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for now,” Mercutio corrected. “Next year at this time, she will become a vampire. And what will you do then? Watch as she eats live goats?”

      Benvolio nudged Mercutio with a devilish grin on his round face. “Perhaps you are being too hasty with your criticism. Her wildness could do Romeo a great deal of service … especially in bed.”

      Mercutio slapped his leg as he laughed. “Honestly, Benvolio, I would be wary of dropping my trousers in front of my wife if she had fangs.”

      “And an uncontrollable appetite for blood,” Benvolio said, chuckling.

      A flood of anger ripped through Romeo’s body. He made his hands into fists and brought them up to his face. “How about we settle this debate the old-fashioned way, Benvolio?”

      Another chuckle erupted from Benvolio’s belly. “You are barely sixteen and have not fought anyone in your life. I would crush you in seconds.”

      Romeo’s older cousin spoke the truth. In his family’s crusade against Vladimir’s vampire army, Romeo had no kills, or even serious injuries, to his credit. Though his cousin teased him mercilessly about this, his parents thought he was still too young for combat. A part of Romeo was relieved to have been spared the ugliness of the war. He believed in protecting the villagers from anyone who would do them harm, but as he gaped at all the weaponry that surrounded him, he feared that his family was becoming more and more like the murderers they had vowed to stop.

      Still, wasn’t the honour of Rosaline’s name worth taking a beating for? Besides, Romeo had learned excellent long-sword skills from his father, the master vampire slayer Lord Montague. Perhaps he could beat his cousin by using a few tricks he had been secretly perfecting. There was only one way to know.

      “Hear this, Benvolio!” Romeo shouted, jumping onto the worktable and snatching a long-sword that was hanging on the wall. He aimed the pointed tip at his cousin and said, “Prepare for me to butcher you, you fat ugly cow!”

      Benvolio and Mercutio looked at each other and burst into a riotous fit of laughter.

      “Come down from there, Romeo. You’re going to fall off that table, smack your head on the ground, and split it open,” Mercutio warned him.

      “Let the cow fight his own battles, Mercutio,” Romeo said.

      “Have it your way, Cousin.” Benvolio nodded his head at Mercutio, who quickly took a finely crafted long-sword out of a leather sheath and handed it to him. Benvolio went into a strong fighting stance and held the sword up with his right hand. “Let the thrashing of your life begin!”

      Romeo narrowed his eyes at Benvolio as his cousin leaped on to the table. He immediately lunged forward, barely allowing Romeo any time to react. Romeo blocked Benvolio’s strike with a mighty jab of his sword, and then swiftly shoved him with his left hand.Benvolio stumbled back a few steps, almost falling off the edge of the table. When he regained his balance, he grinned.

      “Nicely done,” he said, impressed. “I did not know you had that in you.”

      “Oh, I am full of surprises,” Romeo said.

      Benvolio charged again, his sword aiming high at Romeo’s head. Romeo ducked at the last moment and then swept his sword near Benvolio’s feet, hoping to trip him up. Benvolio was too fast, though, blocking Romeo’s sword with his own, all the while a smug look forming on his face.

      “Come on, Romeo! Get him!” Mercutio called out from the corner of the room.

      Benvolio swiped at Romeo two more times with his sword, which Romeo defended easily. “Why are you cheering for him and not me?”

      “I always bet on the underdog!” Mercutio said.

      Romeo saw that his opponent was distracted and whipped his sword at Benvolio’s left arm. The tip of the blade cut a hole in Benvolio’s shirt from his elbow to his shoulder.

      “Damn you! This is one of my favourites!” Benvolio growled.

      “I am not the least bit sorry,” Romeo said.

      “You will be in a moment,” Benvolio said, swinging his sword at Romeo rapidly.

      Romeo dodged three of Benvolio’s swipes in a row. But then, Benvolio’s shiny metal blade sliced down towards his legs, and Romeo spun out of the way just in time. He wasn’t so lucky when Benvolio charged at him again—Romeo was forced off the worktable and hit the floor, face-first.

      Romeo groaned in pain at the blunt impact, then slowly rolled over on to his back and touched his nose with the palm of his left hand. He craned his head up to see if there was blood on it, and sighed when he saw his guess was correct.

      Out of breath and sweating profusely, Benvolio yanked the sword out of Romeo’s grip, his playful mood suddenly turned serious. “It is your turn to hear me now. You are deluded, Romeo. Vampires do not have the capability to love. They are heartless and their only intentions are to kill.”

      “You are wrong,” Romeo spat out as he sat up and wiped his bloodied nose with the sleeve of his shirt.

      Mercutio helped Romeo up off the floor. “I am afraid he is right, and your father would wholeheartedly agree—not to mention skin you alive if he knew you were consorting with the enemy.”

      “So instead I should follow your example and consort with women who smell like a barnyard and taste like cheap whisky?” Romeo said as he dusted himself off.

      “Enough of this blathering. We have a good fifty or

      more weapons to tend to,” Mercutio said, and pointed to double bows that needed to be restrung.

      “So do you plan on visiting a harlot’s bed this evening, Mercutio? Is that why you are in a hurry?” Benvolio asked with a laugh.

      Mercutio got out some wooden stakes and stacked them on the floor, readying them for inspection. “I wish. I had plans with Maribel, a servant maid from Capulet Castle, but she cancelled because she has to work at that ridiculous ball for the prince. She’d promised me a foot massage, so I’m quite disappointed.”

      “She is better off serving food to those bloodsuckers than touching your calluses,” Benvolio said.

      “It depends on who this servant maid is,” Romeo said, relieved that the tension in the air had lifted. “How ugly is she?”

      Mercutio sneered at Romeo. “Maribel is not ugly, you imbecile. In fact, she’s quite attractive. Even more so than her mistress, Rosaline.”

      Romeo’s mouth hung open. “You are courting Rosaline’s maid servant? Since when?!”

      “Only a few days. But we haven’t mentioned you and Rosaline at all, if that is what you are worried about,” Mercutio said.

      Romeo was thrilled by his friend’s revelation. It was entirely possible this Maribel was a trusted confidante of Rosaline’s. If he could somehow charm and impress the woman, perhaps she would speak kindly of him to Rosaline and convince her mistress to give him a chance. If he didn’t act on this news now, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

      “Tonight I will win Rosaline’s favour,” Romeo said with a renewed spirit. “And both of you are going to help me.”

      Mercutio narrowed his eyes at Romeo. “How do you propose we do that?”

      “You will convince your pretty maid servant to sneak us into the ball so that I can see Rosaline,” he answered.

      “A few moments ago my lady friend was ugly, and now all of a sudden she is pretty,” Mercutio said.

      “Like I said, I’m full of surprises,” Romeo said with a smile.

      Benvolio did nothing to mask his frustration. “This is ridiculous, Romeo. And dangerous to the point of suicide!” he said. “We’ve never gone to the castle at night. The vampires will outnumber us by the hundreds.”

      But Romeo would not

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