this happiness. – I just live it!

      Roman smiled.

      – Do you joke?

      – In any time. I do not joke. History is interesting to me. As to the true musician music, and to the artist of art.

      Roman noticed.

      – But music is a same art as however, and theater.

      – This so. – Nina agreed. – Everything can be defined in one word. Art.

      The novel asked a loaded question.

      – Tell, for you art and stories, this same?

      Nina specified.

      – Meaning?

      – In sense of history. – he explained, and then added. – The matter is that art integral part of history.

      – This so. – Nina told. – Art history will always be with us. It integral part of our history. Pictures, music. Anything! This our history.

      – It is clear. – Roman told. – But I meant something another?

      – What?

      – And you did not understand?

      – Frankly speaking did not understand.

      – I meant history in art of history of antiquity.

      – Now I understood you. – Nina answered. – History informs us of echoes of the history. That history that we know what is written in all textbooks on stories. But there is also other history. It a little bit differs from written in textbooks. It can only be studied with the lecturer of history, and if he knows that its such what it was actually.

      Roman took an interest.

      – What do you mean?

      – Here take, for example recent our history. – Nina told. – This it is not written in textbooks on stories. – she spoke.

      Its novel interrupted.

      – What it?

      – Tell? – Nina asked a question to the Novel. – What do you think of Lavrenti Beria? It was a large figure in public authorities in due time?

      – How that? – Roman was surprised. – He was the head of People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs or KGB. – he made a pause, then rejected. – I am always confused in these terminologiya.

      Nina corrected Roman.

      – Then KGB called People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs.

      – And what from that?

      – And that. – Nina told. – Can you tell who it was for the person?

      – How who? – Roman was surprised. – He was a murderer and terrace.

      – It is so written in books on stories. – Nina told. – I know what it was actually?

      – From where?

      – Our rector, somehow on classes in a subject history of communism told: – Lavrenti Beria was a person resolute and direct. It never changed the decisions, and correctly did. At that time the people needed the heroes and tyrants. Here history also created anti-heroes in persons Lavrenti Beria and Joseph Stalin. The power demands the victims. Here and they in the thirtieth years of the twentieth century became anti-heroes. And who made their such? Party. It is dear. Not without reason say that the first member of the politburo does not rule the country. This only symbol of the power.

      Roman was terrified.

      – Do you so consider?

      – And only I am one. – Nina told. – Here simple example, chess. On a board thirty two figures, on each party of a board their sixteen. Will you tell who plays party? Do not you know? I will answer you. All figures except the king. There is no king, and a game ended.

      Roman noticed.

      – In your opinion in all countries the president is not necessary? Who, in your opinion, governs?

      – Party. – immediately it steamed. – Not the first secretary general, but party rules the state. As she will tell so it and will be.

      – But then who makes decisions? Party or first person of this state. – he made a pause, and added. – I consider that the decision is made by him.

      – Perhaps you are right. There are decisions which have to be accepted by one person. But, I will tell you. It in exceptional cases. If war for example or natural cataclysms.

      – Means. – Roman noticed. – After all he has the right to vote!?

      – In exceptional cases. – Nina agreed. – But in the majority cases of the king it is necessary to protect. – then she carefully added. – And that God grant revolution, or coup. There are also no times, the state. The states without leader this not the states, but just neutral earth.

      Roman agreed.

      – It so. – then it asked. – But than or whom then the party governs?

      – State. – Nina answered. – As the party needs so it and will be. Here, for example, the present. We lived at socialism, did not know a grief. And here to grow – please capitalism appeared suddenly. Who, in your opinion, put it in action? Of course party. – she made a pause, then added. – parties became more favorable to live under capitalism, than at socialism. Tell, than to us it was bad the CPSU? Lived

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