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the entire market. Well, this time, she wouldn’t let Xsade be ignored because of some misguided moral stance of Dr Quinn’s. She would discover his secrets before they went to the marketplace. This time it would be she who gained both the notoriety and the superprofits of the next great drug to save the human race, leaving Quinn to fade into insignificance. If she didn’t achieve this and at the same time regain access to the enigma of Dr Blake’s blood, she could at least take comfort in the fact that she had personally destroyed their credibility in the eyes of the world.

      Everything was going according to plan until Josef let her down at the last minute. As if mere pinpricks of Alexa’s blood were ever going to be enough for the detailed analysis she had in mind. All he had to do was extract a large sample of her blood while she slept after having ingested the purple pill. So simple, so easy and no one had to get hurt. She had no doubt that results from tests on Alexandra’s blood would have been remarkable and she is furious that she didn’t just do the blood extraction herself which, in hindsight, would have been far more effective, if slightly messy.

      A smile that looks more like a snarl curls Madeleine’s lips as she allows her mind to wander indulgently further afield. If Alexa’s children’s blood is anything like hers, the possibilities are endless. Even if she cannot gain direct access to them, perhaps once the world sees the scandalous pictures of their mother Madeleine has up her sleeve, they might be taken into care. Then she could even offer to foster the children and have their bodies continually available to her for experimentation.

      Despondently, she admits to herself that this is merely a daydream and snaps back to the matter at hand.

      As she stands in front of Xsade’s version of Judas — and not in front of the one person in the world she wants under her control, Dr Alexandra Blake — rage twists in her belly. This man, a trusted employee for the past five years, managed to ensure Blake’s escape from their facility and personally delivered her into the hands of her lover, Dr Jeremy Quinn, in Dubrovnik. Had she not treated him fairly? Paid him handsomely for his work as Xsade’s lead physician and Head of Research and Development? She can’t understand what drove this madness in him as he stands defiantly before her, secured by her henchmen.

      Josef is valiantly maintaining his silence in the face of his boss’s venomous wrath. He knows only too well from previous experience that nothing he says will be tolerated until her fury subsides. Madeleine Jurilique is determined, powerful, manipulative, cunning, dangerous and, in general, should never be crossed — even more so when she is in this ferocious frame of mind. He has overheard muttered conversations in the staff canteens as colleagues likened her to the White Witch of Narnia or a barrel of aggravated, poisonous snakes and Josef can now understand why.

      As the European Managing Director of Xsade, Jurilique is one of the most powerful executives in the global pharmaceutical marketplace. She seems to have an uncanny ability to deliver the next ‘big drug’ to consumers, as well as huge profits to the Board of Directors and Xsade’s shareholders, so much so they have gradually allowed her to run the company more or less as she wishes. Jurilique’s unstoppable ambition has made her more callous and reckless with each passing year, enabling her to make increasingly dangerous decisions and take unprecedented risks on behalf of the company. But as long as the money keeps rolling in, it seems the executives are happy for her to have free rein.

      Josef himself has ignored his conscience and turned a blind eye, but her treatment of Alexandra Blake proved to be the final straw for him. At first he believed that Alexa, like so many others, was willing to sell her body for money or for the sake of research. It wasn’t until he found some of his boss’s files that he understood she had been specifically brought in for reasons other than what she had signed up to in her contract.

      Under such extreme circumstances, she handled herself with a dignity he didn’t often find in people and he could sense the goodness within her. Jurilique’s demand, her order that he drain over a litre of blood from Alexa while she slept, had violated his personal and ethical values beyond any degree of conscience; no amount of money could make up for what she was asking of him, or the risks she was willing to take in relation to Dr Blake’s life. He could take no more.

      As their standoff continues, Josef refuses to meet her eyes though he can feel the breath pass her porcelain-capped teeth before it hits the bloodied skin on his face. She slides her hardened, glossy nail under his chin, silently forcing him to meet her lethal gaze.

      ‘Be under no illusions, good doctor. You will be going nowhere until I have what I need, and you will be assisting in the process.’ She slides her nail along the line of the wound on his cheek as she watches him flinch before her. ‘So you can kiss goodbye to the thought of seeing your sweet little wife again any time soon, just as you can kiss your professional future goodbye when all of this is over.’

      An involuntary shudder ricochets down his spine at her words.

      She steps back and issues her command to her ever-faithful henchmen. ‘Lock him up. He is boring me and the sight of him is making me ill.’

      With a flick of her wrist she goes to dismiss them. She notices Josef is finally struggling against the firm grasp of her men.

      ‘To ensure he is secured I’ll organise for Dr Jade, our new head physician’ — she glares at Josef viciously with hate in her eyes — ‘to administer the same drugs that paralysed our dear friend and escapee, Alexandra, when we were moving her from the chateau to this facility.’

      Panic and dread settle into Josef’s bones. He understands that this woman is beyond simply ruthless as he had presumed — she is a sadist. Her extreme lack of conscience now fosters a dangerous love of violence. He realises that his hope that her fury would dissipate and he could reason with her was futile. For the first time since he was taken, he suddenly fears for his life. There will be no escaping if he is completely immobilised by those drugs.

      Madeleine finally sees in Josef’s eyes the fear that she has been longing to provoke. It inspires her further.

      Josef continues in his attempts to struggle free, his efforts creating a sheen on his face. ‘Madeleine, please, you can’t do this, please, my wife —’

      She raises her eyebrow at Louis who instantly bends Joseph’s wrist back onto his arm causing him to shriek with pain, effectively silencing his words.

      ‘Take him to the lab and I’ll page Dr Jade to meet you there. Under no circumstances let him out of your grasp, boys. You know what I pay you to do.’ She turns and a smile plays on her lips when she hears the distinct sounds of suffering in Josef’s screams as he is dragged out the doors backwards. She silently congratulates herself: at least she can always count on Louis and Frederic to obey her every command.


      I lean against the doorframe to gauge the intense conversation between the two powerful men in front of me. Jeremy Quinn — who is, and if I’m completely honest always has been, the love of my life — and Martin Smythe, an ex-US marine who now looks after security for the mysterious and elusive Leo, one of Jeremy’s closest friends and major benefactor.

      I can’t help but consider that the difference between males and females becomes even more pronounced in times of danger or unease, in that men require action and females need reflection and supportive discussion. Or perhaps that is just me.

      Their focussed debate has been going on since I received a horrifying blackmail letter — from the same woman who abducted me less than a month ago when I had arrived at Heathrow to meet up with Jeremy and the other members of the Global Research Forum.

      My stomach is still tumultuous from throwing up moments ago in the kitchen sink, which occurred seconds after I’d finished reading the letter’s contents. Emotions swirl in my nervous system, spinning between pain, anger, regret and surprisingly, a hint of ultimate acceptance. Acceptance that this is my fate until this nightmare is resolved, comes to an end. At least I hope it does. Surely that can happen in life, not just in stories? I have more than a sneaking suspicion that it won’t come to an end until we understand exactly how and why my blood is what it is: an enigma which seems to vary its state depending

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