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and our unshakable mother, mother of all live in this world. Our indestructible Vera in it, hope and Lyubov. Without these three components, there will be no our Homeland. Where it was.

      Everything in this world is changeable. This Nadezhda knew. It worked for FSB. Protected the homeland, and did not know that with it will be farther? She knew one, she will leave soon, will leave perhaps for a long time. What will be become with her Roman, with her loved man? He can will forget it, and can and is not present? She did not know it. She wanted for it happiness, and could not give it to it. Therefore in one of evenings, she acquainted it with the sister Nina. They got on, and Nadezhda went the country to perform a task of the center.

      There passed time, and Roman forgot Natalia. He saw the future in Nina now, he fell in love with her, and that fell in love with it. But nevertheless he sometimes remembered Natalia. He remembered it less frequently until Nina helped it to forget it finally. And only in that cafe when after long separation from Nina he named her Natalia, Nina understood that he still remembered both of them. She then so did not understand whom he reality loved. Her or her sister Natalia. Perhaps he loved in it Natalya, and can it? She could not answer this question.

      Perhaps she made the most terrible mistake in the life, having agreed to take care of Roman? Then her misfortunes began, and Vera only added oil in fire.

      As for Natalia, you see, if she loved Roman, then she never made it б. She did not act this way cruelly. What he was guilty before it, a question of?

      I write these lines because I know that people are different, such among them.


      Sister's request

      Where she is Natalia now? Yes here it, flies on the plane to Paris. What waits for it there? Whether she will be able to perform a task? Let's look.

      What's next? This question is asked by many people, and only some on it find the answer. What's next? I Admit, the same this question nonpluses me. So, on we will a little recede from it the work, and we will look what happened to Natalia after she finished a conversation with the chief, and left FSB building that at Lubyanka Square, went to the sister Nina.

      Now I will tell what conversation took place between sisters, and you will understand why occurred as occurred, but not differently.

      So, we will begin.

      She went along the street, went down in the subway, reached to the Bagrationovskaya station, and having changed on the trolleybus, reached FILYOVSKY PARK to a final stop. There she changed on other trolleybus and having reached to the stop left. I will tell I to you where Nin's vein was not the good place. Park zone, green zone. My relatives lived once there, exchanged. But we will continue. Nina lived in the nine-floor house. On the sixth floor. It had quite spacious two-room apartment. Now, when Natalia arrived to Nina, the house was not that. It walked with the doggie, a little long dachshund. Having come back home, she saw сидящею on a bench about an entrance Natalia. It had an anxious look. Nina approached Natalia, looked at her, and having greeted asked.

      – What has happened?

      – Anything. – having heaved a deep sigh that answered. – Just I should leave.

      – Where to leave?

      – What is it important where? – hard Natalia answered. Then she told. – I leave for a long time. Perhaps. – she assumed. – This business trip will last year, and even it is more.

      Nina sat down on a bench near the sister. She saw that that suffers. She could not refuse this business trip, and she so wanted on the dacha which was near Dmitrov of the Moscow region. Unfortunately, she could not afford it, she served in investigation, protected the homeland. What can be more important in life? Probably only to continue the sort, and only.

      Nina asked.

      – And how Roman? You love it!

      – I love? – Natalia grinned, and from her eyes tears appeared. – Of course I love it! – hysterically she answered, and added. – But I have such work.

      Nina took an interest.

      – What work? – then she asked. – What at the enterprise is sent to business trips?

      That in the affirmative shook the head.

      – There send further.

      Nina anxiously asked.

      – Where?

      Natalia having grinned, answered.

      – Where? – interrogatively and at the same time ironically she grinned: – Yes where will want! – then it had a small hysterics, and having kind of sent everything where far away she roared. – I have right to rest!

      Nina began to smoke a cigarette, and having offered it to the sister, told.

      – Take, helps.

      Having taken a cigarette from a pack, Natalia lit, continued a conversation.

      – I leave. – she told. – I leave for a long time. – she looked at Nina, and that saw despair in her eyes. Natalya left, left for a long time. Leaving in the country all what she valued as whom loved all these years. It told the sister. – Take care of Roman. I know, you love it. – she made the next inhaling, and having released a stream of white smoke from lips, added. – do not hurt it. He does not deserve it. – having finished smoking a cigarette, she threw a stub into a ballot box, at the same time having extinguished it about it, and told. – If I do not return, know, Roman never has to learn where I worked.

      Having looked at Nin on Natalya. Seemed to it that she says goodbye to it. It seemed that it with it their last conversation. Now she will get up and will go to the center, and from there will leave there where it will be not in safety. Yes when it was in safety? Perhaps never. On Nina's face the fear appeared. She never saw the sister in such state. she told it.

      – Really you tell it? Really you think of death at our age. – it encouraged her. – No, to us early to think of death!

      – No. – Natalia did not agree with the sister. – To think of death never late. It comes unexpectedly, it is possible to tell imperceptibly. – it having made a pause a deep sigh heaved. It was heavy to it to speak about it. – It always creeps when you do not wait for it at all. Time, and the person is dead. And it was cheerful and full of vital energy a second ago. – she made long pauses again, heaved a deep sigh. – Here so that.

      Nina saw that it is heavy to sister to speak about it. This conversation was difficult for both of them. Nina understood that Natalia would not speak about death without the reasons. It seemed to it that Natalia says goodbye to it.

      Nina asked.

      – When do you leave?

      – Tomorrow.

      Having tenderly looked at Nin on the sister asked that that spent the remained day and evening with her, having told at the same time.

      – I want that you did not remain alone today. You need support now. Natalia having looked at the sister gently smiled. She touched her hand, and told.

      – Well, I will spend the night at you today.

      Nina got up from a bench, and Natalia told.

      – I will come now. – Natalia asked a cigarette and to light. Nina, having given her a cigarette and to light told.

      – Well. – then she added. – I will put a teapot.

      Nina left, having left Natalia one, сидящею on benches, курящею a cigarette.

      Passed a quarter of hour. Natalia entered the apartment. She passed to the room, and having sat down in a chair, thought. She thought of how to it to perform a task. She knew that though she also told the administration, that Elvira worked for Americans, this assumption could be wrong. Elvira could work for any investigation of the world. Elvira, if this was her real name, and this name widespread not only in the West, but also in the east. In this case it could work also for Mossad. In Israel this a name

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