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it’s fine.”

      He stood, and we both walked over to my table. Dammit. I had probably just made him feel super weird.

      “Nice to see you guys, have a good night. Drive safely. I was just telling Nattie—Natalie—that the roads are getting kind of slick.”

      “Yes, we’re going to head out pretty soon here. Nice seeing you again, Aiden, keep your eye out for other drivers.”

      He gave another tight-lipped smile and a nod before waving and walking out. I watched as he made his way to the car and got in. He took a second before starting the car, running a hand through his hair and staring at the wheel. After a second, he started it up and pulled out of the spot quickly and effortlessly.

      I watched him go, not sure at all how to feel. Something was different. Something was up with him. If we had hooked up, and I didn’t remember, I couldn’t really see him not telling me. If he was mad at me for hooking up with Eric, that would be weird, too. Maybe he thought it was my fault I had stayed in the bed with him. Maybe he was right. Maybe he felt weird about having to lie to Brooke about it.

      I thought for a second about simply telling her, but quickly decided that, no, that was a stupid idea. She really would kill us both.

      * * *

      BROOKE TEXTED ME not long after and told me she wanted to come pick me up to sleep over. My dad agreed to let me, but only if he drove me, because of the weather.

      “You’re not hungover at all?” I asked her, walking in and tossing my bag on the steps.

      “Oh, Nattie.” She laughed. “It would take a lot more to get me hungover.”

      “But you were pretty drunk,” I said.

      “Yeah, but I usually only get hungover if I don’t eat or something. Anyway, hi!” Brooke plopped herself on the couch in the living room. “Did you have more fun than you thought you would last night?”

      “I did, actually...yeah. You and Aiden okay after the whole Justin thing?”

      She waved a hand. “He told me to forget it and that we all make mistakes or whatever. It was surprisingly relaxed of him.”

      I didn’t know exactly what I was feeling. Relief, I suppose, that no one had said something like, Oh, yeah, Natalie and Aiden were being completely weird together.

      It was upsetting and strange, not being able to tell her something. Aiden was probably feeling the same way, since I doubted he had ever lied to her or withheld anything from her, either.

      “Well, that’s good, I’m glad he wasn’t too pissed at you.”

      “Definitely. But I am going to do what you were talking about, and be a better girlfriend. You’re so right. I need to stop trying to get attention from other guys. Aiden is everything I ever wanted. He’s smart, protective, hot as all get out and, I mean...he’s all about me. And you know what I love?”


      She smiled and bit her lip. “Sometimes when he’s pissed or drunk or tired or whatever? A tiny bit of that Texas accent comes out. And God, it’s hot. Because it’s not like a redneck accent. It’s like...like a Southern gentleman accent.”

      I bit my lip, remembering how, only an hour ago, I had heard that very accent.

      Brooke looked proud of herself. “I really need to stop acting like he’s not enough.”

      “Yeah. Probably a good idea.”

      “I’ve been freaking out, because no matter where I go next year, I won’t be near him. Or you. Unless I go to Towson.” She mimed a gun at her temple. “He’ll be at College Park being all successful and busy with his vet program, and I’ll be a million miles away. It’ll never work unless I stay here.”

      “Right...but I’ll only be here because I’m an idiot who hasn’t figured herself out yet. And my dad only gave me one semester to figure it out, and then he’s reportedly going to start applying to places for me.”

      Brooke groaned. “Maybe I’ll stay here, get knocked up and live off Aiden and his vet money, have beautiful children and spend my afternoons at, like, Bikram yoga or something.”

      I took the throw pillow from next to me and tossed it at her face. “You are a lost cause.”

      “I know it!” She squeezed the pillow and bent over it with a groan. “Okay, but point is! I’m not breaking up with Aiden, because even if we are doomed for a breakup, I’d like to enjoy the rest of the year with him. I love him, ya know?”

      “Are you in love with him?”

      She opened her mouth to speak, but evidently couldn’t bring herself to say that, yes, she was in love with Aiden. She started smiling, and I shook my head and said, “That’s what I’m saying.”

      “Ugh, Nattie...I mean, if we were older, yes, it would be selfish. But what, am I holding him back from meeting someone new or something? No, there’s, like, three months left in high school. I’m pretty sure he knows who he’s going to know until next fall.”

      I became suddenly conscious of my facial expression.

      “And what would the point be in being single now,” she went on, “right when you find a boy?”

      “I did not find a boy!”

      “Yes, you did, and he’s superhot, named Eric Hornby, and I’m so excited!” She spewed the words quickly and bounced up and down. “Which is why—” she stood up and went into her purse “—we’re going to have a spa night.”

      “Spa... What did I say? I said no movie-style makeover!”

      “It’s not a makeover! At all. It’s a spa night. We’re going to refresh ourselves. I’m not saying you need to do anything to look better, but every girl feels better with freshly buffed skin, shiny nails and perfect eyebrows.”

      We both knew that she was a magician when it came to all things appearance-related. She nodded at me, knowing I was going to let her do her magic.

      I sighed, resigned.

      “Yay! We’re going to beautify ourselves. I repeat...it’s a spa night, not a makeover.” She squealed and ran over to hug me. “This is going to be the best time ever. Ohmigod. We can double date. How fucking cute is that? Ooh, game night!”

      “You are getting way, way ahead of yourself,” I said as she went over to her speakers and put on the new Black Keys album.

      The music wasn’t on for a full verse before Brooke’s mom came into the kitchen looking irritable but perfectly put together, as she always did. It must be where Brooke got it.

      “Brooke, turn that down, honestly. I’m scrambling to get my things together, I really can’t listen to you blast music right now.”

      Brooke rolled her eyes at me, but said, “All right, sorry.”

      “Now, I’m gone until Wednesday, I need you to really get on this college thing. If you don’t make up your mind—”

      “Mom, I am, I told you. I went to the guidance office, but I have to go back at the end of the week when I have an appointment with my counselor.”

      She shook her head and pulled her Kindle and its charger from the wall by the desk. “It’s so incredibly last second. You should have been on top of this a lot sooner.”

      “I know that, you already yelled at me about this a hundred times, what’s the point in continuing to talk about it? I’m doing what I can now, so just stop.”

      Her mom raised her eyebrows in a signature move that had always intimidated me. “You want to adjust your attitude?”

      “I can’t do anything about it right now, regardless, so I don’t see why we have to go on and on about

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