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about what?

      The law to humour Roman, she sat down on a sofa, and having begun to iron tenderly to it a breast, hinted as if a snake.

      – About that. – she let know that she means, and having taken off from herself a dress, laid down nearby having told. – If she does not agree to divorce you, divorce in what a problem? – then it entered it, having added, kind of urging on it on it. – Or what? Do you want to have all life the wife and the mistress with two children? But I do not want it. So it is necessary to you. – she made a long pause. Then with full determination added. – Either I, or she. The third it is given. – then she kind of with a smile added. – For the first time, perhaps?

      Listening to Larisa, Roman could not believe that she, this girl will offer it? Murder that crime, probably only violence and that can be worse and more awful than it, it is sometimes justified. Any man will resist the attractive woman if they want it. Understand this phrase as you want, but I consider: – If the female, did not parade the delights, then and violence so which was not. Another matter violence over the personality. This violence is several times worse, than all other crimes, and nothing will oppose to it.

      As for Larisa, she already killed. It Nadezhda, Roman's mother through her fault died. She made it. Having come to institute of Burdenko. It met in a corridor with leaving from Nadezhda Roman. The truth he did not learn it. But whether it is worth recognizing the murderer of your mother who bewitched you, gave birth to you to children, and now by right wants to marry you? Here to mother! To deal with the problems.

      Roman stood up. He was in perplexity. – What means not for the first time? – what means her words? She suggested it to get rid of Wicky, to kill her. Here put? Correctly mother told once it: – Women angrily, they that will want, will make. You will not manage to look back as you will get to their trap. – now he understood it. It got to their trap. Got because of the ambition. Whether allocate, he wanted the blood, the successor of a sort! Here also received in exchange. He, perhaps also achieved the, but what price? Nadezhda's death. Here price of its unfaithfulness. Whether all this was worth it what happened to it? It is unlikely. The murderer of his mother made love to him, and children of which she gave birth to him, whether to him? On this question can give the analysis of DNA, but Roman will not do it. Roman watchfully took an interest.

      – What means for the first time, perhaps?

      In his question not the understanding sounded. He did not understand what Larisa means? He demanded explanations.

      Larisa sat down on a sofa. She knew that she tells it the truth, he would not believe it. And if believed, then she precisely lost it. Nevertheless she meant foreign person for it. She spoke about his mother. But here question? Whether it killed her? Whether it killed Nadezhda? It hardly. She presented it only rest, and the real murderer who? Novel? Yes, it killed the mother. Without noticing anything, he put End. Having brought the mother to a heart attack. Here it was already written that the worst crime is a violence over the personality. Roman always argued with the mother, sometimes even did contrary to her all that should not be done. And here result. Nadezhda's nerves did not sustain, and she got a heart attack, and then a full paralysis. Larisa was partly guilty of it too, but Roman is most than others. Conduct for nothing say: – Children, this our death. – And they are right.

      Larisa grinned. She understood that if she tells that he is guilty of the death of the mother that it will convict it of it, he will terminate with it any relations. However, if he partly wanted what happened to his mother, then perhaps it will remain with her and to agree to Larisa's proposal. To kill Vera. Faith in, belief in the future of the family. Larisa told.

      – You killed the mother. – about treating in this crime Romana, Larisa knew that Roman will not understand what Larisa meant. It would never cause the mother to any pain, unless only concerning a marriage on Vera and the child's birth. Here they never agreed in opinions. But how it was possible to kill the mother? Roman did not understand it. Larisa explained. – It though was still that feature, but she would never betray you as you betrayed it.

      These words nonplused Romana.

      – You it about what?

      – Do you want to know?

      – Certainly!

      – Then listen. – Larisa told, details of her conversation with Nadezhda, before her death. She told. – When I to it came, it was better for Nadezhda, but her right side was paralyzed. Having seen me, she asked why I here? What I answered that I came to apologize for what happened then at it on the apartment. The hope answered. – You are not guilty that my blockhead chose you. He always did not get on with Vera. He considered that I married him to it specially. Well, it, it is possible and it is right. The novel never differed in mind. Continuation of its sort was necessary to it! And that our sort could die it and did not want listen. Here so. A marriage on Vera it was favorable to our family. The debt which I had before their family was forgiven. I thought this marriage will be happy. No, I was mistaken. – The hope coughed. – Marriage. – she grinned. – marriage to my work. It was predetermined. They did not get married, only married. – she made a pause. Then with a smile added. – My Braque to work. What probably is so fated. Both of us are guilty of the incident. I wanted the best for the son, and doomed him only to suffering and a grief. Death. Death on a threshold. Here it it is already close. I to its feeling. I feel approach of inevitable. Everything is finished, the emptiness is farther. – having told Roman about a conversation with Nadezhda, she looked at his face and did not see in it pity at all. At all compassion to the late mother. It was marble. Any sympathy for the dead. Yes, sonny? There is nothing to tell? However, all such bastards as Roman. It immediately steamed.

      – And I here at what? – he did not understand. – Poe-your to words, she admitted that it ruined to me all my life! And you accuse me of her death?

      Larisa got up from a sofa, took a dress and having put on it told.

      – It is a pity that you so understood nothing. – she told. With obvious disappointment. – She loved you, wanted that you were happy. – then it having kind of waved away told. – And you? – having made a pause she added. – It is sure, suggest you to kill I the wife now you would agree to it. – she approached it, and having glanced it in eyes, asked. – I am right?

      Roman told only one phrase.

      – I always loved one woman, Nina.

      Larisa was shocked by its recognition. She considered that he loved it and therefore he was with it, and now? What for the Devil? Larisa was offended by this recognition. She asked.

      – And how I? Me you what you do not love and did not love?

      The novel having risen from a sofa, and pulling trousers answered himself.

      – No. – he made a long pause, then admitted. – I will never forget it. She died, and this merit of my mother. I do not accuse her, perhaps she meant well for me would be her. But in Nin's results died, my daughter Vika, too on the deathbed. Who is guilty? Hope? Belief? On this question there is no definite answer. All of us are guilty of the event. I do not decline all responsibility for the event, but both of them are guilty more, than I. – it came true. – Of course, I could marry Nina, but she threw me, threw to save our child. Thank her for it. If I married it, we had an excellent family. – he made a long pause, heaved a deep sigh. – But the destiny disposed differently.

      Larisa understood its feelings. She understood them better than somebody. She lived all the childhood in orphanage, and knew that such loneliness. Roman was lonely. Though he was also married to Vera, he was lonely. Larisa approached it, and having embraced him told.

      – Ah! As I understand you. – then she looked in his eyes, and told. – I promise you that I will never leave you one.

      Roman quietly asked.

      – And how about Vera? She will never agree to divorce me.

      Larisa answered.

      – Let's think up something.

      They were by the window, looked at the street of their

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